Scala Module Configuration

This page goes into more detail about the various configuration options for ScalaModule.

Many of the APIs covered here are listed in the Scaladoc:

Common Configuration Overrides

This example shows some of the common tasks you may want to override on a {language}Module: specifying the mainClass, adding additional sources/resources, generating resources, and setting compilation/run options.

build.mill (download, browse)
package build
import mill._, scalalib._

object `package` extends RootModule with ScalaModule {
  def scalaVersion = "2.13.8"

  // You can have arbitrary numbers of third-party dependencies
  def ivyDeps = Agg(

  // Choose a main class to use for `.run` if there are multiple present
  def mainClass: T[Option[String]] = Some("foo.Foo2")

  // Add (or replace) source folders for the module to use
  def sources = Task.Sources{
    super.sources() ++ Seq(PathRef(millSourcePath / "custom-src"))

  // Add (or replace) resource folders for the module to use
  def resources = Task.Sources{
    super.resources() ++ Seq(PathRef(millSourcePath / "custom-resources"))

  // Generate sources at build time
  def generatedSources: T[Seq[PathRef]] = Task {
    for(name <- Seq("A", "B", "C")) os.write(
      Task.dest / s"Foo$name.scala",
package foo
object Foo$name {
  val value = "hello $name"


  // Pass additional JVM flags when `.run` is called or in the executable
  // generated by `.assembly`
  def forkArgs: T[Seq[String]] = Seq("")

  // Pass additional environmental variables when `.run` is called. Note that
  // this does not apply to running externally via `.assembly
  def forkEnv: T[Map[String, String]] = Map("MY_CUSTOM_ENV" -> "my-env-value")

  // Additional Scala compiler options, e.g. to turn warnings into errors
  def scalacOptions: T[Seq[String]] = Seq("-deprecation", "-Xfatal-warnings")

If you want to better understand how the various upstream tasks feed into a task of interest, such as run, you can visualize their relationships via

> mill visualizePlan run

(right-click open in new tab to see full sized)

Note the use of millSourcePath, Task.dest, and PathRef when preforming various filesystem operations:

  1. millSourcePath refers to the base path of the module. For the root module, this is the root of the repo, and for inner modules it would be the module path e.g. for module the millSourcePath would be foo/bar/qux. This can also be overriden if necessary

  2. Task.dest refers to the destination folder for a task in the out/ folder. This is unique to each task, and can act as both a scratch space for temporary computations as well as a place to put "output" files, without worrying about filesystem conflicts with other tasks

  3. PathRef is a way to return the contents of a file or folder, rather than just its path as a string. This ensures that downstream tasks properly invalidate when the contents changes even when the path stays the same

> mill run
Foo2.value: <h1>hello2</h1>
Foo.value: <h1>hello</h1>
FooA.value: hello A
FooB.value: hello B
FooC.value: hello C
MyResource: My Resource Contents
MyOtherResource: My Other Resource Contents my-prop-value
MY_CUSTOM_ENV: my-env-value

> mill show assembly

> ./out/assembly.dest/out.jar # mac/linux
Foo2.value: <h1>hello2</h1>
Foo.value: <h1>hello</h1>
FooA.value: hello A
FooB.value: hello B
FooC.value: hello C
MyResource: My Resource Contents
MyOtherResource: My Other Resource Contents my-prop-value
> sed -i.bak 's/Foo2 {/Foo2 { println(this + "hello")/g' custom-src/Foo2.scala

> mill compile # demonstrate -deprecation/-Xfatal-warnings flags
error: object Foo2 { println(this + "hello")
error:                       ^
error: ...Implicit injection of + is deprecated. Convert to String to call +...

Custom Tasks

This example shows how to define task that depend on other tasks:

  1. For generatedSources, we override an the task and make it depend directly on ivyDeps to generate its source files. In this example, to include the list of dependencies as tuples within a static object

  2. For lineCount, we define a brand new task that depends on sources, and then override forkArgs to use it. That lets us access the line count at runtime using sys.props and print it when the program runs

build.mill (download, browse)
package build
import mill._, scalalib._

object `package` extends RootModule with ScalaModule {
  def scalaVersion = "2.13.8"
  def ivyDeps = Agg(ivy"com.lihaoyi::mainargs:0.4.0")

  def generatedSources: T[Seq[PathRef]] = Task {
    val prettyIvyDeps = for(ivyDep <- ivyDeps()) yield {
      val org = ivyDep.dep.module.organization.value
      val name =
      val version = ivyDep.dep.version
      s"""("$org", "$name", "$version")"""
      Task.dest / s"MyDeps.scala",
package foo
object MyDeps {
  val value = List(


  def lineCount: T[Int] = Task {
      .flatMap(pathRef => os.walk(pathRef.path))
      .filter(_.ext == "scala")

  def forkArgs: T[Seq[String]] = Seq(s"-Dmy.line.count=${lineCount()}")

  def printLineCount() = Task.Command { println(lineCount()) }

The above build defines the customizations to the Mill task graph shown below, with the boxes representing tasks defined or overriden above and the un-boxed labels representing existing Mill tasks:


Mill lets you define new cached Tasks using the Task {…​} syntax, depending on existing Tasks e.g. foo.sources via the foo.sources() syntax to extract their current value, as shown in lineCount above. The return-type of a Task has to be JSON-serializable (using uPickle, one of Mill’s [Bundled Libraries]) and the Task is cached when first run until its inputs change (in this case, if someone edits the foo.sources files which live in foo/src. Cached Tasks cannot take parameters.

Note that depending on a task requires use of parentheses after the task name, e.g. ivyDeps(), sources() and lineCount(). This converts the task of type T[V] into a value of type V you can make use in your task implementation.

This example can be run as follows:

> mill run --text hello
text: hello
MyDeps.value: List((com.lihaoyi,mainargs,0.4.0))
my.line.count: 14

> mill show lineCount

> mill printLineCount

Custom tasks can contain arbitrary code. Whether you want to download files using requests.get, shell-out to Webpack to compile some Javascript, generate sources to feed into a compiler, or create some custom jar/zip assembly with the files you want , all of these can simply be custom tasks with your code running in the Task {…​} block.

You can create arbitrarily long chains of dependent tasks, and Mill will handle the re-evaluation and caching of the tasks' output for you. Mill also provides you a Task.dest folder for you to use as scratch space or to store files you want to return: all files a task creates should live within Task.dest, and any files you want to modify should be copied into Task.dest before being modified. That ensures that the files belonging to a particular task all live in one place, avoiding file-name conflicts and letting Mill automatically invalidate the files when the task’s inputs change.

Overriding Tasks

build.mill (download, browse)
package build
import mill._, scalalib._

object foo extends ScalaModule {
  def scalaVersion = "2.13.8"

  def sources = Task {
      Task.dest / "Foo.scala",
      """package foo
object Foo {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    println("Hello World")

  def compile = Task {

  def run(args: Task[Args] = Task.Anon(Args())) = Task.Command {
    println("Running..." + args().value.mkString(" "))

You can re-define tasks to override them, and use super if you want to refer to the originally defined task. The above example shows how to override compile and run to add additional logging messages, and we override sources which was Task.Sources for the src/ folder with a plain T{…​} task that generates the necessary source files on-the-fly.

Note that this example replaces your src/ folder with the generated sources. If you want to add generated sources, you can either override generatedSources, or you can override sources and use super to include the original source folder:

object foo2 extends ScalaModule {
  def scalaVersion = "2.13.8"

  def generatedSources = Task {
    os.write(Task.dest / "Foo.scala", """...""")

object foo3 extends ScalaModule {
  def scalaVersion = "2.13.8"

  def sources = Task {
    os.write(Task.dest / "Foo.scala", """...""")
    super.sources() ++ Seq(PathRef(Task.dest))

In Mill builds the override keyword is optional.

> mill
Hello World

Compilation & Execution Flags

build.mill (download, browse)
package build
import mill._, scalalib._

object `package` extends RootModule with ScalaModule{
  def scalaVersion = "2.13.8"
  def scalacOptions = Seq("-Ydelambdafy:inline")
  def forkArgs = Seq("-Xmx4g", "")
  def forkEnv = Map("MY_ENV_VAR" -> "WORLD")

You can pass flags to the Scala compiler via scalacOptions.

> ./mill run
hello WORLD

By default, run runs the compiled code in a subprocess, and you can pass in JVM flags via forkArgs or environment-variables via forkEnv.

You can also run your code via

mill foo.runLocal

Which runs it in-process within an isolated classloader. This may be faster since you avoid the JVM startup, but does not support forkArgs or forkEnv.

If you want to pass main-method arguments to run or runLocal, simply pass them after the

mill arg1 arg2 arg3
mill foo.runLocal arg1 arg2 arg3

Classpath and Filesystem Resources

build.mill (download, browse)
package build
import mill._, scalalib._

object foo extends ScalaModule {
  def scalaVersion = "2.13.8"
  def ivyDeps = Agg(

  object test extends ScalaTests {
    def ivyDeps = Agg(ivy"com.lihaoyi::utest:0.8.4")
    def testFramework = "utest.runner.Framework"

    def otherFiles = Task.Source(millSourcePath / "other-files")

    def forkEnv = super.forkEnv() ++ Map(
      "OTHER_FILES_DIR" -> otherFiles().path.toString
> ./mill foo.test
... foo.FooTests...simple ...

This section discusses how tests can depend on resources locally on disk. Mill provides two ways to do this: via the JVM classpath resources, and via the resource folder which is made available as the environment variable MILL_TEST_RESOURCE_DIR;

  • The classpath resources are useful when you want to fetch individual files, and are bundled with the application by the .assembly step when constructing an assembly jar for deployment. But they do not allow you to list folders or perform other filesystem operations.

  • The resource folder, available via MILL_TEST_RESOURCE_DIR, gives you access to the folder path of the resources on disk. This is useful in allowing you to list and otherwise manipulate the filesystem, which you cannot do with classpath resources. However, the MILL_TEST_RESOURCE_DIR only exists when running tests using Mill, and is not available when executing applications packaged for deployment via .assembly

  • Apart from resources/, you can provide additional folders to your test suite by defining a Task.Source (otherFiles above) and passing it to forkEnv. This provide the folder path as an environment variable that the test can make use of

Example application code demonstrating the techniques above can be seen below:

foo/test/resources/test-file-a.txt (browse)
Test Hello World Resource File A
foo/test/resources/test-file-b.txt (browse)
Test Hello World Resource File B
foo/test/other-files/other-file.txt (browse)
Other Hello World File
foo/src/Foo.scala (browse)
package foo

object Foo {
  // Read `file.txt` from classpath
  def classpathResourceText = / "file.txt")
foo/test/src/FooTests.scala (browse)
package foo
import utest._
object FooTests extends TestSuite {
  def tests = Tests {
    test("simple") {
      // Reference app module's `Foo` class which reads `file.txt` from classpath
      val appClasspathResourceText = Foo.classpathResourceText
      assert(appClasspathResourceText == "Hello World Resource File")

      // Read `test-file-a.txt` from classpath
      val testClasspathResourceText = / "test-file-a.txt")
      assert(testClasspathResourceText == "Test Hello World Resource File A")

      // Use `MILL_TEST_RESOURCE_DIR` to read `test-file-b.txt` from filesystem
      val testFileResourceDir = os.Path(sys.env("MILL_TEST_RESOURCE_DIR"))
      val testFileResourceText = / "test-file-b.txt")
      assert(testFileResourceText == "Test Hello World Resource File B")

      // Use `MILL_TEST_RESOURCE_DIR` to list files available in resource folder
        os.list(testFileResourceDir).sorted ==
        Seq(testFileResourceDir / "test-file-a.txt", testFileResourceDir / "test-file-b.txt")

      // Use the `OTHER_FILES_DIR` configured in your build to access the
      // files in `foo/test/other-files/`.
      val otherFileText ="OTHER_FILES_DIR")) / "other-file.txt")
      assert(otherFileText == "Other Hello World File")

Note that tests require that you pass in any files that they depend on explicitly. This is necessary so that Mill knows when a test needs to be re-run and when a previous result can be cached. This also ensures that tests reading and writing to the current working directory do not accidentally interfere with each others files, especially when running in parallel.

The test process runs in a sandbox/ folder, not in your project root folder, to prevent you from accidentally accessing files without explicitly passing them. If you have legacy tests that need to run in the project root folder to work, you can configure your test suite with def testSandboxWorkingDir = false to disable the sandbox and make the tests run in the project root.

Scala Compiler Plugins

build.mill (download, browse)
package build
import mill._, scalalib._

object `package` extends RootModule with ScalaModule {
  def scalaVersion = "2.13.8"

  def compileIvyDeps = Agg(ivy"com.lihaoyi:::acyclic:0.3.6")
  def scalacOptions = Seq("-P:acyclic:force")
  def scalacPluginIvyDeps = Agg(ivy"com.lihaoyi:::acyclic:0.3.6")

You can use Scala compiler plugins by setting scalacPluginIvyDeps. The above example also adds the plugin to compileIvyDeps, since that plugin’s artifact is needed on the compilation classpath (though not at runtime).

Remember that compiler plugins are published against the full Scala version (eg. 2.13.8 instead of just 2.13), so when including them make sure to use the ::: syntax shown above in the example.
> ./mill compile
error: Unwanted cyclic dependency
error: ...src/Foo.scala...
error:   def y = Bar.z
error: ...src/Bar.scala...
error:   def x = Foo.y

Scaladoc Config

To generate API documenation you can use the docJar task on the module you’d like to create the documentation for, configured via scalaDocOptions or javadocOptions:

build.mill (download, browse)
package build
import mill._, scalalib._

object foo extends ScalaModule {
  def scalaVersion = "3.1.3"

  def scalaDocOptions = Seq("-siteroot", "mydocs", "-no-link-warnings")
> ./mill show foo.docJar

> unzip -p out/foo/docJar.dest/out.jar foo/Foo.html
...My Awesome Docs for class Foo...

When using Scala 3 you’re also able to use Scaladoc to generate a full static site next to your API documention. This can include general documenation for your project and even a blog. While you can find the full documenation for this in the Scala 3 docs, below you’ll find some useful information to help you generate this with Mill.

By default, Mill will consider the site root as it’s called in Scala 3 docs, to be the value of docResources(). It will look there for your _docs/ and your _blog/ directory if any exist. Given a project called bar:

object bar extends ScalaModule {
  def scalaVersion = "3.1.3"

Your project structure for this would look something like this:

├── build.mill
├── bar
│  ├── docs
│  │  ├── _blog
│  │  │  ├── _posts
│  │  │  │  └──
│  │  │  └──
│  │  └── _docs
│  │     ├──
│  │     ├── index.html
│  │     └──
│  └── src
│     └── example
│        └── Hello.scala

After generating your docs with mill example.docJar you’ll find by opening your out/app/docJar.dest/javadoc/index.html locally in your browser you’ll have a full static site including your API docs, your blog, and your documentation.

> ./mill show bar.docJar

> unzip -p out/bar/docJar.dest/out.jar bar/Bar.html
...<p>My Awesome Docs for class Bar</p>...

Specifying the Main Class

build.mill (download, browse)
package build
import mill._, scalalib._

object `package` extends RootModule with ScalaModule {
  def scalaVersion = "2.13.8"
  def mainClass = Some("foo.Qux")

Mill’s by default will discover which main class to run from your compilation output, but if there is more than one or the main class comes from some library you can explicitly specify which one to use. This also adds the main class to your foo.jar and foo.assembly jars.

> ./mill run
Hello Qux

Customizing the Assembly

build.mill (download, browse)
package build
import mill._, scalalib._
import mill.scalalib.Assembly._

object foo extends ScalaModule {
  def moduleDeps = Seq(bar)
  def scalaVersion = "2.13.8"
  def ivyDeps = Agg(ivy"com.lihaoyi::os-lib:0.10.7")
  def assemblyRules = Seq(
    // all application.conf files will be concatenated into single file
    // all *.conf files will be concatenated into single file
    // all *.temp files will be excluded from a final jar
    // the `shapeless` package will be shaded under the `shade` package
    Rule.Relocate("shapeless.**", "shade.shapless.@1")

object bar extends ScalaModule {
  def scalaVersion = "2.13.8"

When you make a runnable jar of your project with assembly command, you may want to exclude some files from a final jar (like signature files, and manifest files from library jars), and merge duplicated files (for instance reference.conf files from library dependencies).

By default mill excludes all *.sf, *.dsa, *.rsa, and META-INF/MANIFEST.MF files from assembly, and concatenates all reference.conf files. You can also define your own merge/exclude rules.

> ./mill foo.assembly

> unzip -p ./out/foo/assembly.dest/out.jar application.conf || true
Bar Application Conf
Foo Application Conf

> java -jar ./out/foo/assembly.dest/out.jar
Loaded application.conf from resources:...
...Foo Application Conf
...Bar Application Conf


build.mill (download, browse)
package build
import mill._, scalalib._

object foo extends ScalaModule with UnidocModule{
  def scalaVersion = "2.13.8"
  def moduleDeps = Seq(bar, qux)

  object bar extends ScalaModule{
    def scalaVersion = "2.13.8"

  object qux extends ScalaModule {
    def scalaVersion = "2.13.8"
    def moduleDeps = Seq(bar)

  def unidocVersion = Some("0.1.0")
  def unidocSourceUrl = Some("")

This example demonstrates use of mill.scalalib.UnidocModule. This can be mixed in to any ScalaModule, and generates a combined Scaladoc for the module and all its transitive dependencies. Two tasks are provided:

  • .unidocLocal: this generates a site suitable for local browsing. If unidocSourceUrl is provided, the scaladoc provides links back to the local sources

  • .unidocSite: this generates a site suitable for local browsing. If unidocSourceUrl is provided, the scaladoc provides links back to the sources as browsable from the unidocSourceUrl base (e.g. on Github)

> ./mill show foo.unidocLocal

> cat out/foo/unidocLocal.dest/foo/Foo.html
...My Eloquent Scaladoc for Foo...

> cat out/foo/unidocLocal.dest/foo/qux/Qux.html
...My Excellent Scaladoc for Qux...

> cat out/foo/unidocLocal.dest/foo/bar/Bar.html
...My Lucid Scaladoc for Bar...

> ./mill show foo.unidocSite

Using the Ammonite Repl / Scala console

All ScalaModules have a console and a repl task, to start a Scala console or an Ammonite Repl.

When using the console, you can configure its scalac options using the consoleScalacOptions task.

For example, you may want to inherit all of your regular scalacOptions but disable -Xfatal-warnings:

Example: Using consoleScalacOptions to disable fatal warnings
import mill._, scalalib._

object foo extends ScalaModule {
  def consoleScalacOptions = scalacOptions().filterNot(o => o == "-Xfatal-warnings")

To use the repl, you can (and sometimes need to) customize the Ammonite version to work with your selected Scala version. Mill provides a default Ammonite version, but depending on the Scala version you are using, there may be no matching Ammonite release available. In order to start the repl, you may have to specify a different available Ammonite version.

Example: Overriding ammoniteVersion to select a release compatible to the scalaVersion
import mill._. scalalib._

object foo extends ScalaModule {
  def scalaVersion = "2.12.6"
  def ammoniteVersion = "2.4.0"

Why is Ammonite tied to the exact Scala version?

This is because Ammonite depends on the Scala compiler. In contrast to the Scala library, compiler releases do not guarantee any binary compatibility between releases. As a consequence, Ammonite needs full Scala version specific releases.

The older your used Mill version or the newer the Scala version you want to use, the higher is the risk that the default Ammonite version will not match.

Disabling incremental compilation with Zinc

By default all ScalaModules use incremental compilation via Zinc to only recompile sources that have changed since the last compile, or ones that have been invalidated by changes to upstream sources.

If for any reason you want to disable incremental compilation for a module, you can override and set zincIncrementalCompilation to false

import mill._, scalalib._

object foo extends ScalaModule {
  def zincIncrementalCompilation = false