object Ivy
Members list
Value members
Concrete methods
@Scaladoc(value = "/**\n * Generates the content of an ivy.xml file\n *\n * @param artifact Coordinates of the module\n * @param dependencies Dependencies of the module\n * @param extras Extra artifacts published alongside the module\n * @param overrides Version overrides\n * @param hasJar Whether the module has a JAR\n * @return ivy.xml content\n */")
def apply(artifact: Artifact, dependencies: Seq[Dependency], extras: Seq[PublishInfo], overrides: Seq[Override], hasJar: Boolean): String
Generates the content of an ivy.xml file
Generates the content of an ivy.xml file
Value parameters
- artifact
Coordinates of the module
- dependencies
Dependencies of the module
- extras
Extra artifacts published alongside the module
- hasJar
Whether the module has a JAR
- overrides
Version overrides
- Returns
ivy.xml content
- Source
- Ivy.scala
In this article