See theUnpackedDep companion object
@Scaladoc(value = "/**\n * Descriptor of unpacked `.aar` dependency structure.\n * @param name dependency name\n * @param classesJar path to the classes.jar\n * @param proguardRules path to the proguard rules\n * @param resources path to the res folder\n * @param manifest path to the AndroidManifest.xml\n * @param lintJar path to the lint.jar file\n * @param metaInf path to the META-INF folder\n * @param nativeLibs path to the native .so libraries root folder\n * @param baselineProfile path to the baseline profile file\n * @param rTxtFile path to the R.txt\n * @param publicResFile path to public.txt file\n */")
case class UnpackedDep(name: String, classesJar: Option[PathRef], proguardRules: Option[PathRef], resources: Option[PathRef], manifest: Option[PathRef], lintJar: Option[PathRef], metaInf: Option[PathRef], nativeLibs: Option[PathRef], baselineProfile: Option[PathRef], rTxtFile: Option[PathRef], publicResFile: Option[PathRef])
Descriptor of unpacked .aar
dependency structure.
Value parameters
- baselineProfile
path to the baseline profile file
- classesJar
path to the classes.jar
- lintJar
path to the lint.jar file
- manifest
path to the AndroidManifest.xml
- metaInf
path to the META-INF folder
- name
dependency name
- nativeLibs
path to the native .so libraries root folder
- proguardRules
path to the proguard rules
- publicResFile
path to public.txt file
- rTxtFile
path to the R.txt
- resources
path to the res folder
- Companion
- object
- Source
- AndroidAppModule.scala
- Graph
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalsclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
Members list
In this article