Multi-Language Builds

build.mill (download, browse)
package build
import mill._, javascriptlib._, pythonlib._, javalib._

object client extends ReactScriptsModule

object `sentiment-analysis` extends PythonModule {
  def mainScript = Task.Source { millSourcePath / "src" / "" }

  def pythonDeps = Seq("textblob==0.19.0")

  object test extends PythonTests with pythonlib.TestModule.Unittest

object server extends JavaModule {
  def ivyDeps = Agg(

  /** Bundle client & sentiment-analysis as resource */
  def resources = Task.Sources {
    os.copy(client.bundle().path, Task.dest / "static")
    os.makeDir.all(Task.dest / "analysis")
    os.copy(`sentiment-analysis`.bundle().path, Task.dest / "analysis" / "analysis.pex")
    super.resources() ++ Seq(PathRef(Task.dest))

  object test extends JavaTests with javalib.TestModule.Junit5 {
    def ivyDeps = super.ivyDeps() ++ Agg(

This example demonstrates a simple multi-langauge project, running a spring boot webserver serving a react client and interacting with a python binary through the web-server api.

> mill client.test
PASS src/test/App.test.tsx
...Text Analysis Tool
...renders the app with initial UI...
...displays sentiment result...
Test Suites:...1 passed, 1 total
Tests:...2 passed, 2 total

> mill sentiment-analysis.test
test_negative_sentiment... ok
test_neutral_sentiment... ok
test_positive_sentiment... ok
Ran 3 tests...

> mill server.test finished... finished... finished...

> mill server.runBackground

> curl http://localhost:8086
...<title>Sentiment Analysis Tool</title>...

> curl -X POST http://localhost:8086/api/analysis -H "Content-Type: text/plain" --data "This is awesome!" # Make request to the analysis api
Positive sentiment (polarity: 1.0)

> mill clean server.runBackground