- Companion
- object
- Source
- SemanticDbJavaModule.scala
- Graph
- Supertypes
trait CoursierModuletrait Moduletrait Wrapperclass BaseClasstrait Cachertrait Cacherclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
trait JavaModuletrait JavaTeststrait AndroidAppTeststrait AndroidAppKotlinTeststrait AndroidLibTeststrait AndroidLibKotlinTeststrait KotlinTeststrait KotlinJsTeststrait KotestTeststrait KotlinTestPackageTeststrait KspTeststrait KotlinMavenTeststrait MavenTeststrait SbtTeststrait CrossSbtTeststrait ScalaTeststrait ScalaJSTeststrait ScalaNativeTeststrait AndroidAppBundletrait AndroidModuletrait AndroidAppModuletrait AndroidAppKotlinModuletrait AndroidLibModuletrait AndroidLibKotlinModuletrait CheckstyleModuletrait CheckstyleXsltModuletrait ErrorProneModuletrait PalantirFormatModuletrait KtfmtBaseModuletrait KtfmtModuleobject KtfmtModuletrait KotlinModuletrait AndroidKotlinModuletrait DetektModuletrait KotlinJsModuletrait KoverModuletrait KspModuletrait KotlinMavenModuletrait PlatformKotlinModuletrait ScalafmtModuleobject ScalafmtModuletrait BomModuletrait JlinkModuletrait JpackageModuletrait MavenModuletrait SbtModuletrait CrossSbtModuletrait SbtNativeModuletrait PlatformModuleBasetrait PlatformScalaModuletrait PublishModuletrait ScalaModuletrait ScalaJSModuletrait TestScalaJSModuletrait CrossModuleBasetrait CrossScalaModuletrait CrossScalaVersionRangestrait UnidocModuletrait ScalaNativeModuletrait TestScalaNativeModuleShow all
Members list
Type members
Inherited classlikes
Miscellaneous machinery around traversing & querying the build hierarchy, that should not be needed by normal users of Mill
Miscellaneous machinery around traversing & querying the build hierarchy, that should not be needed by normal users of Mill
- Inherited from:
- Module
- Source
- Module.scala
- Supertypes
Value members
Abstract methods
- Source
- SemanticDbJavaModule.scala
- Source
- SemanticDbJavaModule.scala
- Source
- SemanticDbJavaModule.scala
- Source
- SemanticDbJavaModule.scala
- Source
- SemanticDbJavaModule.scala
- Source
- SemanticDbJavaModule.scala
- Source
- SemanticDbJavaModule.scala
- Source
- SemanticDbJavaModule.scala
- Source
- SemanticDbJavaModule.scala
- Source
- SemanticDbJavaModule.scala
Concrete methods
- Source
- SemanticDbJavaModule.scala
- Source
- SemanticDbJavaModule.scala
- Source
- SemanticDbJavaModule.scala
- Source
- SemanticDbJavaModule.scala
- Source
- SemanticDbJavaModule.scala
- Source
- SemanticDbJavaModule.scala
Inherited methods
The repositories used to resolve dependencies
The repositories used to resolve dependencies
Unlike repositoriesTask, this includes the Mill internal repositories, which allow to resolve Mill internal modules (usually brought in via JavaModule#coursierDependency
Beware that this needs to evaluate JavaModule#coursierProject
of all module dependencies of the current module, which itself evaluates JavaModule#ivyDeps
and related tasks. You shouldn't depend on this task from implementations of ivyDeps
, which would introduce cycles between Mill tasks.
- Inherited from:
- CoursierModule
- Source
- CoursierModule.scala
Bind a dependency (Dep) to the actual module context (e.g. the scala version and the platform suffix)
Bind a dependency (Dep) to the actual module context (e.g. the scala version and the platform suffix)
- Returns
The BoundDep
- Inherited from:
- CoursierModule
- Source
- CoursierModule.scala
Customize the coursier file cache.
Customize the coursier file cache.
This is rarely needed to be changed, but sometimes e.g. you want to load a coursier plugin. Doing so requires adding to coursier's classpath. To do this you could use the following:
override def coursierCacheCustomizer = Task.Anon {
Some( (fc: coursier.cache.FileCache[Task]) =>
- Inherited from:
- CoursierModule
- Source
- CoursierModule.scala
A CoursierModule.Resolver
to resolve dependencies.
A CoursierModule.Resolver
to resolve dependencies.
Can be used to resolve external dependencies, if you need to download an external tool from Maven or Ivy repositories, by calling CoursierModule.Resolver#resolveDeps
- Returns
instance - Inherited from:
- CoursierModule
- Source
- CoursierModule.scala
Map dependencies before resolving them. Override this to customize the set of dependencies.
Map dependencies before resolving them. Override this to customize the set of dependencies.
- Inherited from:
- CoursierModule
- Source
- CoursierModule.scala
A CoursierModule.Resolver
to resolve dependencies.
A CoursierModule.Resolver
to resolve dependencies.
Unlike defaultResolver
, this resolver can resolve Mill modules too (obtained via JavaModule#coursierDependency
- Returns
instance - Inherited from:
- CoursierModule
- Source
- CoursierModule.scala
- Inherited from:
- BaseClass
- Source
- Module.scala
- Inherited from:
- Module
- Source
- Module.scala
- Inherited from:
- Module
- Source
- Module.scala
- Inherited from:
- Module
- Source
- Module.scala
The repositories used to resolve dependencies with resolveDeps.
The repositories used to resolve dependencies with resolveDeps.
See allRepositories if you need to resolve Mill internal modules.
- Inherited from:
- CoursierModule
- Source
- CoursierModule.scala
Customize the coursier resolution process. This is rarely needed to changed, as the default try to provide a highly reproducible resolution process. But sometime, you need more control, e.g. you want to add some OS or JDK specific resolution properties which are sometimes used by Maven and therefore found in dependency artifact metadata. For example, the JavaFX artifacts are known to use OS specific properties. To fix resolution for JavaFX, you could override this task like the following:
Customize the coursier resolution process. This is rarely needed to changed, as the default try to provide a highly reproducible resolution process. But sometime, you need more control, e.g. you want to add some OS or JDK specific resolution properties which are sometimes used by Maven and therefore found in dependency artifact metadata. For example, the JavaFX artifacts are known to use OS specific properties. To fix resolution for JavaFX, you could override this task like the following:
override def resolutionCustomizer = Task.Anon {
Some( (r: coursier.core.Resolution) =>
- Inherited from:
- CoursierModule
- Source
- CoursierModule.scala
Resolution parameters, allowing to customize resolution internals
Resolution parameters, allowing to customize resolution internals
This rarely needs to be changed. This allows to disable the new way coursier handles BOMs since coursier 2.1.17 (used in Mill since 0.12.3) for example, with:
def resolutionParams = super.resolutionParams()
Note that versions forced with Dep#forceVersion()
take over forced versions manually set in resolutionParams
. The former should be favored to force versions in dependency resolution.
The Scala version set via ScalaModule#scalaVersion
also takes over any Scala version provided via ResolutionParams#scalaVersionOpt
The default configuration set in ResolutionParams#defaultConfiguration
is ignored when Mill fetches dependencies to be passed to the compiler (equivalent to Maven "compile scope"). In that case, it forces the default configuration to be "compile". On the other hand, when fetching dependencies for runtime (equivalent to Maven "runtime scope"), the value in ResolutionParams#defaultConfiguration
is used.
- Inherited from:
- CoursierModule
- Source
- CoursierModule.scala
Task that resolves the given dependencies using the repositories defined with repositoriesTask.
Task that resolves the given dependencies using the repositories defined with repositoriesTask.
Value parameters
- artifactTypes
If non-empty, pull the passed artifact types rather than the default ones from coursier
- deps
The dependencies to resolve.
- sources
, resolve source dependencies instead of binary dependencies (JARs).
- Returns
The PathRefs to the resolved files.
- Inherited from:
- CoursierModule
- Source
- CoursierModule.scala
Returns a string representation of the object.
Returns a string representation of the object.
The default representation is platform dependent.
- Returns
a string representation of the object.
- Definition Classes
Module -> Any
- Inherited from:
- Module
- Source
- Module.scala
Inherited implicits
- Inherited from:
- Module
- Source
- Module.scala