
package api

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. class BuildScriptException extends MillException
  2. abstract class CachedFactory[K, V] extends AutoCloseable

    Manage the setup, teardown, and caching of objects of type V safely in a multithreaded environment.

    Manage the setup, teardown, and caching of objects of type V safely in a multithreaded environment.

    The user provides the setup and teardown logic along with a maxCacheSize, and CachedFactory provides instances of V as requested using the withValue method. These instances are automatically constructed on-demand from the give key, cached with an LRU strategy, and destroyed when they are eventually evicted

    Intended for relatively small caches approximately O(num-threads) in size that will typically get used in a build system, not intended for caching large amounts of entries

  3. trait CompileProblemReporter extends AnyRef

    A listener trait for getting notified about compilation output like compiler warnings and errors

  4. class Ctx extends Dest with Log with api.Ctx.Args with Home with Env with Workspace

    Represents the data and utilities that are contextually available inside the implementation of a Task.

  5. trait DiagnosticCode extends AnyRef

    Unique diagnostic code given from the compiler with an optional further explanation.

  6. final class JarManifest extends AnyRef

    Represents a JAR manifest.

  7. trait JarOps extends AnyRef
  8. trait JsonFormatters extends AnyRef

    Defines various default JSON formatters used in mill.

  9. class Lazy[T] extends AnyRef
  10. trait Logger extends AutoCloseable

    The standard logging interface of the Mill build tool.

    The standard logging interface of the Mill build tool.

    Contains these primary logging methods, in order of increasing importance:

    - debug : internal debug messages normally not shown to the user; mostly useful when debugging issues

    - ticker: short-lived logging output where consecutive lines over-write each other; useful for information which is transient and disposable

    - info: miscellaneous logging output which isn't part of the main output a user is looking for, but useful to provide context on what Mill is doing

    - error: logging output which represents problems the user should care about

    Also contains the two forwarded stdout and stderr streams, for code executed by Mill to use directly. Typically, these correspond to the stdout and stderr, but when show is used both are forwarded to stderr and stdout is only used to display the final show output for easy piping.

  11. class MillException extends Exception

    This exception is specifically handled in mill.runner.MillMain and mill.runner.MillServerMain.

    This exception is specifically handled in mill.runner.MillMain and mill.runner.MillServerMain. You can use it, if you need to exit Mill with a nice error message.

  12. case class PathRef extends Product with Serializable

    A wrapper around os.Path that calculates it's hashcode based on the contents of the filesystem underneath it.

    A wrapper around os.Path that calculates it's hashcode based on the contents of the filesystem underneath it. Used to ensure filesystem changes can bust caches which are keyed off hashcodes.

  13. trait Problem extends AnyRef

    Contains general information about the build problem

  14. trait ProblemPosition extends AnyRef

    Indicates the exact location (source file, line, column) of the build problem

  15. sealed trait Result[+T] extends AnyRef

    The result of a task execution.

    The result of a task execution.


    The result type of the computed task.

  16. case class Retry(count: Int = 5, backoffMillis: Long = 10, backoffMultiplier: Double = 2.0, timeoutMillis: Long = -1, filter: (Int, Throwable) => Boolean = (_, _) => true) extends Product with Serializable
  17. sealed trait Severity extends AnyRef
  18. trait StreamSupport extends AnyRef
  19. class SystemStreams extends AnyRef

    Represents a set of streams that look similar to those provided by the operating system.

    Represents a set of streams that look similar to those provided by the operating system. These may internally be proxied/redirected/processed, but from the consumer's perspective they look just like the stdout/stderr/stdin that any Unix process receives from the OS.

  20. trait TestReporter extends AnyRef

    Test reporter class that can be injected into the test task and report information upon the start and the finish of testing events

  21. case class Val(value: Any) extends Product with Serializable

    A somewhat-type-safe wrapper around Any.

    A somewhat-type-safe wrapper around Any. Stores an un-typed value, but can only be created explicitly by wrapping in Val(_) and de-constructed explicitly via .value. That makes it much less likely to introduce bugs passing the wrong thing, e.g. (Any, Int) can be passed to Any, but (Val, Int) cannot be passed to Val

  22. class experimental extends Annotation with StaticAnnotation

    Annotation to mark experimental API, which is not guaranteed to stay.

  23. class internal extends Annotation with StaticAnnotation

    Annotation to mark internal API, which is not guaranteed to stay.

Deprecated Type Members

  1. class FixSizedCache[T] extends KeyedLockedCache[T]

    Simple fixed size cache mainly intended for use in ZincWorkerImpl with the following properties - Elements are lazily initialized upon first access - Cached element ordering is preserved.

    Simple fixed size cache mainly intended for use in ZincWorkerImpl with the following properties - Elements are lazily initialized upon first access - Cached element ordering is preserved. The earliest available cache entry which is probably a compiler instance will always be returned first, and it will always be put back in the cache in the same position. This is important because each compiler instance is JITed independently. So with a stable ordering so we can bias towards reusing an already warm compiler.


    (Since version Mill since 0.12.3) Use mill.api.CachedFactory instead

  2. trait KeyedLockedCache[T] extends AnyRef

    A combination lock & cache; users provide a key, value-factory, and a body function to be called with the value.

    A combination lock & cache; users provide a key, value-factory, and a body function to be called with the value. KeyedLockedCache ensures that the body function is called with the computed/cached value sequentially.


    (Since version Mill since 0.12.3) Use mill.api.CachedFactory instead

Value Members

  1. object BuildInfo
  2. object ClassLoader

    Utilities for creating classloaders for running compiled Java/Scala code in isolated classpaths.

  3. object Ctx

    Provides access to various resources in the context of a current execution Target.

  4. object DummyInputStream extends ByteArrayInputStream

    A dummy input stream containing an empty byte array.

  5. object DummyOutputStream extends OutputStream

    A dummy output stream that does nothing with what it consumes (think of it as /dev/null).

  6. object DummyTestReporter extends TestReporter

    Dummy Test Reporter that doesn't report anything for any testing event.

  7. case object Error extends Severity with Product with Serializable
  8. object IO extends StreamSupport

    Misc IO utilities, eventually probably should be pushed upstream into ammonite-ops

  9. case object Info extends Severity with Product with Serializable
  10. object JarManifest
  11. object JarOps extends JarOps
  12. object JsonFormatters extends JsonFormatters
  13. object Loose extends AggWrapper
  14. object PathRef extends Serializable
  15. object Result
  16. object Strict extends AggWrapper
  17. object SystemStreams
  18. case object Warn extends Severity with Product with Serializable
  19. object WorkspaceRoot

Deprecated Value Members

  1. object KeyedLockedCache

    (Since version Mill since 0.12.3) Use mill.api.CachedFactory instead
