Invalidating build caches using JVM bytecode callgraph analysis
Li Haoyi, 10 March 2025
Build tools often cache your task outputs and invalidate them when the input files change, and build tools often let you implement tasks using blocks of arbitrary code in some general-purpose language. But the combination of these raises a question: if your tasks can contain arbitrary code, how can you detect when that code has changed, and appropriately invalidate the task’s caches? In most programming languages, "blocks of arbitrary code" are opaque - and the only thing you can do is run them - so this problem is unsolvable.
This blog post explores how Mill extends its JVM runtime by analyzing the callgraph of your build logic at a bytecode level. This lets Mill analyze a task’s code-block to detect changes in its implementation or that of transitively-called methods, letting us automatically invalidate task caches when the code is modified. We’ll discuss the implementation and limitations of this bytecode analysis, and show empirically how this is able to provide a significant improvement over more naive approaches to the problem.
Source File and Code Change Invalidation
To illustrate this problem, consider the following build.mill
def fooSource = Task.Source("foo.txt")
def fooTask = Task{
println("evaluating fooTask")
def barSource = Task.Source("bar.txt")
def barHelper(s: String) = s.toUpperCase
def barTask = Task{
println("evaluating barTask")
This generates a build graph that looks like the following:
If you run this for the first time, you can see the println
s indicating both
tasks were evaluated:
> ./mill show '{fooTask,barTask}'
evaluating fooTask
evaluating barTask
"fooTask": "FOO.TXT CONTENTS",
If you then run it again after changing foo.txt
, you will see that only fooTask
and barTask
does not:
> echo " changed" >> foo.txt
> ./mill '{fooTask,barTask}'
evaluating fooTask
This is what you would expect, since foo.txt
is watched by fooSources
, which is then
in turn used by fooTask
. So we would expect changes to foo.txt
to invalidate fooTask
cache and force fooTask
to re-evaluate:
Similarly, if we change bar.txt
, we would expect to see barTask
re-evaluate while fooTask
is cached.
So far so good. But what if instead of changing the foo.txt
or bar.txt
source files,
we instead change the build.mill
configuration itself? For example, we may change the .toUpperCase
to toLowerCase
def fooTask = Task{
println("evaluating fooTask")
If you make this change, you would want fooTask
to re-evaluate since its implementation
changed, but barTask
to not re-evaluate since because nothing we changed affected it:
> ./mill show '{fooTask,barTask}'
evaluating fooTask
"fooTask": "foo.txt contents",
What if instead of changing fooTask
directly, I change barHelper
which barTask
-def barHelper(s: String) = s.toUpperCase
+def barHelper(s: String) = s.toLowerCase
This isn’t directly changing either of fooTask
or barTask
, but instead
changes the barHelper
helper method that is called by barTask
. Again, we would
want barTask
to re-evaluate to make use of the new helper method, while fooTask
can be cached:
> ./mill show '{fooTask,barTask}'
evaluating barTask
"fooTask": "FOO.TXT CONTENTS",
"barTask": "bar.txt contents"
That looks straightforward enough, so what’s the issue?
Why Code Change Invalidation is Hard
Mill build.mill
files run on the JVM; the source code is written in Scala, but it
compiles to the same JVM bytecode that Java or Kotlin or any other JVM languages do.
When you look at the definition of a task such as:
def fooTask = Task{
println("evaluating fooTask")
takes a "by-name" block argument of type ⇒ T
def Task[T](block: => T): Task[T] = ???
Essentially, this means when you call Task{ … }
, the …
is wrapped in a zero-argument
function () ⇒ …
of type Function0[T]
that you can call via .apply()
returning a T
def fooTask = Task{ () =>
println("evaluating fooTask")
"By-name" parameters are just a convenient way to define blocks of runnable code without
needing to tediously repeat the () ⇒
in front of every one, but for all intents and
purposes the effect is the same: you get a Function0[T]
that you can call via .apply
to get the value out of it. This Function0
is what lets Mill decide whether or not it
needs to run the code in the block:
If the inputs to the task are unchanged, Mill can simply re-use the previous value and avoid running the
If the inputs to the task were modified then Mill can call
on theFunction0
to compute the latest value, and cache it.
The problem is, the only thing that a Function0
lets you do is call .apply()
In particular, Function0
does not let you inspect
the function to look at its source code or implementation: like function values in any
language, all that is encapsulated and hidden away from you. How then can Mill detect that
the .toUpperCase
in fooTask
was replaced by .toLowerCase
? Or that modifying
affects barTask
, even if barTask
's own code block is unchanged?
Common Approximations
Because deciding whether a code block has changed is difficult, most build tools punt on the problem entirely:
Early versions of Mill simply invalidated all caches globally if a build file was changed. This is conservatively correct - it will never invalidate too few caches! - but was definitely overkill since most changes to build files did not affect most tasks
Many other build tools like Maven, Gradle or SBT simply do not automate caching and invalidation, and leave it up to the implementor of the task to do so. That means the implementor has to do their own book-keeping to track versions of both the task inputs and task implementations, making sure to manually invalidate caches when the either changes. This is tedious and error prone, resulting in cache invalidation problems ubiquitous enough that "always run mvn clean" has become a common practice.
Some build tools like Bazel split the problem: the "arbitrary code" in StarLark is not cached, and the "cached" actions can only run in sub-processes with fixed executables and input flags without access to the StarLark codebase. This works, but introduces an awkward boundary in the middle of your build logic, forcing it to be written in two languages and serializing data to send it back and forth across the process boundary.
All these approaches are problematic: (1) is maximally conservative and pessimistic, while (2) is maximally lasse-faire and optimistic, while (3) is workable but awkward. None of these approaches are fatal - people have lived with build tools working like this for decades - but we can do better.
Basic Callgraph Analysis
The basic idea behind Mill’s callgraph analysis is that JVM Function0
aren’t completely opaque: if you would like to you could pull up the .class
describing each object on disk, and get some understanding of what the code block
or method is doing to do.
Looking at the Bytecode
For example, consider barTask
def barTask = Task{
println("evaluating barTask")
We mentioned earlier that body of the Task
block is wrapped in an anonymous Function0
() ⇒ …
. This anonymous function compiles to an $$anonfun
method with the bytecode
below, which can be rendered using the javap -c -p
command on the relevant compiled .class
private final mill.api.Result barTask$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$1(scala.collection.immutable.Seq, mill.api.Ctx);
0: getstatic #183 // Field mill/api/Result$.MODULE$:Lmill/api/Result$;
3: getstatic #314 // Field scala/Predef$.MODULE$:Lscala/Predef$;
6: ldc_w #394 // String evaluating barTask
9: invokevirtual #320 // Method scala/Predef$.println:(Ljava/lang/Object;)V
12: aload_0
13: getstatic #325 // Field os/read$.MODULE$:Los/read$;
16: aload_1
17: iconst_0
18: invokeinterface #330, 2 // InterfaceMethod scala/collection/immutable/Seq.apply:(I)Ljava/lang/Object;
23: checkcast #14 // class mill/api/PathRef
26: invokevirtual #334 // Method mill/api/PathRef.path:()Los/Path;
29: invokevirtual #337 // Method os/read$.apply:(Los/ReadablePath;)Ljava/lang/String;
32: invokevirtual #396 // Method barHelper:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;
35: invokevirtual #278 // Method mill/api/Result$.create:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Lmill/api/Result;
38: areturn
This bytecode contains a lot of invokevirtual
and invokeinterface
methods that specify,
after all the compiler’s work is done, which methods in the JVM bytecode actually need to be
called when this function is actually run. We can see the invocation of scala/Predef$.println
in the bytecode, some mill/api
helper methods, and also the call to barHelper
32: invokevirtual #396 // Method barHelper:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;
We can also look at the barHelper
method in the bytecode, which is defined as follows:
public java.lang.String barHelper(java.lang.String);
0: aload_1
1: invokevirtual #165 // Method java/lang/String.toUpperCase:()Ljava/lang/String;
4: areturn
's bytecode contains a single call to java/lang/String.toUpperCase
, which
is what we expect given its definition in the source code.
Constructing Callgraphs
Just like the build graph of tasks we described earlier, the calls between methods in our build codebase also form a graph: a call graph. For the small example snippet above, the (simplified) callgraph looks like this
With this call graph, it is straightforward to do a breadth-first search starting from each task
to find all transitively called methods and hash their contents (the bytecode shown above).
Any change to this hash would indicate that a method’s implementation changed, and any tasks that
depend on it needs to re-evaluate. For example, the change we saw earlier to the barHelper
source code:
-def barHelper(s: String) = s.toUpperCase
+def barHelper(s: String) = s.toLowerCase
Would result in a corresponding change in the barHelper
public java.lang.String barHelper(java.lang.String);
0: aload_1
- 1: invokevirtual #165 // Method java/lang/String.toUpperCase:()Ljava/lang/String;
+ 1: invokevirtual #165 // Method java/lang/String.toLowerCase:()Ljava/lang/String;
4: areturn
This would change the hash of barHelper
, and from the callgraph
we can then see that barTask
depends on barHelper
and needs to be invalidated
The bytecode for a method is typically much more stable than the source code: it is not affected by formatting, comments, local variable names, etc.. This means that if the bytecode hash for a method changed, it likely means the implementation changed, and any tasks that call that method (directly or transitively) need to be re-evaluated.
Object Oriented Callgraphs
Although callgraph analysis on the static methods shown above is simple, JVM languages like Java and Scala make heavy use of objects, classes, and subclassing. Mill’s callgraph analyzer working on Scala sources compiled to JVM bytecode thus need to handle these object-oriented language features.
Instance Methods
Consider the following example:
class Qux(suffix0: String) {
val suffix = suffix0 + suffix0 + suffix0
def bazHelper(s: String) = s.toUpperCase + suffix
def barTask = Task{
val qux = new Qux("!")
Here, we are calling bazHelper
on the value in barTask
. But the behavior of
a qux.bazHelper()
doesn’t just depend on the implementation of bazHelper
itself, but also:
The value
that was passed in whennew Qux
was constructed, in this case"!"
The implementation of the
new Qux
constructor (often calledQux#<init>
on the JVM) which assignsval suffix = suffix0 + suffix0 + suffix0
to construct thesuffix
used inbazHelper
This actually turns out to work: the fact that you have qux
means that you
must have called its constructor and passed in arguments (directly or indirectly):
Changes to the
constructor param"!"
are part of thebarTask
task body -
Changes to the
constructor are captured becauseQux#<init>
is called bybarTask
to constructqux
before using it -
Changes to
are captured becausebazHelper
is called bybarTask
Thus, the existing callgraph analysis above is sufficient to handle the various cases around instance methods without modification.
Instance Fields
A similar approach can be take to analyzing fields, which are defined via the var
or val
in contrast to methods defined via def
class Qux(suffix0: String) {
var suffix = suffix0
def doubleSuffix() = {
suffix = suffix + suffix
def barTask = Task{
val qux = new Qux("!")
qux.doubleSuffix() + qux.suffix
In this case, barTask
references the suffix
field directly, without going through
a bazHelper
method. Method call graph analysis does not track fields, but it doesn’t
need to: a field can only get its value from the methods that set it, whether
the constructor (above setting var suffix = suffix0
) or other methods (e.g. def doubleSuffix
which sets suffix = suffix + suffix
Since these methods are all already captured as part of the normal callgraph analysis, it’s fine to ignore fields entirely: you will never miss a code change that affects a field value because such code changes must occur in methods which we already track.
Enclosing Fields
A follow up example is what happens if the task block relies on a field (val
) rather
than a method (def
) in an enclosing object
object enclosing extends Module{
val suffix = "???"
def barTask = Task{ + suffix
} // bar.txt contents???
The problem here is that the transitive callgraph of barTask
is not sufficient:
not only do we need to call barTask
, we first need to instantiate object enclosing
as well. This is similar to the Instance Methods case we looked at above, but instead of
relying on some object instance that barTask
instantiates and calls, we are looking at
's own object instance, that must have been instantiated earlier. Singleton
s do not take constructor parameters, but in both cases
we need to account for the constructor code for the object on which we are calling the method.
In practice, this is straightforward: we just need to add an edge from the enclosing#<init>
constructor (and that of any other enclosing objects) to barTask
when constructing the callgraph:
Virtual Methods
The JVM bytecode has direct support for virtual method calls via invokevirtual
: e.g.
a single call to Qux.bazHelper()
may call out to any number of methods
defined in various subclasses of Qux
abstract class Qux {
def bazHelper(s: String): String
class Qux1(suffix: String) extends Qux {
def bazHelper(s: String) = s.toUpperCase + suffix
class Qux2(prefix: String) extends Qux {
def bazHelper(s: String) = prefix + s.toUpperCase
def barTask = Task{
val qux: Qux = if (math.random() > 0.5) new Qux1("!") else new Qux2("!")
It is not always obvious what implementation qux.bazHelper
will end up calling: indeed
in this example it may end up calling different implementations when run at different times!
To resolve this, you need to analyze the various classes in your program,
so you can resolve such virtual callsites to possible definition sites in subclasses.
There are varying degrees of precision for which you can analyze virtual methods, e.g. Class Hierarchy Analysis and Rapid Type Analysis described in Fast Static Analysis of C++ Virtual Calls, OOPSLA96, or even more sophisticated dataflow approaches such as Points-To Analysis. At a high level, the distinction between these is in how they look for subclasses that may provide an implementation for a virtual method:
Class Hierarchy Analysis: Any class that implements that method globally in your codebase
Rapid Type Analysis: Any class that implements that method that is instantiated as part of the program starting from the
entrypoint -
Points-To Analysis: Any class that implements that method that is instantiated and passed to this specific callsite
Mill uses a variant of (1) Class Hierarchy Analysis: we treat every Mill Task
as a
potential entrypoint, and find all classes instantiated across your build codebase in one pass.
This is less precise than running the analysis separately for every Task
that Rapid Type
Analysis would require, but is more precise than a naive Class Hierarchy Analysis that
doesn’t consider whether a class is instantiated or not.
For example, in the snippet below,
Mill is able to identify that qux.bazHelper
may call Qux1#bazHelper
or Qux2#bazHelper
but not Qux3#bazHelper
because there is no new Qux3
being instantiated anywhere in our
abstract class Qux {
def bazHelper(s: String): String
class Qux1(suffix: String) extends Qux {
def bazHelper(s: String) = s.toUpperCase + suffix
class Qux2(prefix: String) extends Qux {
def bazHelper(s: String) = prefix + s.toUpperCase
class Qux3(prefixSuffix: String) extends Qux {
def bazHelper(s: String) = prefixSuffix + s.toUpperCase + prefixSuffix
def barTask = Task{
val qux: Qux = if (math.random() > 0.5) new Qux1("!") else new Qux2("!")
Other Complications
Library Methods
Performance is a big constraint in Mill’s analysis. In particular, we don’t want to have to analyze the entire Java or Scala standard libraries, because that would be very expensive. Mill thus only constructs a call graph for code written and compiled locally as part of your build, modelling upstream libraries in a simplified fashion (similar to Whole-Program Analysis without the Whole Program, ECOOP 2013). In practice this means:
We avoid generating a detailed callgraph of methods in upstream libraries. Instead, we only capture the class inheritance hierarchies of classes whose methods are called from your Mill build
For calls to external methods for which we did not analyze the bytecode, we conservatively assume that they could potentially call any other external methods defined in the receiver class, the function parameter types, or any of their superclasses, and thus any locally-defined overrides for those external methods.
Essentially, we assume that any upstream library methods that we pass objects to - either as parameters or as the method receiver - could call any other methods on those objects. Consider the following case:
class MyException extends Exception{
override def printStackTrace(ps: = {ps.println("dummy")}
class MyOutputStream extends{ def write(b: Int) = println(b) }
def barTask = Task{
val ex: Exception = new MyException
val stream: OutputStream = new MyOutputStream
Here we are defining our own subclass of Exception
and OutputStream
, with their own
overrides of def printStackTrace
and def write
respectively. However, when we end up
calling ex.printStackTrace
, we are calling printStackTrace
on the super-type Exception
and def write
is not called at all in our code since its calls live upstream in
and OutputStream
! By the rules above, we are able to capture the possibility
of these calls:
The call to
new PrintStream(b: OutputStream)
we treat as being able to call any method onPrintStream
, and in any sub-classes, henceMyOutputStream#write
is callable from here -
The call to
may reach anydef printStackTrace
defined in a subclass ofException
in our local code, henceMyException#printStackTrace
is callable from here
Since Mill does not do Points-To Analysis or other Data-flow Analyses, it isn’t able
to determine that the value ex
is of class MyException
, or that the value stream
is of class MyOutputStream
, and so it must treat them broadly as Exception
and OutputStream
instances that could be of any sub-class. This may result in false positives with Mill treating method as callable
when it really isn’t, invalidating more caches than it needs to, but it will never result in
Mill missing a potential call and failing to invalidate a task cache when it should have done so.
Lambdas and Single-Abstract-Methods
Mill special-cases handling of inline functions (e.g. () ⇒ …
) and single-abstract method
instances (e.g. new Runnable{ def run() = … }
) and treats them as if they were called
immediately at their definition site.
Ideally, we would consider each method called if there is a call-site that could reach it and if its defining class is instantiated, but analyzing that precisely (also called Rapid Type Analysis) would be too expensive.
For most methods, our simpler Class Hierarchy Analysis only considers whether a call-site
could reach a definition, without caring about whether the defining class is instantiated. But
this has a pathological case for widely-used simple interfaces. Consider the following example
where fooTask
calls fooHelper
in a lambda, and barTask
calls barHelper
is a lambda:
def fooHelper(s: String) = s.toLowerCase
def fooTask = Task{
println("evaluating fooTask") => fooHelper(s))
def barHelper(s: String) = s.toUpperCase
def barTask = Task{
println("evaluating barTask") => barHelper(s))
If we handled lambdas via Class Hierarchy Analysis, with our simplified handling of Library Methods, then:
Every lambda that takes a single parameter is a subclass of
with anapply
method -
Every callsite of
from the standard library receives aFunction1
, and thus may callapply
on any definition ofFunction
in user code
This results in a callgraph as follows, where every lambda callsite could potentially call every lambda. This is conservatively correct, but imprecise enough to be useless.
As a compromise, for lambdas and SAM types, we instead use the other heuristic: we instead consider them called once they are instantiated, ignoring whether or not there is a callsite. This is still conservatively correct, and can still have false positives if someone instantiates a lambda or SAM they never call. But people generally don’t do that, and so empirically it provides a much more precise callgraph.
With the adjusted handling of lambdas and SAM types, with the various lambdas assumed to be called immediately where-ever they were defined, the callgraph becomes a lot more precise and useful,
Task-returning Methods
We special case methods that return Task
to not participate in the callgraph analysis.
By removing Task
methods from the callgraph analysis, we are essentially making the
assumption that these methods do not have side effects, and any change will be tracked at
runtime anyway by the build graph we discussed at the start of this article.
Allowing Task
methods to participate is problematic because these methods are often
defined as part of abstract class
s or trait
s in upstream libraries with many
such methods. With the simplified handling of Library Methods above, this results
in any call to a Task
method potentially calling every other Task
method, which
again while conservatively correct renders the callgraph imprecise enough to be useless.
The assumption that methods returning Task
do not have side effects is
not enforced: there is nothing to stop you from performing side effects and mutating
variables in a method that returns a Task
. But in practice nobody does that, so this
turns out to be a fine assumption to make.
No Data Flow Analysis
The biggest limitation of using method callgraph analysis to detect code changes affecting tasks is the lack of dataflow analysis: we are simply aggregating all methods that get called (transitively) by a task, but we don’t actually know if those methods actually affect the task output. For example, consider the following snippet:
def barSource = Task.Source("bar.txt")
class Qux(suffix0: String) {
val suffix = suffix0 + suffix0 + suffix0
def bazHelper(s: String) = s.toUpperCase + suffix
def barTask = Task{
println("evaluating barTask")
val qux = new Qux("!")
The Qux#<init>
method has the following bytecode:
public Qux(java.lang.String);
0: aload_0
1: invokespecial #13 // Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
4: aload_0
5: new #15 // class java/lang/StringBuilder
8: dup
9: ldc #16 // int 0
11: invokespecial #19 // Method java/lang/StringBuilder."<init>":(I)V
14: aload_1
15: invokevirtual #23 // Method java/lang/StringBuilder.append:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
18: aload_1
19: invokevirtual #23 // Method java/lang/StringBuilder.append:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
22: aload_1
23: invokevirtual #23 // Method java/lang/StringBuilder.append:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
26: invokevirtual #27 // Method java/lang/StringBuilder.toString:()Ljava/lang/String;
29: putfield #29 // Field suffix:Ljava/lang/String;
32: return
If we modify this by adding a second unused field:
class Qux(suffix0: String) {
val suffix = suffix0 + suffix0 + suffix0
+ val otherSuffix = suffix0
def bazHelper(s: String) = s.toUpperCase + suffix
This results in a corresponding change to the bytecode to initialize the new field:
public Qux(java.lang.String);
0: aload_0
1: invokespecial #14 // Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
4: aload_0
5: new #16 // class java/lang/StringBuilder
8: dup
9: ldc #17 // int 0
11: invokespecial #20 // Method java/lang/StringBuilder."<init>":(I)V
14: aload_1
15: invokevirtual #24 // Method java/lang/StringBuilder.append:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
18: aload_1
19: invokevirtual #24 // Method java/lang/StringBuilder.append:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
22: aload_1
23: invokevirtual #24 // Method java/lang/StringBuilder.append:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
26: invokevirtual #28 // Method java/lang/StringBuilder.toString:()Ljava/lang/String;
29: putfield #30 // Field suffix:Ljava/lang/String;
+ 32: aload_0
+ 33: aload_1
+ 34: putfield #32 // Field otherSuffix:Ljava/lang/String;
37: return
Which affects barTask
, because our callgraph has Qux#<init>
being called by barTask
However, if you actually track the dataflow of the code, we would realize that
the field otherSuffix
is not used by barTask
at all! Only suffix
is used.
Thus although our Qux#<init>
was affected by the code change, barTask
actually affected, and so invalidating barTask
and forcing a re-evaluation would
be wasteful and unnecessary.
This is perhaps the largest gap in the callgraph analysis we present here: while
we are able to analyze the dependencies between methods based on how they call each
other via invokevirtual
or invokespecial
bytecodes, we are unable to analyze
the dependencies between the fields that those methods set or the values that they
return. This can result in false positives where changes to constructors or other
methods cause our tasks to invalidate unnecessarily.
Another major limitation in this analysis is that it assumes that all method calls
in your program are statically specified in the bytecode. This is not true of JVM applications
in general: anyone can call Class.getMethod(methodName).invoke()
with a dynamically
computed methodName: String
, leaving static bytecode analysis with no way to figure out
what method is actually being called:
def barSource = Task.Source("bar.txt")
class Qux(suffix0: String) {
val suffix = suffix0 + suffix0 + suffix0
def bazHelper(s: String) = s.toUpperCase + suffix
def barTask = Task{
println("evaluating barTask")
val qux = new Qux("!")
val b = "baz"
val h = "helper"
.getMethod(b + h.capitalize, classOf[String])
In this example, the getMethod
call takes the method name as b + h.capitalize
, but in
general it could require arbitrary runtime computation to decide what method to call. While
it is possible to figure out this out in some cases (e.g. the Graal Native Image analyzer gives a
best effort attempt at doing so)
there will always be scenarios where the reflection cannot be figured out statically.
Unlike the limitation above that results in false
positives, this limitation can result in false negatives where a method called by a
task changes and the task does not re-evaluate, because the method call happened via
which our analyzer cannot understand.
Although in theory this could be an issue, in typical Scala code (which build.mill
are written in) runtime reflection is relatively rare. Scala codebases and libraries tend
to perform a lot of their work at compile-time: inferring types, resolving implicit parameters,
expanding macros, and so on. While that means the compiler is more complicated, it also means
the bytecode that gets output by the compiler is much simpler, without
the runtime reflection/classloading/classpath-scanning logic often present in Java codebases.
Thus, Mill can analyze the JVM bytecode emitted by a Scala program with high confidence
that the callgraph defined in the bytecode gives a complete and accurate picture of how
the methods in the program call each other.
To test out how well this works in practice, I ran a number of manual tests to exercise the callgraph analysis, using Mill’s own Mill build as the test case.
Adding a whitespace at the top of
, to offset everyone’s line numbers without changing their logic, invalidates16/8154
tasks, all downstream ofmillVersion
which is invalidated by the dirty hash of the repo checkout changing -
by re-ordering them, invalidates17/8154
tasks (just the ones above, + the one edited) -
by removing-feature
, invalidates836/8154
tasks -
generating a temporary file, invalidates37/8154
tasks, mostly stuff incontrib.playlib.worker[_]
Changing a constant
ends up invalidating ~4343/8154
tasks. I skimmed through the results and they seem reasonable: all.scalaVersion
tasks end up invalidated, while many external tasks aren’t invalidated because they don’t have any local code to be affected by the callgraph analysis and their upstream build graph is not affected byDeps.scalaVersion
,` contrib.codeartifact.mandatoryScalacOptions`) -
Adding a new
val abc = 123
to the root module invalidates everything, which is expected since it changes the constructor of build which could potentially affect any module nested within it, and Mill has No Data Flow Analysis to determine that this change in the module constructor has no effect.
In general, Mill’s fine-grained task invalidation via bytecode callgraph analysis
works as expected: in many cases where the change is trivial it is able to narrow down the
effect of the change and reduce the number of tasks we need to invalidate, although for
wide-ranging changes (e.g. Deps.scalaVersion
) it still ends up invalidating a large number
of tasks, and there are some known limitations around the treatment of val
fields where the
invalidation is less fine grained than it could be. Compared to earlier versions of Mill
which aggressively invalidated all caches on every single change, this was a big improvement!
Performance-wise, ad-hoc benchmarks on com-lihaoyi/mill’s own build show a
~5% increase in build.mill
compilation times due to the cost of the bytecode callgraph analysis.
Mill’s callgraph analysis is written as a post-processing step on the .class
files that are
generated by the Scala compiler that Mill uses to compile it’s build.mill
and package.mill
files. The analysis computes a hash for every method representing its own implementation and that
of transitively called methods, and saves that to a methodCodeHashSignatures.json
file for
the Mill evaluator to include in Task cache keys at runtime. Thus it is easy to separate
the time taken for each phase, which I have done below:
methodCodeHashSignatures |
compile |
Cold |
685ms |
12,148ms |
Hot |
253ms |
4,143ms |
This slowdown is not negligible, but it is
acceptable: the cost is only paid when the build.mill
is re-compiled, and it will
likely end up saving much more time in tasks that we can avoid running (e.g. a
single no-op Zinc incremental compile may be 100s of milliseconds). The bytecode callgraph
analysis can likely be further optimized in future if necessary.
Mill’s callgraph bytecode analysis landed in #2417 in Mill 0.11.2. The implementation is surprisingly small: ~1k lines of code for the main implementation using the OW2 ASM library for bytecode parsing, and ~6k lines of test cases. That small amount of code took several months to research and write and debug, but since then it has worked great without any major issues.
One nice side effect of working on JVM classfiles and bytecode is that the analysis did not need to change when upgrading from Scala 2 to Scala 3, whereas an approach based on Scala compiler internals (e.g. Constructing Call Graphs of Scala Programs, ECOOP 2014) would have had to be re-implemented from scratch. It also means Mill can handle both Java and Scala code (and upstream libraries) using the same analysis.
Future work may include
Rolling out some version of this analysis to application code, rather than just build configuration code. In particular, we could use this same approach to select the relevant tests to run based on what code changes the developer is making, and there is an open bounty to implement that
Implementing data-flow analysis. As mentioned above, the fact that we only analyze callgraphs and not dataflow is a major weakness in this analysis, which results in a lot of spurious task invalidations. Dataflow analysis on JVM bytecode is very common, and an implementation would greatly increase the precision of Mill’s analysis