Mill: A Fast, Scalable JVM Build Tool

Mill Maven Central Version

Mill is a fast, scalable, multi-language build tool that supports Java, Scala, Kotlin:

To get started using Mill for the first time, or migrating and existing JVM codebase (build using Maven, Gradle, or SBT) to Mill, see:

Or see the language-specific introductory documentation linked below:

If you want to use Mill on an existing codebase, see Migrating to Mill

Why Mill?

Although the Java compiler is very fast and the Java language is easy to learn, JVM build tools have a reputation for being sluggish and confusing. Mill tries to offer a better alternative, letting your build system take full advantage of the Java platform’s performance and usability:

For a quick introduction of why you may care about Mill, see:

Or if you prefer a video introduction:

Mill is used to build many real-world projects, such as the C3P0 JDBC Connection Pool, Coursier dependency resolver, Ammonite REPL, and the SpinalHDL and Chisel hardware design frameworks. Mill can be used for applications built on top of common JVM frameworks like Spring Boot (both in Java and in Kotlin), Micronaut, or Ktor.

Mill borrows ideas from other tools like Maven, Gradle, Bazel, but tries to learn from the strengths of each tool and improve on their weaknesses. For comparisons with existing build tools, check out these pages:

Contributing and Community

If you want to contribute to Mill, or are interested in the fundamental ideas behind Mill rather than the user-facing benefits discussed above, check out the page on Mill Design Principles. In particular, this video is a must-watch to help you understand the fundamental concepts behind Mill and why they are interesting:

To engage Mill with the community, you can use the channels below:

Mill maintains an open list of issue bounties below, with payouts ranging from 500USD to 3000USD per issue. Feel free to look through the list and try your hand at any bounties that may interest you

Commercial support and services related to Mill are available if you need help with training, adoption, or maintenance in your organization. Email with details on what you need and we can make an arrangement.