Java Packaging & Publishing
This page will discuss common topics around packaging and publishing your Java projects for others to use
Building Executable Assemblies
Mill’s built in .assembly
task makes it easy to generate an executable assembly
jar from any JVM module. You can also customize the assembly jar as shown below:
package build
import mill._, javalib._
import mill.javalib.Assembly._
object foo extends JavaModule {
def moduleDeps = Seq(bar)
def assemblyRules = Seq(
// all application.conf files will be concatenated into single file
// all *.conf files will be concatenated into single file
// all *.temp files will be excluded from a final jar
// the `shapeless` package will be relocated under the `shade` package
Rule.Relocate("shapeless.**", "shade.shapless.@1")
object bar extends JavaModule {}
The most common way of configuring an assembly is
excluding some files from a final jar (like signature files,
and manifest files from library jars), and merging duplicated files (for
instance reference.conf
files from library dependencies). This is
done by overriding def assemblyRules
as shown above
By default mill excludes all *.sf
, *.dsa
, *.rsa
, and
files from assembly, and concatenates all
files. You can also define your own merge/exclude rules.
> ./mill foo.assembly
> unzip -p ./out/foo/assembly.dest/out.jar application.conf || true
Bar Application Conf
Foo Application Conf
> java -jar ./out/foo/assembly.dest/out.jar
Loaded application.conf from resources:...
...Foo Application Conf
...Bar Application Conf
Note that when running the assembly directly via ./out.jar
, you can configure
JVM flags via the JAVA_OPTS
environment variable, and select the JVM
to use via JAVA_HOME
> ./out/foo/assembly.dest/out.jar
Loaded 1337
Building Native Image Binaries with Graal VM
package build
import mill._, javalib._
import mill.define.ModuleRef
object foo extends JavaModule with NativeImageModule {
def zincWorker = ModuleRef(ZincWorkerGraalvm)
def nativeImageOptions = Seq("--no-fallback")
object ZincWorkerGraalvm extends ZincWorkerModule {
def jvmId = "graalvm-community:17.0.7"
This example uses NativeImageModule
to generate a native executable using Graal VM.
We recommend you configure a specific JDK version
via a custom ZincWorkerModule
overriding def jvmId
(shown above), as not every JVM can build Graal native images.
> ./mill show foo.nativeImage
GraalVM Native Image: Generating...native-executable...
Finished generating...native-executable...
> ./out/foo/nativeImage.dest/native-executable
Hello, World!
For another example building a slightly less trivial project into a Graal native image, see below:
package build
import mill._, javalib._
import mill.define.ModuleRef
object foo extends JavaModule with NativeImageModule {
def ivyDeps = Agg(
def zincWorker = ModuleRef(ZincWorkerGraalvm)
def nativeImageOptions = Seq(
object ZincWorkerGraalvm extends ZincWorkerModule {
def jvmId = "graalvm-community:23.0.1"
This example shows how to generate native images for projects using third-party
libraries, in this case ArgParse4J and Thymeleaf. ArgParse4J does use some dynamic
resource loading and reflection, and so we need to pass the -H:IncludeResourceBundles
flag to nativeImageOptions
in order to be compatible. We also demonstrate setting
using -Os
to optimize for the smallest binary size,
which is available in the graalvm-community:23
JDK selected above.
> ./mill show foo.nativeImage
> ./out/foo/nativeImage.dest/native-executable --text hello-world
You can see the Graal documentation to see what flags are available:
Or access the native-image
compiler directly via show foo.nativeImageTool
if you want to experiment it or view its --help
text to see what you need to pass to
> ./mill show foo.nativeImageTool # mac/linux
> ./mill show foo.nativeImageTool # windows
For more details on using Graal, check the this blog post:
Java App and Bundles using jlink
This example illustrates how to use Mill to generate a runtime image using the jlink
Starting with JDK 9, jlink
bundles Java app code with a stripped-down version of the JVM.
package build
import mill._, javalib._
import mill.javalib.Assembly._
import mill.scalalib.JlinkModule
object foo extends JavaModule with JlinkModule {
def jlinkModuleName: T[String] = Task { "foo" }
def jlinkModuleVersion: T[Option[String]] = Task { Option("1.0") }
def jlinkCompressLevel: T[String] = Task { "2" }
Most of the work is done by the trait JlinkModule
in two steps:
It uses the
tool to create ajlink.jmod
file for the main Java module. The main Java module is typically the module containing themainClass
If your build file doesn’t explicitly specify a mainClass
, JlinkModule
will infer it from JavaModule
, which is its parent trait.
See Specifying the Main Class to learn more on how to influence the inference process.
You can explicitly specify a mainClass
like so in your build file:
def mainClass: T[Option[String]] = { Some("") }
It then uses the
tool, to link the previously createdjlink.jmod
with a runtime image.
With respect to the jlinkCompressLevel
option, on recent builds of OpenJDK and its descendants,
will accept [0
, 1
, 2
] but it will issue a deprecation warning.
Valid values on OpenJDK range between: ["zip-0" - "zip-9"].
The version of jlink that ships with the Oracle JDK will only accept [0 , 1 , 2 ]
as valid values for compression, with 0 being "no compression"
and 2 being "ZIP compression".
To use a specific JDK, first set your JAVA_HOME
environment variable prior to running the build.
export JAVA_HOME=/Users/mac/.sdkman/candidates/java/17.0.9-oracle/
> mill foo.jlinkAppImage
> mill show foo.jlinkAppImage
> ./out/foo/jlinkAppImage.dest/jlink-runtime/bin/jlink
... foo.Bar main
INFO: Hello World!
Java Installers using jpackage
This example illustrates how to use Mill to generate a native package/installer
using the jpackage
package build
import mill._, javalib._
import mill.javalib.Assembly._
import mill.scalalib.JpackageModule
object foo extends JavaModule with JpackageModule {
def jpackageType = "app-image"
def assemblyRules = Seq(
// all application.conf files will be concatenated into single file
// all *.conf files will be concatenated into single file
JPMS (Java Platform Module System) is a modern distribution format that was designed to avoid several of the shortcomings of the ubiquitous JAR format, especially "JAR Hell".
A defining characteristic of module-based Java applications based on the JPMS format
is that a
must be defined at the root of the module’s source file hierarchy.
must explicitly list modules that it depends on, and also list
packages that it exports, to make the integrity of these relationships easy to verify,
both at compile-time and run-time.
Starting with version 14, the JDK ships with the jpackage
tool which can
assemble any module-based Java application into a native package/installer.
The above build file expects the following project layout:
build.mill foo/ src/
> mill foo.jpackageAppImage
> mill show foo.jpackageAppImage
The term Module is also used in Mill to refer to Mill Modules.
This is not to be confused with Java app code structured as modules according to the JPMS format.
The JpackageModule
trait will infer most of the options needed to assemble a native
package/installer, but you can still customize its output. In our example, we specified:
def jpackageType = "pkg"
This tells jpackage
to generate a .pkg
, which is the native installer format on macOS.
Valid values on macOS are: dmg
, pkg
and app-image
jpackage doesn’t support cross-build to a different OS/CPU combination than
the one you the build is running on. For example, the jpackage binary shipped with a macOS JDK
cannot be used to produce a native installer for another OS like Windows or Linux.
On macOS, jpackageType
accepts 3 values: "dmg" or "pkg" or "app-image" (default).
def jpackageType = "dmg"
will produce:
ls -l ./out/foo/jpackageAppImage.dest/image ... foo-1.0.dmg
def jpackageType = "pkg"
will produce:
ls -l ./out/foo/jpackageAppImage.dest/image ... foo-1.0.pkg
def jpackageType = "app-image"
will produce:
ls -l ./out/foo/jpackageAppImage.dest/image ... ./out/foo/jpackageAppImage.dest/image/ ... foo.Foo readConf INFO: Loaded application.conf from resources: Foo Application Conf ... foo.Bar ... INFO: Hello World application started successfully
Publishing Locally
package build
import mill._, javalib._, publish._
object foo extends JavaModule with PublishModule {
def publishVersion = "0.0.1"
def pomSettings = PomSettings(
description = "Hello",
organization = "com.lihaoyi",
url = "",
licenses = Seq(License.MIT),
versionControl = VersionControl.github("lihaoyi", "example"),
developers = Seq(Developer("lihaoyi", "Li Haoyi", ""))
This is an example JavaModule
with added publishing capabilities via
. This requires that you define an additional
and pomSettings
with the relevant metadata, and provides
the .publishLocal
and publishSigned
tasks for publishing locally to the
machine or to the central maven repository
> mill foo.publishLocal
Publishing Artifact(com.lihaoyi,foo,0.0.1) to ivy repo...
accepts options like --doc=false
and --sources=false
to disable publishing javadoc JARs and source JARs, which are generated and
published by default. This can be helpful if you’re not interested in javadoc JARs,
and javadoc generation fails, and you would rather address those errors later for example.
also accepts --transitive=true
, to also publish locally the
transitive dependencies of the module being published. This ensures the module
can be resolved from the local repository, with no missing dependencies.
publishes the artifacts to the ~/.ivy2/local
folder on your
machine, allowing them to be resolved by other projects and build tools. This
is useful as a lightweight way of testing out the published artifacts, without
the setup overhead and long latencies of publishing artifacts globally accessible
to anyone in the world.
accepts options like --doc=false
and --sources=false
to disable publishing javadoc JARs and source JARs, which are generated and
published by default. This can be helpful if you’re not interested in javadoc JARs,
and javadoc generation fails or takes too much time. When using Scala 2, disabling
javadoc generation can bring large speedups, given it entails compiling your code
a second time.
also accepts --transitive=true
, to also publish locally the
transitive dependencies of the module being published. This ensures the module
can be resolved from the local repository, with no missing dependencies.
Checking API compatibility
Mill provides the ability to check API changes with the Revapi analysis and change tracking tool.
package build
import mill._, javalib._, publish._, revapi._
object bar extends JavaModule with RevapiModule {
def publishVersion = "0.0.1"
def pomSettings = PomSettings(
description = "Hello",
organization = "com.lihaoyi",
url = "",
licenses = Seq(License.MIT),
versionControl = VersionControl.github("lihaoyi", "example"),
developers = Seq(Developer("lihaoyi", "Li Haoyi", ""))
override def revapiConfigFiles: T[Seq[PathRef]] =
// add Revapi config JSON file(s)
override def revapiClasspath: T[Agg[PathRef]] = Task {
// add folder containing logback.xml
super.revapiClasspath() ++ Seq(PathRef(millSourcePath / "conf"))
This example uses the revapi
task, provided by the RevapiModule
, to run an
analysis on old and new archives of a module to identify incompatibilities.
For demonstration purposes, an archive, to compare against, is published locally. In real usage, the old version would be downloaded from the publish repository. |
> mill bar.publishLocal
Publishing Artifact(com.lihaoyi,bar,0.0.1) to ivy repo...
> cp dev/src/ bar/src/
> mill bar.revapi
Starting analysis
Analysis results
old: field Visibility.SuperClass.f @ Visibility.SubClass
new: <none>
java.field.removed: Field removed from class.
old: field Visibility.f
new: field Visibility.f
java.field.visibilityReduced: Visibility was reduced from 'public' to 'protected'.
Analysis took
The revapi task does not fail if incompatibilities are reported. You should fix these, and verify by re-running revapi , before a release.
Publishing to Sonatype Maven Central
Once you’ve mixed in PublishModule
, apart from publishing locally, you can also publish
your project’s modules to maven central
If you’ve never created a keypair before that can be used to sign your artifacts you’ll need to do this. Sonatype’s GPG Documentation has the instructions on how to do this
Publishing Secrets
Mill uses the following environment variables as a way to pass the necessary secrets for publishing:
# The LHS and RHS of the User Token, accessible through the sonatype
# website `Profile` / `User Token` / `Access User Token`
# The base-64 encoded PGP key, which can be encoded in the following way
# for each OS:
# MacOS or FreeBSD
# gpg --export-secret-key -a $LONG_ID | base64
# Ubuntu (assuming GNU base64)
# gpg --export-secret-key -a $LONG_ID | base64 -w0
# Arch
# gpg --export-secret-key -a $LONG_ID | base64 | sed -z 's;\n;;g'
# Windows
# gpg --export-secret-key -a %LONG_ID% | openssl base64
# The passphrase associated with your PGP key
You can publish all eligible modules in your Mill project using
the default task of the
External Module mill.scalalib.PublishModule
mill mill.scalalib.PublishModule/
You can also specify individual modules you want to publish via a selector:
mill mill.scalalib.PublishModule/ --publishArtifacts foo.publishArtifacts
The default URL for publishing to sonatype’s Maven Central is
Newer projects registered on sonatype may need to publish using
In that case, you can pass in a --sonatypeUri
mill mill.scalalib.PublishModule/ \
This also allows you to publish to your own internal corporate sonatype deployment,
by passing in --sonatypeUri
Since Feb. 2021 any new Sonatype accounts have been created on
The symptom of using the "wrong" URL for publishing is typically a 403 error code, in response to the publish request. Typically
Publishing Using Github Actions
To publish on Github Actions, you can use something like this:
# .github/workflows/publish-artifacts.yml
name: Publish Artifacts
- '**'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions/setup-java@v3
distribution: 'temurin'
java-version: '17'
- run: ./mill mill.scalalib.PublishModule/
, and
configured for the repository’s or organization’s Github Actions
workflows. See
Using Secrets in Github Actions
for more details.
Non-Staging Releases (classic Maven uploads)
If the site does not support staging releases as
do (for
example, a self-hosted OSS nexus site), you can pass in the
--stagingRelease false
option to simply upload release artifacts to corresponding
maven path under sonatypeUri
instead of staging path.
mill mill.scalalib.PublishModule/ \
--publishArtifacts foo.publishArtifacts \
--sonatypeCreds lihaoyi:$SONATYPE_PASSWORD \
--sonatypeUri \
--stagingRelease false