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@Scaladoc(value = "/**\n * Sets up the kotlin compiler for using KSP (Kotlin Symbol Processing)\n * by plugging in the symbol-processing and symbol-processing-api dependencies.\n *\n * Use of kotlin-compiler-embedded is also recommended (and thus enabled by default)\n * to avoid any classpath conflicts between the compiler and user defined plugins!\n */")
trait KspModule extends KotlinModule

Sets up the kotlin compiler for using KSP (Kotlin Symbol Processing) by plugging in the symbol-processing and symbol-processing-api dependencies.

Sets up the kotlin compiler for using KSP (Kotlin Symbol Processing) by plugging in the symbol-processing and symbol-processing-api dependencies.

Use of kotlin-compiler-embedded is also recommended (and thus enabled by default) to avoid any classpath conflicts between the compiler and user defined plugins!


trait KotlinModule
trait JavaModule
trait RunModule
trait TaskModule
trait BspModule
trait Module
trait Wrapper
class BaseClass
trait Cacher
trait Cacher
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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Known subtypes
trait KspTests
Self type