Members list
Type members
- Source
- Task.scala
- Supertypes
Represents an unstructured sequence of command-line arguments that can be passed to Mill commands; similar to mainargs.Leftover
Represents an unstructured sequence of command-line arguments that can be passed to Mill commands; similar to mainargs.Leftover
- Companion
- object
- Source
- Args.scala
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Companion
- class
- Source
- Args.scala
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Represents a module at the root of a module tree. This can either be a mill.define.RootModule
representing the build.mill
file, or a mill.define.ExternalModule
provided by a library.
Represents a module at the root of a module tree. This can either be a mill.define.RootModule
representing the build.mill
file, or a mill.define.ExternalModule
provided by a library.
- Source
- BaseModule.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
class ExternalModuleobject PalantirFormatModuleobject Koverobject KtfmtModuleobject KtlintModuleobject KotlinWorkerModuleobject VisualizeModuleobject Giter8Moduleobject ScalafmtModuleobject ScalafmtWorkerModuleobject Dependencyobject PublishModuleobject ZincWorkerModuletrait MainModuleclass RootModuleShow all
- Companion
- trait
- Source
- Cross.scala
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Models "cross-builds": sets of duplicate builds which differ only in the value of one or more "case" variables whose values are determined at runtime. Used via:
Models "cross-builds": sets of duplicate builds which differ only in the value of one or more "case" variables whose values are determined at runtime. Used via:
object foo extends Cross[FooModule]("bar", "baz", "qux")
trait FooModule extends Cross.Module[String]{
... crossValue ...
- Companion
- object
- Source
- Cross.scala
- Supertypes
The contextual information provided to a mill.define.Module or mill.define.Task
The contextual information provided to a mill.define.Module or mill.define.Task
Macro to walk the module tree and generate mainargs
entrypoints for any Task.Command
methods that it finds.
Macro to walk the module tree and generate mainargs
entrypoints for any Task.Command
methods that it finds.
Note that unlike the rest of Mill's module-handling logic which uses Java reflection, generation of entrypoints requires typeclass resolution, and so needs to be done at compile time. Thus, we walk the entire module tree, collecting all the module Class[_]
s we can find, and for each one generate the mainargs.MainData
containing metadata and resolved typeclasses for all the Task.Command
methods we find. This mapping from Class[_]
to MainData
can then be used later to look up the MainData
for any module.
- Companion
- object
- Source
- Discover.scala
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Companion
- class
- Source
- Discover.scala
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
A module which you can override moduleDirectChildren to dynamically enable or disable child modules at runtime
A module which you can override moduleDirectChildren to dynamically enable or disable child modules at runtime
- Source
- DynamicModule.scala
- Supertypes
An implicit that provides the lexically-enclosing class at the point at which it is resolved
An implicit that provides the lexically-enclosing class at the point at which it is resolved
- Companion
- object
- Source
- EnclosingClass.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalsclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Companion
- class
- Source
- EnclosingClass.scala
- Supertypes
trait Producttrait Mirrorclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
- Companion
- object
- Source
- Evaluator.scala
- Supertypes
trait AutoCloseableclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Known subtypes
class EvaluatorImplclass EvaluatorProxy
- Companion
- trait
- Source
- Evaluator.scala
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
- Companion
- object
- Source
- ExecutionPaths.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalsclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Companion
- class
- Source
- ExecutionPaths.scala
- Supertypes
trait Producttrait Mirrorclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
- Source
- ExecResults.scala
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
A module defined outside of the build.mill
file, and is instead provided builtin by some Mill library or plugin
A module defined outside of the build.mill
file, and is instead provided builtin by some Mill library or plugin
- Source
- ExternalModule.scala
- Supertypes
class BaseModuletrait Moduletrait Wrapperclass BaseClasstrait Cachertrait Cacherclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
object PalantirFormatModuleobject Koverobject KtfmtModuleobject KtlintModuleobject KotlinWorkerModuleobject VisualizeModuleobject Giter8Moduleobject ScalafmtModuleobject ScalafmtWorkerModuleobject Dependencyobject PublishModuleobject ZincWorkerModuleShow all
- Source
- Task.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
class SourceImplclass SourcesImpl
- Source
- Lazy.scala
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
Represents a namespace within the Mill build hierarchy, containing nested modules or tasks.
Represents a namespace within the Mill build hierarchy, containing nested modules or tasks.
is a class meant to be extended by trait
s only, in order to propagate the implicit parameters forward to the final concrete instantiation site so they can capture the enclosing/line information of the concrete instance.
- Companion
- object
- Source
- Module.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
class BaseModuleclass ExternalModuleobject PalantirFormatModuleobject Koverobject KtfmtModuleobject KtlintModuleobject KotlinWorkerModuleobject VisualizeModuleobject Giter8Moduleobject ScalafmtModuleobject ScalafmtWorkerModuleobject Dependencyobject PublishModuleobject ZincWorkerModuletrait MainModuleclass RootModuletrait Module[T1]trait CrossValuetrait InnerCrossModule2trait InnerCrossModule3trait InnerCrossModule4trait InnerCrossModule5trait CrossModuleBasetrait CrossSbtModuletrait CrossScalaModuletrait CrossScalaVersionRangestrait Cross[M]trait DynamicModuletrait TaskModuletrait JavaModuletrait JavaTeststrait AndroidAppTeststrait AndroidAppKotlinTeststrait AndroidLibTeststrait AndroidLibKotlinTeststrait KotlinTeststrait KotlinJsTeststrait KotestTeststrait KotlinTestPackageTeststrait KspTeststrait KotlinMavenTeststrait MavenTeststrait SbtTeststrait CrossSbtTeststrait ScalaTeststrait ScalaJSTeststrait ScalaNativeTeststrait AndroidAppBundletrait AndroidModuletrait AndroidAppModuletrait AndroidAppKotlinModuletrait AndroidLibModuletrait AndroidLibKotlinModuletrait CheckstyleModuletrait CheckstyleXsltModuletrait ErrorProneModuletrait PalantirFormatModuletrait KtfmtBaseModuletrait KtfmtModuletrait KotlinModuletrait AndroidKotlinModuletrait DetektModuletrait KotlinJsModuletrait KoverModuletrait KspModuletrait KotlinMavenModuletrait PlatformKotlinModuletrait ScalafmtModuletrait BomModuletrait JlinkModuletrait JpackageModuletrait MavenModuletrait SbtModuletrait SbtNativeModuletrait PlatformModuleBasetrait PlatformScalaModuletrait PublishModuletrait ScalaModuletrait ScalaJSModuletrait TestScalaJSModuletrait UnidocModuletrait ScalaNativeModuletrait TestScalaNativeModuletrait TestModuletrait AndroidTestModuletrait AndroidJUnittrait Junit4trait Junit5trait Munittrait ScalaTesttrait Specs2trait TestNgtrait Utesttrait Weavertrait ZioTesttrait KotlinWorkerModuletrait SelectiveExecutionModuletrait WithZincWorkertrait NativeImageModuletrait RunModuleShow all
- Companion
- trait
- Source
- Module.scala
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Used to refer to a module from another module without including the target module as a child-module of the first.
Used to refer to a module from another module without including the target module as a child-module of the first.
- Source
- ModuleRef.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalsclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Represents a task that can be referenced by its path segments. Task{...}
targets, Task.Input
, Task.Worker
, etc. but not including anonymous Task.Anon
or Task.traverse
etc. instances
Represents a task that can be referenced by its path segments. Task{...}
targets, Task.Input
, Task.Worker
, etc. but not including anonymous Task.Anon
or Task.traverse
etc. instances
- Source
- Task.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
class Command[T]trait Target[T]class InputImpl[T]class SourceImplclass SourcesImplclass TargetImpl[T]class Worker[T]Show all
- Companion
- object
- Source
- Segment.scala
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Known subtypes
- Companion
- trait
- Source
- Segment.scala
- Supertypes
trait Sumtrait Mirrorclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Models a path with the Mill build hierarchy, e.g. amm.util[2.11].test.compile
Models a path with the Mill build hierarchy, e.g. amm.util[2.11].test.compile
-separated segments are Segment.Labels, while []
-delimited segments are Segment.Crosss
- Companion
- object
- Source
- Segments.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalsclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Companion
- class
- Source
- Segments.scala
- Supertypes
trait Producttrait Mirrorclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
- Companion
- object
- Source
- SelectMode.scala
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Known subtypes
- Companion
- trait
- Source
- SelectMode.scala
- Supertypes
trait Sumtrait Mirrorclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
A Target is a NamedTask that is cached on disk; either a TargetImpl or an InputImpl
A Target is a NamedTask that is cached on disk; either a TargetImpl or an InputImpl
- Companion
- object
- Source
- Task.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
- Companion
- trait
- Source
- Task.scala
- Supertypes
- Self type
Models a single node in the Mill build graph, with a list of inputs and a single output of type T.
Models a single node in the Mill build graph, with a list of inputs and a single output of type T.
Generally not instantiated manually, but instead constructed via the Target.apply & similar macros.
- Companion
- object
- Source
- Task.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
class AnonImpl[T]trait NamedTask[T]class Command[T]trait Target[T]class InputImpl[T]class SourceImplclass SourcesImplclass TargetImpl[T]class Worker[T]Show all
- Companion
- class
- Source
- Task.scala
- Supertypes
- Self type
The mill.define.Target companion object, usually aliased as T, provides most of the helper methods and macros used to build task graphs. methods like Task.
apply, Task.
sources, Task.
command allow you to define the tasks, while methods like Task.
dest, Task.
log or Task.
env provide the core APIs that are provided to a task implementation
The mill.define.Target companion object, usually aliased as T, provides most of the helper methods and macros used to build task graphs. methods like Task.
apply, Task.
sources, Task.
command allow you to define the tasks, while methods like Task.
dest, Task.
log or Task.
env provide the core APIs that are provided to a task implementation
- Source
- Task.scala
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Known subtypes
A Module that has a defaultCommandName that will be automatically executed if the module name is provide at the Mill command line
A Module that has a defaultCommandName that will be automatically executed if the module name is provide at the Mill command line
- Source
- TaskModule.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
object PalantirFormatModuletrait JavaModuletrait JavaTeststrait AndroidAppTeststrait AndroidAppKotlinTeststrait AndroidLibTeststrait AndroidLibKotlinTeststrait KotlinTeststrait KotlinJsTeststrait KotestTeststrait KotlinTestPackageTeststrait KspTeststrait KotlinMavenTeststrait MavenTeststrait SbtTeststrait CrossSbtTeststrait ScalaTeststrait ScalaJSTeststrait ScalaNativeTeststrait AndroidAppBundletrait AndroidModuletrait AndroidAppModuletrait AndroidAppKotlinModuletrait AndroidLibModuletrait AndroidLibKotlinModuletrait CheckstyleModuletrait CheckstyleXsltModuletrait ErrorProneModuletrait PalantirFormatModuletrait KtfmtBaseModuletrait KtfmtModuleobject KtfmtModuletrait KotlinModuletrait AndroidKotlinModuletrait DetektModuletrait KotlinJsModuletrait KoverModuletrait KspModuletrait KotlinMavenModuletrait PlatformKotlinModuletrait ScalafmtModuleobject ScalafmtModuletrait BomModuletrait JlinkModuletrait JpackageModuletrait MavenModuletrait SbtModuletrait CrossSbtModuletrait SbtNativeModuletrait PlatformModuleBasetrait PlatformScalaModuletrait PublishModuletrait ScalaModuletrait ScalaJSModuletrait TestScalaJSModuletrait CrossModuleBasetrait CrossScalaModuletrait CrossScalaVersionRangestrait UnidocModuletrait ScalaNativeModuletrait TestScalaNativeModuletrait TestModuletrait AndroidTestModuletrait AndroidJUnittrait Junit4trait Junit5trait Munittrait ScalaTesttrait Specs2trait TestNgtrait Utesttrait Weavertrait ZioTestShow all