
trait RevapiModule extends BaseClass with PublishModule

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. RevapiModule
  2. PublishModule
  3. JavaModule
  4. AssemblyModule
  5. SemanticDbJavaModule
  6. OfflineSupportModule
  7. CoursierModule
  8. GenIdeaModule
  9. RunModule
  10. TaskModule
  11. JavaModuleBase
  12. BspModule
  13. WithZincWorker
  14. Module
  15. BaseClass
  16. Cacher
  17. Cacher
  18. AnyRef
  19. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. type JavaTests = JavaModuleTests
    Definition Classes

Deprecated Type Members

  1. trait JavaModuleTests extends BaseClass with JavaModule with TestModule
    Definition Classes

    (Since version Mill 0.11.10) Use JavaTests instead

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def pomSettings: T[PomSettings]

    Configuration for the pom.xml metadata file published with this module

    Configuration for the pom.xml metadata file published with this module

    Definition Classes
  2. abstract def publishVersion: T[String]

    The artifact version that this module would be published as

    The artifact version that this module would be published as

    Definition Classes

Concrete Value Members

  1. object millInternal extends Internal

    Miscellaneous machinery around traversing & querying the build hierarchy, that should not be needed by normal users of Mill

    Miscellaneous machinery around traversing & querying the build hierarchy, that should not be needed by normal users of Mill

    Definition Classes
  2. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  5. def allBomDeps: define.Task[Agg[BomDependency]]
    Definition Classes
  6. def allIvyDeps: T[Agg[scalalib.Dep]]

    Aggregation of mandatoryIvyDeps and ivyDeps.

    Aggregation of mandatoryIvyDeps and ivyDeps. In most cases, instead of overriding this Target you want to override ivyDeps instead.

    Definition Classes
  7. def allLocalMainClasses: T[Seq[String]]
    Definition Classes
  8. def allSourceFiles: T[Seq[api.PathRef]]

    All individual source files fed into the Java compiler

    All individual source files fed into the Java compiler

    Definition Classes
  9. def allSources: T[Seq[api.PathRef]]

    The folders containing all source files fed into the compiler

    The folders containing all source files fed into the compiler

    Definition Classes
  10. def artifactId: T[String]

    The exact id of the artifact to be published.

    The exact id of the artifact to be published. You probably don't want to override this. If you want to customize the name of the artifact, override artifactName instead. If you want to customize the scala version in the artifact id, see ScalaModule.artifactScalaVersion

    Definition Classes
  11. def artifactMetadata: T[Artifact]
    Definition Classes
  12. def artifactName: T[String]

    Override this to change the published artifact id.

    Override this to change the published artifact id. For example, by default a scala module foo.baz might be published as foo-baz_2.12 and a java module would be foo-baz. Setting this to baz would result in a scala artifact baz_2.12 or a java artifact baz.

    Definition Classes
  13. def artifactNameParts: T[Seq[String]]
    Definition Classes
  14. def artifactSuffix: T[String]

    The suffix appended to the artifact IDs during publishing

    The suffix appended to the artifact IDs during publishing

    Definition Classes
  15. def artifactTypes: T[Set[Type]]

    Default artifact types to fetch and put in the classpath.

    Default artifact types to fetch and put in the classpath. Add extra types here if you'd like fancy artifact extensions to be fetched.

    Definition Classes
  16. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  17. def assembly: T[api.PathRef]

    An executable uber-jar/assembly containing all the resources and compiled classfiles from this module and all it's upstream modules and dependencies

    An executable uber-jar/assembly containing all the resources and compiled classfiles from this module and all it's upstream modules and dependencies

    Definition Classes
  18. def assemblyRules: Seq[Rule]

    Configuration for the assembly task: how files and file-conflicts are managed when combining multiple jar files into one big assembly jar.

    Configuration for the assembly task: how files and file-conflicts are managed when combining multiple jar files into one big assembly jar.

    Definition Classes
  19. def bindDependency: define.Task[(scalalib.Dep) => scalalib.BoundDep]

    Bind a dependency (Dep) to the actual module context (e.g.

    Bind a dependency (Dep) to the actual module context (e.g. the scala version and the platform suffix)


    The BoundDep

    Definition Classes
  20. def bomIvyDeps: T[Agg[scalalib.Dep]]

    Any BOM dependencies you want to add to this Module, in the format ivy"org:name:version"

    Any BOM dependencies you want to add to this Module, in the format ivy"org:name:version"

    Definition Classes
  21. def bspBuildTarget: BspBuildTarget

    Use to fill most fields of BuildTarget.

    Use to fill most fields of BuildTarget.

    Definition Classes
  22. def bspBuildTargetData: define.Task[Option[(String, AnyRef)]]

    Use to populate the BuildTarget.{dataKind,data} fields.

    Use to populate the BuildTarget.{dataKind,data} fields.

    Mill specific implementations: - JvmBuildTarget - ScalaBuildTarget

    Definition Classes
  23. def bspCompileClassesPath: T[UnresolvedPath]

    The path to the compiled classes by compile without forcing to actually run the compilation.

    The path to the compiled classes by compile without forcing to actually run the compilation. This is safe in an BSP context, as the compilation done later will use the exact same compilation settings, so we can safely use the same path.

    Keep in sync with compile

    Definition Classes
  24. def bspCompileClasspath: T[Agg[UnresolvedPath]]

    Same as compileClasspath, but does not trigger compilation targets, if possible.

    Same as compileClasspath, but does not trigger compilation targets, if possible.

    Keep in sync with compileClasspath

    Definition Classes
  25. def bspCompiledClassesAndSemanticDbFiles: T[UnresolvedPath]
    Definition Classes
  26. def bspDisplayName: String
    Definition Classes
  27. def bspDisplayName0: String
    Definition Classes
  28. def bspJvmBuildTargetTask: define.Task[JvmBuildTarget]
    Definition Classes
  29. def bspLocalClasspath: T[Agg[UnresolvedPath]]

    Same as localClasspath, but with all dependencies on compile replaced by their non-compiling bspCompileClassesPath variants.

    Same as localClasspath, but with all dependencies on compile replaced by their non-compiling bspCompileClassesPath variants.

    Keep in sync with localClasspath

    Definition Classes
  30. def bspLocalRunClasspath: T[Agg[UnresolvedPath]]

    Same as localRunClasspath but for use in BSP server.

    Same as localRunClasspath but for use in BSP server.

    Keep in sync with localRunClasspath

    Definition Classes
  31. def bspTransitiveCompileClasspath: T[Agg[UnresolvedPath]]

    Same as transitiveCompileClasspath, but with all dependencies on compile replaced by their non-compiling bspCompileClassesPath variants.

    Same as transitiveCompileClasspath, but with all dependencies on compile replaced by their non-compiling bspCompileClassesPath variants.

    Keep in sync with transitiveCompileClasspath

    Definition Classes
  32. def bspTransitiveLocalClasspath: T[Agg[UnresolvedPath]]

    Same as transitiveLocalClasspath, but with all dependencies on compile replaced by their non-compiling bspCompileClassesPath variants.

    Same as transitiveLocalClasspath, but with all dependencies on compile replaced by their non-compiling bspCompileClassesPath variants.

    Keep in sync with transitiveLocalClasspath

    Definition Classes
  33. def cachedTarget[T](t: => T)(implicit c: Enclosing): T
    Definition Classes
    Cacher → Cacher
  34. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate() @native()
  35. def compile: T[CompilationResult]

    Compiles the current module to generate compiled classfiles/bytecode.

    Compiles the current module to generate compiled classfiles/bytecode.

    When you override this, you probably also want/need to override bspCompileClassesPath, as that needs to point to the same compilation output path.

    Keep in sync with bspCompileClassesPath

    Definition Classes
  36. def compileClasspath: T[Agg[api.PathRef]]

    All classfiles and resources from upstream modules and dependencies necessary to compile this module.

    All classfiles and resources from upstream modules and dependencies necessary to compile this module.

    Keep in sync with bspCompileClasspath

    Definition Classes
  37. def compileIvyDeps: T[Agg[scalalib.Dep]]

    Same as ivyDeps, but only present at compile time.

    Same as ivyDeps, but only present at compile time. Useful for e.g. macro-related dependencies like scala-reflect that doesn't need to be present at runtime

    Definition Classes
  38. def compileModuleDeps: Seq[scalalib.JavaModule]

    The compile-only direct dependencies of this module.

    The compile-only direct dependencies of this module. These are *not* transitive, and only take effect in the module that they are declared in.

    Definition Classes
  39. final def compileModuleDepsChecked: Seq[scalalib.JavaModule]

    Same as compileModuleDeps but checked to not contain cycles.

    Same as compileModuleDeps but checked to not contain cycles.

    Definition Classes
  40. def compileResources: T[Seq[api.PathRef]]

    The folders where the compile time resource files for this module live.

    The folders where the compile time resource files for this module live. If your resources files do not necessarily need to be seen by the compiler, you should use resources instead.

    Definition Classes
  41. def compiledClassesAndSemanticDbFiles: T[api.PathRef]
    Definition Classes
  42. def coursierCacheCustomizer: define.Task[Option[(FileCache[coursier.util.Task]) => FileCache[coursier.util.Task]]]

    Customize the coursier file cache.

    Customize the coursier file cache.

    This is rarely needed to be changed, but sometimes e.g. you want to load a coursier plugin. Doing so requires adding to coursier's classpath. To do this you could use the following:

    override def coursierCacheCustomizer = Task.Anon {
       Some( (fc: coursier.cache.FileCache[Task]) =>
    Definition Classes
  43. def coursierDependency: Dependency

    The coursier.Dependency to use to refer to this module

    The coursier.Dependency to use to refer to this module

    Definition Classes
  44. def coursierProject: define.Task[Project]

    The coursier.Project corresponding to this JavaModule.

    The coursier.Project corresponding to this JavaModule.

    This provides details about this module to the coursier resolver (details such as dependencies, BOM dependencies, dependency management, etc.). Beyond more general resolution parameters (such as artifact types, etc.), this should be the only way we provide details about this module to coursier.

    Definition Classes
  45. def defaultCommandName(): String

    The name of the default command, which will be automatically executed if the module name is provided at the Mill command line.

    The name of the default command, which will be automatically executed if the module name is provided at the Mill command line.

    Definition Classes
  46. def defaultResolver: define.Task[Resolver]
    Definition Classes
  47. def depManagement: T[Agg[scalalib.Dep]]

    Dependency management data

    Dependency management data

    Versions and exclusions in dependency management override those of transitive dependencies, while they have no effect if the corresponding dependency isn't pulled during dependency resolution.

    For example, the following forces com.lihaoyi::os-lib to version 0.11.3, and excludes org.slf4j:slf4j-api from com.lihaoyi::cask that it forces to version 0.9.4

    def depManagement = super.depManagement() ++ Agg(
      ivy"com.lihaoyi::cask:0.9.5".exclude("org.slf4j", "slf4j-api")
    Definition Classes
  48. def docJar: T[api.PathRef]

    The documentation jar, containing all the Javadoc/Scaladoc HTML files, for publishing to Maven Central

    The documentation jar, containing all the Javadoc/Scaladoc HTML files, for publishing to Maven Central

    Definition Classes
  49. def docJarUseArgsFile: T[Boolean]

    Control whether docJar-target should use a file to pass command line arguments to the javadoc tool.

    Control whether docJar-target should use a file to pass command line arguments to the javadoc tool. Defaults to true on Windows. Beware: Using an args-file is probably not supported for very old javadoc versions.

    Definition Classes
  50. def docResources: T[Seq[api.PathRef]]

    Extra directories to be copied into the documentation.

    Extra directories to be copied into the documentation.

    Typically, includes static files such as html and markdown, but depends on the doc tool that is actually used.

    Definition Classes
    See also


  51. def docSources: T[Seq[api.PathRef]]

    Directories to be processed by the API documentation tool.

    Directories to be processed by the API documentation tool.

    Typically, includes the source files to generate documentation from.

    Definition Classes
    See also


  52. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  53. def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  54. def extraPublish: T[Seq[PublishInfo]]

    Extra artifacts to publish.

    Extra artifacts to publish.

    Definition Classes
  55. def finalMainClass: T[String]
    Definition Classes
  56. def finalMainClassOpt: T[Either[String, String]]
    Definition Classes
  57. def forkArgs: T[Seq[String]]

    Any command-line parameters you want to pass to the forked JVM under run, test or repl

    Any command-line parameters you want to pass to the forked JVM under run, test or repl

    Definition Classes
  58. def forkCmdArgs: define.Target[Seq[String]]

    Similar to forkArgs but only applies to the bat launcher script

    Similar to forkArgs but only applies to the bat launcher script

    Definition Classes
  59. def forkEnv: T[Map[String, String]]

    Any environment variables you want to pass to the forked JVM under run, test or repl

    Any environment variables you want to pass to the forked JVM under run, test or repl

    Definition Classes
  60. def forkShellArgs: define.Target[Seq[String]]

    Similar to forkArgs but only applies to the sh launcher script

    Similar to forkArgs but only applies to the sh launcher script

    Definition Classes
  61. def forkWorkingDir: T[Path]
    Definition Classes
  62. def generatedSources: T[Seq[api.PathRef]]

    Folders containing source files that are generated rather than handwritten; these files can be generated in this target itself, or can refer to files generated from other targets

    Folders containing source files that are generated rather than handwritten; these files can be generated in this target itself, or can refer to files generated from other targets

    Definition Classes
  63. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
    @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate() @native()
  64. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
    @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate() @native()
  65. def ideaCompileOutput: T[PathRef]
    Definition Classes
  66. def ideaConfigFiles(ideaConfigVersion: Int): define.Task[Seq[IdeaConfigFile]]

    Contribute components to idea config files.

    Contribute components to idea config files.

    Definition Classes
  67. def ideaJavaModuleFacets(ideaConfigVersion: Int): define.Task[Seq[JavaFacet]]

    Contribute facets to the Java module configuration.

    Contribute facets to the Java module configuration.


    The IDEA configuration version in use. Probably 4.

    Definition Classes
  68. def intellijModulePath: Path
    Definition Classes
  69. def internalDependenciesRepository: define.Task[Repository]

    The repository that knows about this project itself and its module dependencies

    The repository that knows about this project itself and its module dependencies

    Definition Classes
  70. def internalRepositories: define.Task[Seq[Repository]]

    Mill internal repositories to be used during dependency resolution

    Mill internal repositories to be used during dependency resolution

    These are not meant to be modified by Mill users, unless you really know what you're doing.

    Definition Classes
  71. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  72. def ivy: T[api.PathRef]
    Definition Classes
  73. def ivyDeps: T[Agg[scalalib.Dep]]

    Any ivy dependencies you want to add to this Module, in the format ivy"org::name:version" for Scala dependencies or ivy"org:name:version" for Java dependencies

    Any ivy dependencies you want to add to this Module, in the format ivy"org::name:version" for Scala dependencies or ivy"org:name:version" for Java dependencies

    Definition Classes
  74. def ivyDepsTree(args: IvyDepsTreeArgs = IvyDepsTreeArgs()): define.Command[Unit]

    Command to print the transitive dependency tree to STDOUT.

    Command to print the transitive dependency tree to STDOUT.

    Definition Classes
  75. def jar: T[api.PathRef]

    A jar containing only this module's resources and compiled classfiles, without those from upstream modules and dependencies

    A jar containing only this module's resources and compiled classfiles, without those from upstream modules and dependencies

    Definition Classes
  76. def javacOptions: T[Seq[String]]

    Options to pass to the java compiler

    Options to pass to the java compiler

    Definition Classes
  77. def javadocOptions: T[Seq[String]]

    Additional options to be used by the javadoc tool.

    Additional options to be used by the javadoc tool. You should not set the -d setting for specifying the target directory, as that is done in the docJar target.

    Definition Classes
  78. def launcher: T[api.PathRef]

    Builds a command-line "launcher" file that can be used to run this module's code, without the Mill process.

    Builds a command-line "launcher" file that can be used to run this module's code, without the Mill process. Useful for deployment & other places where you do not want a build tool running

    Definition Classes
  79. def localClasspath: T[Seq[api.PathRef]]

    The *output* classfiles/resources from this module, used for execution, excluding upstream modules and third-party dependencies, but including unmanaged dependencies.

    The *output* classfiles/resources from this module, used for execution, excluding upstream modules and third-party dependencies, but including unmanaged dependencies.

    This is build from localCompileClasspath and localRunClasspath as the parts available "before compilation" and "after compilation".

    Keep in sync with bspLocalClasspath

    Definition Classes
  80. def localCompileClasspath: T[Agg[api.PathRef]]

    The *input* classfiles/resources from this module, used during compilation, excluding upstream modules and third-party dependencies

    The *input* classfiles/resources from this module, used during compilation, excluding upstream modules and third-party dependencies

    Definition Classes
  81. def localRunClasspath: T[Seq[api.PathRef]]

    The part of the localClasspath which is available "after compilation".

    The part of the localClasspath which is available "after compilation".

    Keep in sync with bspLocalRunClasspath

    Definition Classes
  82. def mainClass: T[Option[String]]

    Allows you to specify an explicit main class to use for the run command.

    Allows you to specify an explicit main class to use for the run command. If none is specified, the classpath is searched for an appropriate main class to use if one exists

    Definition Classes
  83. def mandatoryIvyDeps: T[Agg[scalalib.Dep]]

    Mandatory ivy dependencies that are typically always required and shouldn't be removed by overriding ivyDeps, e.g.

    Mandatory ivy dependencies that are typically always required and shouldn't be removed by overriding ivyDeps, e.g. the scala-library in the ScalaModule.

    Definition Classes
  84. def mandatoryJavacOptions: T[Seq[String]]

    Additional options for the java compiler derived from other module settings.

    Additional options for the java compiler derived from other module settings.

    Definition Classes
  85. def manifest: T[JarManifest]

    Creates a manifest representation which can be modified or replaced The default implementation just adds the Manifest-Version, Main-Class and Created-By attributes

    Creates a manifest representation which can be modified or replaced The default implementation just adds the Manifest-Version, Main-Class and Created-By attributes

    Definition Classes
  86. def mapDependencies: define.Task[(Dependency) => Dependency]

    Map dependencies before resolving them.

    Map dependencies before resolving them. Override this to customize the set of dependencies.

    Definition Classes
  87. implicit def millModuleBasePath: BasePath
    Definition Classes
  88. def millModuleDirectChildren: Seq[define.Module]
    Definition Classes
  89. implicit def millModuleExternal: External
    Definition Classes
  90. implicit def millModuleSegments: Segments
    Definition Classes
  91. implicit def millModuleShared: Foreign
    Definition Classes
  92. def millOuterCtx: Ctx
    Definition Classes
  93. def millSourcePath: Path
    Definition Classes
  94. def moduleDeps: Seq[scalalib.PublishModule]

    The direct dependencies of this module.

    The direct dependencies of this module. This is meant to be overridden to add dependencies. To read the value, you should use moduleDepsChecked instead, which uses a cached result which is also checked to be free of cycle.

    Definition Classes
    See also


  95. final def moduleDepsChecked: Seq[scalalib.JavaModule]

    Same as moduleDeps but checked to not contain cycles.

    Same as moduleDeps but checked to not contain cycles. Prefer this over using moduleDeps directly.

    Definition Classes
  96. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  97. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate() @native()
  98. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate() @native()
  99. def platformSuffix: T[String]

    What platform suffix to use for publishing, e.g.

    What platform suffix to use for publishing, e.g. _sjs for Scala.js projects

    Definition Classes
  100. def pom: T[api.PathRef]
    Definition Classes
  101. def pomPackagingType: String

    The packaging type.

    The packaging type. See PackagingType for specially handled values.

    Definition Classes
  102. def pomParentProject: T[Option[Artifact]]

    POM parent project.

    POM parent project.

    Definition Classes
    See also

    Project Inheritance

  103. def prepareOffline(all: Flag): define.Command[Unit]


    If true fetches also source dependencies

    Definition Classes
  104. def prependShellScript: T[String]

    What shell script to use to launch the executable generated by assembly.

    What shell script to use to launch the executable generated by assembly. Defaults to a generic "universal" launcher that should work for Windows, OS-X and Linux

    Definition Classes
  105. def printDepsTree(inverse: Boolean, additionalDeps: define.Task[Agg[scalalib.BoundDep]], whatDependsOn: List[JavaOrScalaModule]): define.Task[Unit]

    Task that print the transitive dependency tree to STDOUT.

    Task that print the transitive dependency tree to STDOUT. NOTE: that when whatDependsOn is used with inverse it will just be ignored since when using whatDependsOn the tree _must_ be inversed to work, so this will always be set as true.


    Invert the tree representation, so that the root is on the bottom.


    Additional dependency to be included into the tree.


    possible list of modules to target in the tree in order to see where a dependency stems from.

    Definition Classes
  106. def processedDependencyManagement(deps: Seq[Dependency]): Seq[(Key, Values)]

    Data from depManagement, converted to a type ready to be passed to coursier for dependency resolution

    Data from depManagement, converted to a type ready to be passed to coursier for dependency resolution

    Definition Classes
  107. def publish(sonatypeCreds: String = "", signed: Boolean = true, gpgArgs: Seq[String] = Seq.empty, release: Boolean = true, readTimeout: Int = 30 * 60 * 1000, connectTimeout: Int = 30 * 60 * 1000, awaitTimeout: Int = 30 * 60 * 1000, stagingRelease: Boolean = true): define.Command[Unit]

    Publish all given artifacts to Sonatype.

    Publish all given artifacts to Sonatype. Uses environment variables MILL_SONATYPE_USERNAME and MILL_SONATYPE_PASSWORD as credentials.


    Sonatype credentials in format username:password. If specified, environment variables will be ignored. Note: consider using environment variables over this argument due to security reasons.


    GPG arguments. Defaults to --batch --yes -a -b. Specifying this will override/remove the defaults. Add the default args to your args to keep them.

    Definition Classes
  108. def publishArtifacts: T[PublishData]
    Definition Classes
  109. def publishIvyDeps: define.Task[(Map[coursier.core.Module, String], Map) => Agg[Dependency]]
    Definition Classes
  110. def publishLocal(localIvyRepo: String = null): define.Command[Unit]

    Publish artifacts to a local ivy repository.

    Publish artifacts to a local ivy repository.


    The local ivy repository. If not defined, the default resolution is used (probably $HOME/.ivy2/local).

    Definition Classes
  111. def publishLocalCached: T[Seq[api.PathRef]]

    Publish artifacts the local ivy repository.

    Publish artifacts the local ivy repository.

    Definition Classes
  112. def publishM2Local(m2RepoPath: String = null): define.Command[Seq[api.PathRef]]

    Publish artifacts to a local Maven repository.

    Publish artifacts to a local Maven repository.


    The path to the local repository as string (default: $HOME/.m2repository). If not set, falls back to maven.repo.local system property or ~/.m2/repository


    PathRefs to published files.

    Definition Classes
  113. def publishM2LocalCached: T[Seq[api.PathRef]]

    Publish artifacts to the local Maven repository.

    Publish artifacts to the local Maven repository.


    PathRefs to published files.

    Definition Classes
  114. def publishM2LocalRepoPath: define.Task[Path]

    The default path that publishM2Local should publish its artifacts to.

    The default path that publishM2Local should publish its artifacts to. Defaults to ~/.m2/repository, but can be configured by setting the maven.repo.local JVM property

    Definition Classes
  115. def publishProperties: T[Map[String, String]]

    Properties to be published with the published pom/ivy XML.

    Properties to be published with the published pom/ivy XML. Use super.publishProperties() ++ when overriding to avoid losing default properties.

    Definition Classes

    Mill after 0.10.0-M5

  116. def publishSelfDependency: T[Artifact]
    Definition Classes
  117. def publishXmlBomDeps: define.Task[Agg[Dependency]]

    BOM dependency to specify in the POM

    BOM dependency to specify in the POM

    Definition Classes
  118. def publishXmlDepMgmt: define.Task[Agg[Dependency]]

    Dependency management to specify in the POM

    Dependency management to specify in the POM

    Definition Classes
  119. def publishXmlDeps: define.Task[Agg[Dependency]]
    Definition Classes
  120. def recursiveModuleDeps: Seq[scalalib.JavaModule]

    The direct and indirect dependencies of this module

    The direct and indirect dependencies of this module

    Definition Classes
  121. def recursiveRunModuleDeps: Seq[scalalib.JavaModule]

    The direct and indirect runtime module dependencies of this module

    The direct and indirect runtime module dependencies of this module

    Definition Classes
  122. def repositoriesTask: define.Task[Seq[Repository]]

    The repositories used to resolved dependencies with resolveDeps().

    The repositories used to resolved dependencies with resolveDeps().

    Definition Classes
  123. def resolutionCustomizer: define.Task[Option[(Resolution) => Resolution]]

    Customize the coursier resolution process.

    Customize the coursier resolution process. This is rarely needed to changed, as the default try to provide a highly reproducible resolution process. But sometime, you need more control, e.g. you want to add some OS or JDK specific resolution properties which are sometimes used by Maven and therefore found in dependency artifact metadata. For example, the JavaFX artifacts are known to use OS specific properties. To fix resolution for JavaFX, you could override this task like the following:

    override def resolutionCustomizer = Task.Anon {
      Some( (r: coursier.core.Resolution) =>
    Definition Classes
  124. def resolutionParams: define.Task[ResolutionParams]

    Resolution parameters, allowing to customize resolution internals

    Resolution parameters, allowing to customize resolution internals

    This rarely needs to be changed. This allows to disable the new way coursier handles BOMs since coursier 2.1.17 (used in Mill since 0.12.3) for example, with:

    def resolutionParams = super.resolutionParams()

    Note that versions forced with Dep#forceVersion() take over forced versions manually set in resolutionParams. The former should be favored to force versions in dependency resolution.

    The Scala version set via ScalaModule#scalaVersion also takes over any Scala version provided via ResolutionParams#scalaVersionOpt.

    The default configuration set in ResolutionParams#defaultConfiguration is ignored when Mill fetches dependencies to be passed to the compiler (equivalent to Maven "compile scope"). In that case, it forces the default configuration to be "compile". On the other hand, when fetching dependencies for runtime (equivalent to Maven "runtime scope"), the value in ResolutionParams#defaultConfiguration is used.

    Definition Classes
  125. def resolveDeps(deps: define.Task[Agg[scalalib.BoundDep]], sources: Boolean = false, artifactTypes: Option[Set[Type]] = None): define.Task[Agg[api.PathRef]]

    Task that resolves the given dependencies using the repositories defined with repositoriesTask.

    Task that resolves the given dependencies using the repositories defined with repositoriesTask.


    The dependencies to resolve.


    If true, resolve source dependencies instead of binary dependencies (JARs).


    If non-empty, pull the passed artifact types rather than the default ones from coursier


    The PathRefs to the resolved files.

    Definition Classes
  126. def resolvePublishDependency: define.Task[(scalalib.Dep) => Dependency]
    Definition Classes
  127. def resolvedIvyDeps: T[Agg[api.PathRef]]

    Resolved dependencies

    Resolved dependencies

    Definition Classes
  128. def resolvedRunIvyDeps: T[Agg[api.PathRef]]
    Definition Classes
  129. def resolvedSemanticDbJavaPluginIvyDeps: T[Agg[api.PathRef]]
    Definition Classes
  130. def resources: T[Seq[api.PathRef]]

    The folders where the resource files for this module live.

    The folders where the resource files for this module live. If you need resources to be seen by the compiler, use compileResources.

    Definition Classes
  131. def revapi(args: String*): Command[PathRef]

    Runs Revapi CLI on this module's archives.

    Runs Revapi CLI on this module's archives.


    additional CLI options


    CLI working directory

  132. def revapiArtifactTypes: T[Set[Type]]

    Artifact types to resolve archives and supplement files (dependencies)

  133. def revapiCacheDir: T[PathRef]

    Location of local cache of extensions to use to locate artifacts

  134. def revapiClasspath: T[Agg[PathRef]]

    Classpath containing the Revapi CLI

  135. def revapiCliVersion: T[String]

    Revapi CLI version

  136. def revapiConfigFiles: T[Seq[PathRef]]

    List of configuration files

  137. def revapiExtensions: T[Seq[String]]

    List of Maven GAVs of Revapi extensions

    List of Maven GAVs of Revapi extensions


    Must be non-empty.

  138. def revapiJvmArgs: T[Seq[String]]

    JVM arguments for the Revapi CLI

  139. def revapiNewFiles: T[Agg[PathRef]]

    API archive and supplement files (dependencies) to compare

  140. def revapiOldFiles: T[Agg[PathRef]]

    API archive and supplement files (dependencies) to compare against

  141. def revapiRemoteRepositories: T[Seq[String]]

    URLs of remote Maven repositories to use for artifact resolution

  142. def run(args: define.Task[Args] = Task.Anon(Args())): define.Command[Unit]

    Runs this module's code in a subprocess and waits for it to finish

    Runs this module's code in a subprocess and waits for it to finish

    Definition Classes
  143. def runBackground(args: String*): define.Command[Unit]

    Runs this module's code in a background process, until it dies or runBackground is used again.

    Runs this module's code in a background process, until it dies or runBackground is used again. This lets you continue using Mill while the process is running in the background: editing files, compiling, and only re-starting the background process when you're ready.

    You can also use -w foo.runBackground to make Mill watch for changes and automatically recompile your code & restart the background process when ready. This is useful when working on long-running server processes that would otherwise run forever

    Definition Classes
  144. def runBackgroundLogToConsole: Boolean

    If true, stdout and stderr of the process executed by runBackground or runMainBackground is sent to mill's stdout/stderr (which usually flow to the console).

    If true, stdout and stderr of the process executed by runBackground or runMainBackground is sent to mill's stdout/stderr (which usually flow to the console).

    If false, output will be directed to files stdout.log and stderr.log in runBackground.dest (or runMainBackground.dest)

    Definition Classes
  145. def runBackgroundRestartDelayMillis: T[Int]
    Definition Classes
  146. def runBackgroundTask(mainClass: define.Task[String], args: define.Task[Args] = Task.Anon(Args())): define.Task[Unit]
    Definition Classes
  147. def runClasspath: T[Seq[api.PathRef]]

    All classfiles and resources from upstream modules and dependencies necessary to run this module's code after compilation

    All classfiles and resources from upstream modules and dependencies necessary to run this module's code after compilation

    Definition Classes
  148. def runForkedTask(mainClass: define.Task[String], args: define.Task[Args] = Task.Anon(Args())): define.Task[Unit]

    Runs this module's code in a subprocess and waits for it to finish

    Runs this module's code in a subprocess and waits for it to finish

    Definition Classes
  149. def runIvyDeps: T[Agg[scalalib.Dep]]

    Additional dependencies, only present at runtime.

    Additional dependencies, only present at runtime. Useful for e.g. selecting different versions of a dependency to use at runtime after your code has already been compiled.

    Definition Classes
  150. def runLocal(args: define.Task[Args] = Task.Anon(Args())): define.Command[Unit]

    Runs this module's code in-process within an isolated classloader.

    Runs this module's code in-process within an isolated classloader. This is faster than run, but in exchange you have less isolation between runs since the code can dirty the parent Mill process and potentially leave it in a bad state.

    Definition Classes
  151. def runLocalTask(mainClass: define.Task[String], args: define.Task[Args] = Task.Anon(Args())): define.Task[Unit]
    Definition Classes
  152. def runMain(mainClass: String, args: String*): define.Command[Unit]

    Same as run, but lets you specify a main class to run

    Same as run, but lets you specify a main class to run

    Definition Classes
  153. def runMainBackground(mainClass: String, args: String*): define.Command[Unit]

    Same as runBackground, but lets you specify a main class to run

    Same as runBackground, but lets you specify a main class to run

    Definition Classes
  154. def runMainLocal(mainClass: String, args: String*): define.Command[Unit]

    Same as runLocal, but lets you specify a main class to run

    Same as runLocal, but lets you specify a main class to run

    Definition Classes
  155. def runModuleDeps: Seq[scalalib.JavaModule]

    The runtime-only direct dependencies of this module.

    The runtime-only direct dependencies of this module. These *are* transitive, and so get propagated to downstream modules automatically

    Definition Classes
  156. final def runModuleDepsChecked: Seq[scalalib.JavaModule]

    Same as moduleDeps but checked to not contain cycles.

    Same as moduleDeps but checked to not contain cycles. Prefer this over using moduleDeps directly.

    Definition Classes
  157. def runUseArgsFile: T[Boolean]

    Control whether run*-targets should use an args file to pass command line args, if possible.

    Control whether run*-targets should use an args file to pass command line args, if possible.

    Definition Classes
  158. def runner: define.Task[Runner]
    Definition Classes
  159. def semanticDbData: T[api.PathRef]
    Definition Classes
  160. def semanticDbEnablePluginScalacOptions: T[Seq[String]]

    Scalac options to activate the compiler plugins.

    Scalac options to activate the compiler plugins.

    Definition Classes
  161. def semanticDbJavaVersion: T[String]
    Definition Classes
  162. def semanticDbPluginClasspath: T[Agg[api.PathRef]]
    Definition Classes
  163. def semanticDbPluginIvyDeps: T[Agg[scalalib.Dep]]
    Definition Classes
  164. def semanticDbScalaVersion: T[String]
    Definition Classes
  165. def semanticDbVersion: T[String]
    Definition Classes
  166. def showModuleDeps(recursive: Boolean = false): define.Command[Unit]

    Show the module dependencies.

    Show the module dependencies.


    If true include all recursive module dependencies, else only show direct dependencies.

    Definition Classes
  167. def skipIdea: Boolean

    Skip Idea project file generation.

    Skip Idea project file generation.

    Definition Classes
  168. def sonatypeSnapshotUri: String
    Definition Classes
  169. def sonatypeUri: String
    Definition Classes
  170. def sourceJar: T[api.PathRef]

    The source jar, containing only source code for publishing to Maven Central

    The source jar, containing only source code for publishing to Maven Central

    Definition Classes
  171. def sources: T[Seq[api.PathRef]]

    The folders where the source files for this module live

    The folders where the source files for this module live

    Definition Classes
  172. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  173. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    Module → AnyRef → Any
  174. def transitiveCompileClasspath: T[Agg[api.PathRef]]

    The transitive version of compileClasspath

    The transitive version of compileClasspath

    Definition Classes
  175. def transitiveCoursierProjects: define.Task[Seq[Project]]

    Coursier project of this module and those of all its transitive module dependencies

    Coursier project of this module and those of all its transitive module dependencies

    Definition Classes
  176. def transitiveJars: T[Seq[api.PathRef]]

    Almost the same as transitiveLocalClasspath, but using the jars instead of localClasspath.

    Almost the same as transitiveLocalClasspath, but using the jars instead of localClasspath.

    Definition Classes
  177. def transitiveLocalClasspath: T[Agg[api.PathRef]]

    The transitive version of localClasspath

    The transitive version of localClasspath

    Definition Classes
  178. def transitiveModuleCompileModuleDeps: Seq[scalalib.JavaModule]

    All direct and indirect module dependencies of this module, including compile-only dependencies: basically the modules whose classpath are needed at compile-time.

    All direct and indirect module dependencies of this module, including compile-only dependencies: basically the modules whose classpath are needed at compile-time.

    Note that compileModuleDeps are defined to be non-transitive, so we only look at the direct compileModuleDeps when assembling this list

    Definition Classes
  179. def transitiveModuleDeps: Seq[scalalib.JavaModule]

    Like recursiveModuleDeps but also include the module itself, basically the modules whose classpath are needed at runtime

    Like recursiveModuleDeps but also include the module itself, basically the modules whose classpath are needed at runtime

    Definition Classes
  180. def transitiveModuleRunModuleDeps: Seq[scalalib.JavaModule]

    All direct and indirect module dependencies of this module, including compile-only dependencies: basically the modules whose classpath are needed at runtime.

    All direct and indirect module dependencies of this module, including compile-only dependencies: basically the modules whose classpath are needed at runtime.

    Note that runModuleDeps are defined to be transitive

    Definition Classes
  181. def transitiveRunModuleDeps: Seq[scalalib.JavaModule]

    Like recursiveModuleDeps but also include the module itself, basically the modules whose classpath are needed at runtime

    Like recursiveModuleDeps but also include the module itself, basically the modules whose classpath are needed at runtime

    Definition Classes
  182. def unmanagedClasspath: T[Agg[api.PathRef]]

    Additional jars, classfiles or resources to add to the classpath directly from disk rather than being downloaded from Maven Central or other package repositories

    Additional jars, classfiles or resources to add to the classpath directly from disk rather than being downloaded from Maven Central or other package repositories

    Definition Classes
  183. def upstreamAssembly2: T[scalalib.Assembly]

    Build the assembly for upstream dependencies separate from the current classpath

    Build the assembly for upstream dependencies separate from the current classpath

    This should allow much faster assembly creation in the common case where upstream dependencies do not change

    Definition Classes
  184. def upstreamAssemblyClasspath: T[Agg[api.PathRef]]

    All upstream classfiles and resources necessary to build and executable assembly, but without this module's contribution

    All upstream classfiles and resources necessary to build and executable assembly, but without this module's contribution

    Definition Classes
  185. def upstreamCompileOutput: T[Seq[CompilationResult]]

    The upstream compilation output of all this module's upstream modules

    The upstream compilation output of all this module's upstream modules

    Definition Classes
  186. def versionScheme: T[Option[VersionScheme]]

    Optional information about the used version scheme.

    Optional information about the used version scheme. This may enable dependency resolvers to properly resolve version ranges and version mismatches (conflicts). This information will be written as info.versionScheme property in the pom.xml. See VersionScheme for possible values.

    You can find more info under these links: - - - -

    Definition Classes

    Mill after 0.10.0-M5

  187. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  188. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
  189. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  190. def zincAuxiliaryClassFileExtensions: T[Seq[String]]

    Files extensions that need to be managed by Zinc together with class files.

    Files extensions that need to be managed by Zinc together with class files. This means, if zinc needs to remove a class file, it will also remove files which match the class file basename and a listed file extension.

    Definition Classes
  191. def zincIncrementalCompilation: T[Boolean]
    Definition Classes
  192. def zincReportCachedProblems: T[Boolean]

    If true, we always show problems (errors, warnings, infos) found in all source files, even when they have not changed since the previous incremental compilation.

    If true, we always show problems (errors, warnings, infos) found in all source files, even when they have not changed since the previous incremental compilation. When false, we report only problems for files which we re-compiled.

    Definition Classes
  193. def zincWorker: ModuleRef[scalalib.ZincWorkerModule]

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def bomDetails: T[(Map[coursier.core.Module, String], Map)]

    Dependencies with version placeholder filled from BOMs, alongside with BOM data

    Dependencies with version placeholder filled from BOMs, alongside with BOM data

    Definition Classes

    (Since version Mill after 0.12.5) Unused by Mill

  2. def bspJvmBuildTarget: JvmBuildTarget
    Definition Classes
    @internal() @deprecated

    (Since version 0.12.3) Use bspJvmBuildTargetTask instead

  3. def doRunBackground(taskDest: Path, runClasspath: Seq[api.PathRef], zwBackgroundWrapperClasspath: Agg[api.PathRef], forkArgs: Seq[String], forkEnv: Map[String, String], finalMainClass: String, forkWorkingDir: Path, runUseArgsFile: Boolean, backgroundOutputs: Option[(ProcessOutput, ProcessOutput)])(args: String*): (Ctx) => Result[Unit]
    Definition Classes

    (Since version Mill 0.12.0) Binary compat shim, use .runner().run(..., background=true)

  4. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.Throwable]) @Deprecated

    (Since version 9)

  5. def processDependency(overrideVersions: Boolean = false): define.Task[(Dependency) => Dependency]

    Returns a function adding BOM and dependency management details of this module to a coursier.core.Dependency

    Returns a function adding BOM and dependency management details of this module to a coursier.core.Dependency

    Definition Classes

    (Since version Mill after 0.12.5) Unused by Mill

  6. def processedIvyDeps: define.Task[Agg[scalalib.BoundDep]]

    The Ivy dependencies of this module, with BOM and dependency management details added to them.

    The Ivy dependencies of this module, with BOM and dependency management details added to them. This should be used when propagating the dependencies transitively to other modules.

    Definition Classes

    (Since version Mill after 0.12.5) Unused by Mill, use allIvyDeps instead

  7. def resolveCoursierDependency: define.Task[(scalalib.Dep) => Dependency]
    Definition Classes

    (Since version Mill after 0.11.0-M0) To be replaced by bindDependency

  8. def resolveDeps(deps: define.Task[Agg[scalalib.BoundDep]], sources: Boolean): define.Task[Agg[api.PathRef]]
    Definition Classes

    (Since version Mill after 0.12.0-RC3) Use the override accepting artifactTypes

  9. def transitiveCompileIvyDeps: T[Agg[scalalib.BoundDep]]

    The compile-only transitive ivy dependencies of this module and all its upstream compile-only modules.

    The compile-only transitive ivy dependencies of this module and all its upstream compile-only modules.

    This isn't used by Mill anymore. Instead of this, consider using either: * coursierDependency().withConfiguration(Configuration.provided), which will pull all this module's compile-only dependencies transitively * compileIvyDeps, which contains the full list of direct (external) compile-only dependencies of this module

    Definition Classes

    (Since version Mill after 0.12.5) Unused by Mill, use coursierDependency().withConfiguration(Configuration.provided) or compileIvyDeps instead

  10. def transitiveIvyDeps: T[Agg[scalalib.BoundDep]]

    The transitive ivy dependencies of this module and all it's upstream modules.

    The transitive ivy dependencies of this module and all it's upstream modules. This is calculated from ivyDeps, mandatoryIvyDeps and recursively from moduleDeps.

    This isn't used by Mill anymore. Instead of this, consider using either: * coursierDependency, which will pull all this module's dependencies transitively * allIvyDeps, which contains the full list of direct (external) dependencies of this module

    Definition Classes

    (Since version Mill after 0.12.5) Unused by Mill, use coursierDependency or allIvyDeps instead

  11. def transitiveRunIvyDeps: T[Agg[scalalib.BoundDep]]

    The transitive run ivy dependencies of this module and all it's upstream modules.

    The transitive run ivy dependencies of this module and all it's upstream modules. This is calculated from runIvyDeps, mandatoryIvyDeps and recursively from moduleDeps.

    This isn't used by Mill anymore. Instead of this, consider using either: * coursierDependency().withConfiguration(Configuration.runtime), which will pull all this module's runtime dependencies transitively * runIvyDeps, which contains the full list of direct (external) runtime dependencies of this module

    Definition Classes

    (Since version Mill after 0.12.5) Unused by Mill, use coursierDependency().withConfiguration(Configuration.runtime) or runIvyDeps instead

  12. def upstreamAssembly: T[api.PathRef]

    Build the assembly for upstream dependencies separate from the current classpath

    Build the assembly for upstream dependencies separate from the current classpath

    This should allow much faster assembly creation in the common case where upstream dependencies do not change

    This implementation is deprecated because of it's return value. Please use upstreamAssembly2 instead.

    Definition Classes

    (Since version Mill 0.11.8) Use upstreamAssembly2 instead, which has a richer return value

Inherited from scalalib.PublishModule

Inherited from scalalib.JavaModule

Inherited from AssemblyModule

Inherited from SemanticDbJavaModule

Inherited from OfflineSupportModule

Inherited from GenIdeaModule

Inherited from scalalib.RunModule

Inherited from define.TaskModule

Inherited from JavaModuleBase

Inherited from BspModule

Inherited from WithZincWorker

Inherited from define.Module

Inherited from BaseClass

Inherited from Cacher

Inherited from Cacher

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
