Migrating to Mill

This page documents a playbook for migrating existing projects from Maven, Gradle, or SBT to Mill.

Some build tools also have additional semi-automated tooling.

Other automation is work-in-process.

While automation helps with some of the scaffolding the general principles laid out on this page still apply.

How Long Does Migration Take?

Migrating an existing project to Mill may take anywhere from an hour for small projects to several days or more for larger projects. These steps come from experience doing proof-of-concept migrations of a range of real-world projects to Mill, from simple single-module codebases to complex multi-module builds with dozens of modules:

Migrated Project



Estimated Implementation Time



1 module

~2 hours

Apache Commons-IO


1 module

~2 hours



21 modules

~1 day



22 modules

~5 days



22 modules

~5 days



47 modules

~5 days

The numbers above are for proof-of-concept migrations, for someone with prior build system expertise; you may need twice the implementation time for a complete production-ready migration, with additional time for change-management work.

Build system migrations are not cheap, but the productivity benefits of a faster and easier to use build system are significant (see Why Use Mill?), especially multiplied over an entire team of engineers who may be working on the codebase for multiple years. Generally the more actively a project is developed, and the longer you expect development to continue, the more worthwhile it is to migrate from Maven/Gradle/SBT to Mill.

How to Approach Migration

The basic approach taken for any such migration is as follows:

  1. The existing source code and build system for the project is to be left in-place and fully working.

    • This ensures you have the flexibility to back out of the migration at any point in time

    • On completion, this allows you to perform head-to-head comparisons between old and new build systems

  2. A parallel Mill build is set up for the project.

    • Sub-project pom.xml and build.gradle files need to be translated into Mill Modules

    • Third-party dependencies need to be translated into Mill’s def ivyDeps

    • Third-party Plugins need to be replaced by their Mill equivalent, or re-implemented

    • Custom build logic may need to be re-implemented in Mill

  3. Once completed, the Mill build can be used as the default for some period of time

    • This period gives the time to be confident in the robustness of the new Mill build system, during which both old and new build systems should be maintained and kept up top date.

  4. After you are comfortable with the new Mill build, the old build system can be removed.

Of the four steps above, most of the work goes into (2) setting up the parallel Mill build for your project. We will walk through each of the sub-bullets in that step below

Translating Subprojects to Modules

Build Tool



object foo extends MavenModule{
  object test extends MavenTests{


object foo extends KotlinMavenModule{
  object test extends KotlinMavenTests{


object foo extends SbtModule{
  object test extends SbtTests{
  • These modules should have names corresponding to the existing subprojects path on disk, e.g. a subproject inside foo/ should be object foo extends MavenModule, or a subproject bar/qux/ should be a nested:

object bar extends MavenModule {
  object qux extends MavenModule
  • Wire up the existing inter-subproject dependencies using def moduleDeps = Seq(…​) inside object foo.

    • Test dependencies can also be specified, using def moduleDeps = super.moduleDeps ++ Seq(…​) inside the object test. Note that test modules need to use super.moduleDeps to preserve the dependency on the enclosing application module

object foo extends MavenModule{
  object test extends MavenTests{

object bar extends MavenModule{
  def moduleDeps = Seq(foo) // application code dependency
  object test extends MavenTests{
    def moduleDeps = super.moduleDeps ++ Seq(foo) // test code dependency

At this point, you have the rough skeleton of the project laid out. You can run ./mill visualize .compile to show an SVG graph of how the project is laid out, and ./mill show .sources to show where the source folders for each module are to eyeball them and verify they are pointing at the right place. For a fully-self-contained project with no external dependencies you could even compile it at this point, but most projects will require some degree of third party dependencies that will need to be configured:

Translating Third-Party Dependencies

  • Define the third-party dependencies for each module with def ivyDeps.

These are a relatively straightforward translation:

Build Tool





implementation "com.google.guava:guava:3.3.1-jre"


libraryDependencies += "com.google.guava" % "guava" % "3.3.1-jre"


def ivyDeps = Agg(ivy"com.google.guava:guava:3.3.1-jre")

If you are building a Scala project using SBT:

Build Tool



libraryDependencies += "com.lihaoyi" %% "scalatags" % "0.12.0"


def ivyDeps = Agg(ivy"com.lihaoyi::scalatags:0.12.0")
  • Again, test-only third-party dependencies are defined inside the object test submodule.

  • Compile-only dependencies can be defined with def compileIvyDeps, and runtime-only/provided dependencies defined with def runIvyDeps

The documentation for Java Library Dependencies and Library Dependencies in Mill has more details: how to configure unmanaged jars, repositories, pinning versions, etc.

Translating Third-Party Plugins

At a high level, you want to take plugins that you use in Maven/Gradle/SBT and replace them either with builtin Mill functionality:

Third-party plugins differ between build systems, so the configuration and behavior may differ in minor ways, but the high-level functionality should mostly be there.

Translating Custom Build Logic

Generally, custom build logic from your own custom plugins or extensions will need to be re-implemented. This is usually not terribly difficult, as either the logic is simple (just moving some files around and zipping/unzipping them), or the logic is complex but comes from an external tool (e.g. third-party compilers, code-generators, linters, etc.)

  1. For the simple cases, you can usually accomplish what you want using Mill’s custom build logic. Mill provides bundled libraries for working with filesystem/subprocesses (OS-Lib), JSON/binary serialization (uPickle), HTTP requests (Requests-Scala).

  2. For using third-party libraries in your build, these are usually published to Maven Central or some other package repository, in which case they are easy to directly import and use in your custom tasks (see Import Libraries and Plugins)

  3. For more sophisticated integrations, e.g. if you need to dynamically compile and run JVM programs or build plugins as part of your build, you can do so via (see Running Dynamic JVM Code)

Long Tail Issues

Typically, after you are done with the rough skeleton of your new Mill build with most things compiling, you will find that some code does not yet compile and other code compiles but does not pass tests. There will always be a long tail of small configuration tweaks that need to be ported from your existing build system to your new Mill build:

In general none of these issues are blocking, but they do require you to investigate the various failures and figure out which part of your existing Mill build is missing.


Lastly, at this point you have a Mill build that works, but you may not have a Mill build that is easily maintainable. Mill provides a lot of tools to improve the maintainability and understandability of your build system, and while you may not want to apply them up front during the migration, once you have everything working you can go back and revisit to see which ones may help:


As mentioned at the start of this page, migrating to a new build tool is not cheap or easy, and can easily take a significant time commitment. Automation does help, whether bundled in Mill or your own DIY scripts, but there will always be a long tail of manual debugging and investigation necessary to reproduce every quirk and idiosyncrasy of your old build system in your new Mill build.

However, while tedious, such migrations are usually not difficult. Most build systems use a relatively small set of third-party tools with small amounts of custom logic, and Mill has built-in integrations with many common JVM tools and makes custom logic easy to implement. In the end the decision to migrate comes down to the benefits of Mill (see Why Use Mill?) outweighing the cost of migration, which becomes more true as the lifespan and pace of development on a project grows.