- Companion
- trait
- Source
- TestModule.scala
- Graph
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Members list
Type members
- Source
- TestModule.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
trait JavaModuletrait JavaTeststrait AndroidAppTeststrait AndroidAppKotlinTeststrait KotlinTeststrait KotlinJsTeststrait KotestTeststrait KotlinTestPackageTeststrait KspTeststrait KotlinMavenTeststrait MavenTeststrait SbtTeststrait CrossSbtTeststrait ScalaTeststrait ScalaJSTeststrait ScalaNativeTeststrait AndroidAppBundletrait AndroidAppModuletrait AndroidAppKotlinModuletrait CheckstyleModuletrait CheckstyleXsltModuletrait ErrorProneModuletrait PalantirFormatModuletrait KtfmtBaseModuletrait KtfmtModuleobject KtfmtModuletrait KotlinModuletrait DetektModuletrait KotlinJsModuletrait KoverModuletrait KspModuletrait KotlinMavenModuletrait PlatformKotlinModuletrait ScalafmtModuleobject ScalafmtModuletrait BomModuletrait JlinkModuletrait JpackageModuletrait MavenModuletrait SbtModuletrait CrossSbtModuletrait SbtNativeModuletrait PlatformModuleBasetrait PublishModuletrait ScalaModuletrait ScalaJSModuletrait TestScalaJSModuletrait CrossModuleBasetrait CrossScalaModuletrait CrossScalaVersionRangestrait PlatformScalaModuletrait UnidocModuletrait ScalaNativeModuletrait TestScalaNativeModuletrait TestModuletrait AndroidTestModuletrait AndroidJUnittrait Junit4trait Junit5trait Munittrait ScalaTesttrait Specs2trait TestNgtrait Utesttrait Weavertrait ZioTestShow all
TestModule that uses JUnit 4 Framework to run tests. You may want to provide the junit dependency explicitly to use another version.
TestModule that uses JUnit 4 Framework to run tests. You may want to provide the junit dependency explicitly to use another version.
- Source
- TestModule.scala
- Supertypes
trait TestModuletrait TaskModuletrait RunModuletrait WithZincWorkertrait JavaModuleBasetrait BspModuletrait Moduletrait Wrapperclass BaseClasstrait Cachertrait Cacherclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
TestModule that uses JUnit 5 Framework to run tests. You may want to provide the junit dependency explicitly to use another version.
TestModule that uses JUnit 5 Framework to run tests. You may want to provide the junit dependency explicitly to use another version.
- Source
- TestModule.scala
- Supertypes
trait TestModuletrait TaskModuletrait RunModuletrait WithZincWorkertrait JavaModuleBasetrait BspModuletrait Moduletrait Wrapperclass BaseClasstrait Cachertrait Cacherclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
TestModule that uses MUnit to run tests. You need to provide the munit dependencies yourself.
TestModule that uses MUnit to run tests. You need to provide the munit dependencies yourself.
- Source
- TestModule.scala
- Supertypes
trait TestModuletrait TaskModuletrait RunModuletrait WithZincWorkertrait JavaModuleBasetrait BspModuletrait Moduletrait Wrapperclass BaseClasstrait Cachertrait Cacherclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Source
- TestModule.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
trait ScalaModuletrait ScalaTeststrait ScalaJSTeststrait SbtTeststrait CrossSbtTeststrait ScalaNativeTeststrait ScalaJSModuletrait TestScalaJSModuletrait CrossModuleBasetrait CrossSbtModuletrait CrossScalaModuletrait CrossScalaVersionRangestrait PlatformScalaModuletrait SbtModuletrait SbtNativeModuletrait UnidocModuletrait ScalaNativeModuletrait TestScalaNativeModuletrait Specs2Show all
TestModule that uses ScalaTest Framework to run tests. You need to provide the scalatest dependencies yourself.
TestModule that uses ScalaTest Framework to run tests. You need to provide the scalatest dependencies yourself.
- Source
- TestModule.scala
- Supertypes
trait TestModuletrait TaskModuletrait RunModuletrait WithZincWorkertrait JavaModuleBasetrait BspModuletrait Moduletrait Wrapperclass BaseClasstrait Cachertrait Cacherclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
TestModule that uses Specs2 Framework to run tests. You need to provide the specs2 dependencies yourself.
TestModule that uses Specs2 Framework to run tests. You need to provide the specs2 dependencies yourself.
- Source
- TestModule.scala
- Supertypes
trait TestModuletrait TaskModuletrait RunModuletrait WithZincWorkertrait JavaModuleBasetrait BspModuletrait ScalaModuleBasetrait Moduletrait Wrapperclass BaseClasstrait Cachertrait Cacherclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
TestModule using TestNG Framework to run tests. You need to provide the testng dependency yourself.
TestModule using TestNG Framework to run tests. You need to provide the testng dependency yourself.
- Source
- TestModule.scala
- Supertypes
trait TestModuletrait TaskModuletrait RunModuletrait WithZincWorkertrait JavaModuleBasetrait BspModuletrait Moduletrait Wrapperclass BaseClasstrait Cachertrait Cacherclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
TestModule that uses UTest Framework to run tests. You need to provide the utest dependencies yourself.
TestModule that uses UTest Framework to run tests. You need to provide the utest dependencies yourself.
- Source
- TestModule.scala
- Supertypes
trait TestModuletrait TaskModuletrait RunModuletrait WithZincWorkertrait JavaModuleBasetrait BspModuletrait Moduletrait Wrapperclass BaseClasstrait Cachertrait Cacherclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
TestModule that uses Weaver to run tests. You need to provide the weaver dependencies yourself.
TestModule that uses Weaver to run tests. You need to provide the weaver dependencies yourself.
- Source
- TestModule.scala
- Supertypes
trait TestModuletrait TaskModuletrait RunModuletrait WithZincWorkertrait JavaModuleBasetrait BspModuletrait Moduletrait Wrapperclass BaseClasstrait Cachertrait Cacherclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
TestModule that uses ZIO Test Framework to run tests. You need to provide the zio-test dependencies yourself.
TestModule that uses ZIO Test Framework to run tests. You need to provide the zio-test dependencies yourself.
- Source
- TestModule.scala
- Supertypes
trait TestModuletrait TaskModuletrait RunModuletrait WithZincWorkertrait JavaModuleBasetrait BspModuletrait Moduletrait Wrapperclass BaseClasstrait Cachertrait Cacherclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Value members
Concrete methods
- Source
- TestModule.scala
- Source
- TestModule.scala