Case Study: Mill vs SBT
Compared to SBT,
Mill makes customizing the build yourself much easier: most of what build tools do work with files and call subprocesses, and Mill makes doing that yourself easy. This means you can always make your Mill build do exactly what you want, and are not beholden to third-party plugins that may not meet your exact needs or interact well with each other.
Mill is much more performant: SBT has enough overhead that even a dozen subprojects is enough to slow it down, while Mill can handle hundreds of modules without issue. Custom tasks in SBT re-execute every time, whereas in Mill they are cached automatically. Mill’s watch-for-changes-and-re-run implementation has much lower latency than SBT’s. The list of ways Mill improves upon SBT’s performance is long, and at the command line you can really feel it
Mill builds are much easier to understand: Your Mill build is made of bog-standard
s anddef
s, rather than SBT’s four-dimensional task matrix. Your IDE’s "jump-to-definition" in Mill actually brings you to the implementation of a task, rather than an SBTtaskKey
declaration. Customizing things is as simple as writing or overriding `def`s. The net effect is that despite both tools' build files being written in Scala, Mill’s build files are much easier to understand and maintain.
This page compares using Mill to SBT, using the Gatling Load Testing Framework codebase as the example. Gatling is a medium sized codebase, 40,000 lines of Scala split over 21 subprojects. By porting it to Mill, this case study should give you an idea of how Mill compares to SBT in more realistic, real-world projects.
In general, in the ideal case Mill and SBT have similar performance: caching, parallelism, incremental compilation, and so on. Mill’s main advantage over SBT is its simplicity:
You do not need to keep a live SBT session to maximize performance, exit SBT to run Bash commands, or juggle multiple terminal windows to run SBT in one and Bash in another. Instead, you can just run Mill like any command line tool, and Mill caches and parallelizes to maximize performance automatically
Mill’s IDE support is better than SBTs due to how Mill is designed: peek-at-documentation, jump-to-definition, find-overrides, etc. is much more useful since your IDE understands Mill much better than it understands SBT.
Mill comes with a lot of useful debugging tools builtin, without needing to juggle external plugins: visualizing subproject dependencies, performance profiles, third-party dependency trees. This helps you understand what your Mill build is doing.
To do this comparison, we have written a Mill build.mill
file for the Gatling project. This can be used
with Mill to build and test the various submodules of the Gatling project without needing to
change any other files in the repository:
The Mill build for Gatling is not 100% complete, but it covers most of the major parts of Gatling: compiling Scala, running tests. It does not currently cover linting via Spotless, as that is not built-in to Mill, but it could be added as necessary.
The goal of this exercise is not to be 100% feature complete enough to replace the SBT build today. It is instead meant to provide a realistic comparison of how using Mill in a realistic, real-world project compares to using SBT.
Benchmark | Cold SBT | Hot SBT (rounded) | Mill |
34.28s |
≈ 14s |
10.4s |
10.1s |
≈ 1s |
0.96s |
6.2s |
≈ 0s |
0.48s |
4.2s |
≈ 0s |
0.40s |
SBT can be used in two modes, either "cold" run directly from the command line, or "hot"
where an SBT session is kept open and commands are run within in. I provide the timings for
both scenarios above, along with the time taken for Mill commands. Mill does not have this
distinction, and can only be run directly from the command line. The Hot SBT
mode only
reports timings to the nearest second, so that is the number used in this comparison.
The Mill build benchmarks for Gatling is generally much snappier than the Cold SBT
and comparable to that Hot SBT
benchmark. Mill is marginally faster in the
Parallel Clean Compile All
benchmark (10s vs 14s), but more importantly does not have the same
Cold vs Hot distinction that SBT has: as Mill is always run "cold" from the command line and
keeps the process around to provide "hot" performance automatically.
For the benchmarks above, each provided number is the median wall time of three consecutive runs
on my M1 Macbook Pro. While ad-hoc, these benchmarks are enough to give you a flavor of how
Mill’s performance compares to SBT. For a fair comparison, we disabled gatling-build-plugin
in the sbt setup, which bundles the various scalafmt/scalafix/etc. linters as part of compile
since Mill doesn’t bundle them and instead expects them to be invoked separately.
Parallel Clean Compile All
$ sbt clean; time sbt test:compile
$ sbt
sbt> clean; test:compile
$ ./mill clean; time ./mill -j 10 __.compile
This benchmark measures the time taken to parallel compile all the Java and Scala code in the Gatling code base. We configure Mill to do the same using the same number of threads (10 on my laptop) as SBT uses. As SBT runs in parallel by default, we do not have a comparison for sequential execution times.
Clean Compile Single-Module
> sbt clean; time sbt gatling-commons/compile
sbt> clean; gatling-common/compile
$ ./mill clean; time ./mill gatling-common.compile
This benchmark indicates the use case of clean-compiling a single module. In this case,
the gatling-commons
module’s application code in `commons/, excluding the test code in
and all the downstream submodules.
Incremental Compile Single-Module
$ echo "" >> gatling-commons/src/main/scala/io/gatling/commons/util/Arrays.scala
$ time sbt gatling-commons/compile
sbt> gatling-commons/compile
$ echo "" >> gatling-commons/src/main/scala/io/gatling/commons/util/Arrays.scala
$ time ./mill gatling-commons.compile
This benchmark measures the common case of making a tiny change to a single file and
re-compiling just that module. This is the common workflow that most software developers
do over and over day-in and day-out. We simulate this by appending a new line to the
file gatling-commons/src/main/scala/io/gatling/commons/util/Arrays.scala
Both Mill and SBT are able to take advantage of the small code change and re-compile only the single files needing re-compilation, demonstrating substantial speedups over the Clean Compile Single-Module benchmark above. Both "Hot SBT" and "Mill" finish in a fraction of a second, while "Cold SBT" has substantial overhead.
No-Op Compile Single-Module
$ time sbt gatling-commons/compile
sbt> gatling-commons/compile
$ time ./mill gatling-commons.compile
This benchmark is meant to measure the pure overhead of running the build tool: given a single module that did not change, the build tool should need to do nothing in response, and so any time taken is pure overhead.
Again, we see both "Hot SBT" and "Mill" finish in a fraction of a second, with the Mill numbers showing a ~0.4s overhead to run Mill even when there is no work to do, and the "Cold SBT" has in comparison substantial >4s overhead.
IDE Support
One area that Mill does significantly better than SBT is in the IDE support. For example, although IDEs like IntelliJ are nominally able to parse and analyze your SBT files, the assistance they can provide is often not very useful. For example, consider the inspection and jump-to-definition experience of looking into an SBT Task:

Or an SBT plugin:

In general, although your IDE can make sure the name of the task exists, and the type is correct, it
is unable to pull up any further information about the task: its documentation, its implementation,
usages, any upstream overridden implementations, etc.. Some of this is the limitations of the IDE,
but some of it is fundamental: because SBT makes the developer define the val myTask
from the assignment of myTask := something
, jumping to the definition of myTask
tells you nothing
at all: what it does, where it is assigned, etc.
In comparison, for Mill, IDEs like Intellij are able to provide much more intelligence. e.g. when inspecting a task, it is able to pull up the documentation comment:

It is able to pull up any overridden implementations of task, directly in the editor:

And you can easily navigate to the overridden implementations to see where they are defined and what you are overriding:

Mill’s equivalent of SBT plugins are just Scala traits, and again you can easily pull up their documentation in-line in the editor or jump to their full implementation:

In general, navigating around your build in Mill is much more straightforward than navigating around your build in SBT. All your normal IDE functionality works perfectly: jump-to-definition, find-usages, peek-at-documentation, and so on. Although the Mill and SBT builds end up doing the same basic things - compiling Scala, running tests, zipping up jars - Mill helps de-mystify things considerably so you are never blocked wondering what your build tool is doing.
Debugging Tooling
Another area that Mill does better than SBT is providing builtin tools for you to understand
what your build is doing. For example, the Gatling project build discussed has 21 submodules
and associated test suites, but how do these different modules depend on each other? With
Mill, you can run ./mill visualize __.compile
, and it will show you how the
task of each module depends on the others:
Apart from the static dependency graph, another thing of interest may be the performance
profile and timeline: where the time is spent when you actually compile everything. With
Mill, when you run a compilation using ./mill -j 10 __.compile
, you automatically get a
file that you can load into your chrome://tracing
page and
visualize where your build is spending time and where the performance bottlenecks are:

If you want to inspect the tree of third-party dependencies used by any module, the
built in ivyDepsTree
command lets you do that easily:
$ ./mill gatling-app.ivyDepsTree
[137/137] gatling-app.ivyDepsTree
├─ org.scala-lang:scala-library:2.13.14
├─ io.gatling:gatling-shared-model_2.13:0.0.6
│ ├─ io.gatling:gatling-shared-util_2.13:0.0.8
│ │ ├─ org.scala-lang:scala-library:2.13.14
│ │ └─ org.scala-lang.modules:scala-collection-compat_2.13:2.11.0
│ │ └─ org.scala-lang:scala-library:2.13.14
│ ├─ io.suzaku:boopickle_2.13:1.3.3
│ │ └─ org.scala-lang:scala-library:2.13.14
│ └─ org.scala-lang:scala-library:2.13.14
├─ io.gatling:gatling-shared-cli:0.0.3
│ └─ com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs-annotations:4.8.4 -> 4.8.6
│ └─
├─ org.simpleflatmapper:lightning-csv:8.2.3
│ └─ org.simpleflatmapper:sfm-util:8.2.3
├─ com.github.ben-manes.caffeine:caffeine:3.1.8
│ ├─
│ └─ org.checkerframework:checker-qual:3.37.0
None of these tools are rocket science, but Mill provides all of them out of the box in a convenient package for you to use. Whether you want a visual graph layout, a parallel performance profile, or a third-party dependency tree of your project, Mill makes it easy and convenient without needing to fiddle with custom configuration or third party plugins. This helps make it easy for you to explore, understand, and take ownership of the build tool.
Both the Mill and SBT builds we discussed in this case study do the same thing: they compile Java and Scala code and run tests. If set up and used properly, SBT builds are performant and do what needs to be done.
Where Mill has an advantage over SBT is in its simplicity and understandability. You do not need to worry about using it "the wrong way" and ending up with workflows running slower than necessary. You can explore your build using your IDE like you would any other project, tracing task dependencies using the same jump-to-definition you use to trace method calls in your application code. Mill provides builtin tools to help you navigate, visualize, and understand your build, turning a normally opaque "build config" into something that’s transparent and easily understandable.