Automatically build docker images from your mill project.
Requires the docker CLI to be installed.
In the simplest configuration just extend DockerModule
and declare a DockerConfig
import mill._, scalalib._
import $ivy.`com.lihaoyi::mill-contrib-docker:$MILL_VERSION`
import contrib.docker.DockerModule
object foo extends JavaModule with DockerModule {
object docker extends DockerConfig
$ mill
$ docker run foo
Configure the image by overriding tasks in the DockerConfig
object docker extends DockerConfig {
// Override tags to set the output image name
def tags = List("")
def baseImage = "openjdk:11"
// Configure whether the docker build should check the remote registry for a new version of the base image before building.
// By default this is true if the base image is using a latest tag
def pullBaseImage = true
// Add container metadata via the LABEL instruction
def labels = Map("version" -> "1.0")
// TCP ports the container will listen to
def exposedPorts = Seq(8080, 443)
// UDP ports the container will listen to
def exposedUdpPorts = Seq(80)
// The names of mount points, these will be translated to VOLUME instructions
def volumes = Seq("/v1", "/v2")
// Environment variables to be set in the container (ENV instructions)
def envVars = Map("foo" -> "bar", "foobar" -> "barfoo")
// JVM runtime options such as heap size settings
def jvmOptions = Seq("-Xmx1024M", "-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError")
// Add RUN instructions
def run = Seq(
"/bin/bash -c 'echo Hello World!'",
"useradd -ms /bin/bash new-user"
// User to use when running the image
def user = "new-user"
// Optionally override the docker executable to use something else
def executable = "podman"
// If the executable is docker (which is also the default), you can optionally also pass a platform parameter
// docker buildx is then used to build multi-platform images
def platform = "linux/arm64"
Run mill in interactive mode to see the docker client output, like mill -i