Python Library Dependencies
This page goes into more detail about configuring third party dependencies
for PythonModule
Adding Dependencies
package build
import mill._, pythonlib._
object `package` extends RootModule with PythonModule {
def pythonDeps = Seq(
"jinja2 @"
You can define the pythonDeps
field to add dependencies to your module, which will be installed
via pip. Dependencies can include
anything that pip understands, such as <package>==<version>
constraints, or even direct references to wheels.
> ./mill run
[10 20 30 40 50]
Adding Dependencies via requirements.txt files
You can also read dependencies from requirements.txt
files. This can be
useful if you’re migrating an existing project to mill.
package build
import mill._, pythonlib._
object `package` extends RootModule with PythonModule {
def pythonRequirementFiles = Task.Sources {
millSourcePath / "requirements.txt"
> ./mill run
[10 20 30 40 50]
Unmanaged Wheels
In most scenarios you should rely on pythonDeps
and let Mill
manage the downloading and caching of wheels for you. But in the rare case
you receive a wheel or folder-full-of-wheels from somewhere and need to
include it in your project, unmanagedWheels
is the way to do it.
package build
import mill._, pythonlib._
object `package` extends RootModule with PythonModule {
def unmanagedWheels: T[Seq[PathRef]] = Task.Input {
Seq.from(os.list(millSourcePath / "lib").map(PathRef(_)))
You can override unmanagedWheels
to point it at a wheel (.whl file) or
source distribution (.tar.gz with a pyproject.toml file) you place on the
filesystem, e.g. in the above snippet any files that happen to live in the
> ./mill run
Hello, world!
Downloading Unmanaged Wheels
You can also override unmanagedWheels
to point it at wheels that you want to
download from arbitrary URLs.
comes from the Requests-Scala
library, one of Mill’s Bundled Libraries.
package build
import mill._, pythonlib._
object `package` extends RootModule with PythonModule {
def unmanagedWheels = Task {
val name = "jinja2-3.1.4-py3-none-any.whl"
val url = s"$name"
os.write(Task.dest / name,
Seq(PathRef(Task.dest / name))
> ./mill run
Hello, world!
Tasks like unmanagedWheels
and pythonDeps
are cached, so your wheel is downloaded only
once and re-used indefinitely after that. This is usually not a problem, because usually URLs
follow the rule that Cool URIs don’t change, and so files
downloaded from the same URL will always contain the same contents.
An unmanaged wheel downloaded via requests.get is still unmanaged: even though you
downloaded it from somewhere, requests.get does not know how to pull in transitive
dependencies or de-duplicate different versions on the classpath. All the same caveats you need
to worry about when dealing with unmanaged wheels apply here as well. In
case you do want mill to take care of managing dependencies of a package which is not
available on PyPI, you shouldn’t get that package in unmanagedWheels (like we did in the
example above). Instead, you can declare the dependency as a regular pythonDep
as a direct URL that pip understands.
Using Custom Package Indexes
By default, dependencies are resolved from the Python
Package Index (PyPI), the standard package index for python projects. You
can also add your own package indexes by overriding the indexes
task in
the module:
package build
import mill._, pythonlib._
object foo extends PythonModule {
def pythonDeps = Seq(
"testpkg-jodersky==0.0.1" // a test package, only available on
// override this task to add or replace the package indexes
def indexes = super.indexes() ++ Seq("")
Mill uses pip to find and install dependencies.
You can configure pip through its normal configuration files.
Private indexes
You can read up in more detail on how to configure pip to authenticate to private indexes. Here is an example which reads a package from an environment variable:
object bar extends PythonModule {
def indexPassword = Task.Input { Task.env.apply("COMPANY_PASSWORD") }
def indexes = Task {
More advanced authentication techniques are available by configuring pip directly.
> ./mill
In case anything goes wrong, or if you’re just curious, you can see what
arguments mill passes to pip install
by looking at the output of the
package build
import mill._, pythonlib._
object `package` extends RootModule with PythonModule {
def pythonDeps = Seq(
"jinja2 @"
def indexes = Seq("invalid_index")
> ./mill show pipInstallArgs
"args": [
"jinja2 @"
"sig": ...