Building Javascript with Mill
Simple Typescript Module
package build
import mill._, javascriptlib._
object foo extends TypeScriptModule {
def npmDeps = Seq("immutable@4.3.7")
object test extends TypeScriptTests with TestModule.Jest
Documentation for mill.example.javascriptlib
> mill James Bond prof
Hello James Bond Professor
> mill foo.test
PASS .../foo.test.ts
Test Suites:...1 passed, 1 total...
Tests:...3 passed, 3 total...
> mill show foo.bundle
Build succeeded!
> node out/foo/bundle.dest/bundle.js James Bond prof
Hello James Bond Professor
React Module
package build
import mill._, javascriptlib._
object foo extends RsWithServeModule {
override def forkEnv = super.forkEnv() + ("PORT" -> "3000")
Documentation for mill.example.javascriptlib
> mill foo.test
PASS src/test/App.test.tsx
...renders learn react link...
Test Suites:...1 passed, 1 total
Tests:...1 passed, 1 total
Ran all test suites...
> mill show foo.bundle # build the react app with react-scripts # `` serves static html using serve
Custom Build Logic
package build
import mill._, javascriptlib._
object foo extends TypeScriptModule {
/** Total number of lines in module source files */
def lineCount: T[Int] = Task {
.flatMap(pathRef => os.walk(pathRef.path))
.filter(_.ext == "ts")
/** Generate resource using lineCount of sources */
def resources = Task {
os.write(Task.dest / "line-count.txt", "" + lineCount())
super.resources() ++ Seq(PathRef(Task.dest))
object test extends TypeScriptTests with TestModule.Jest
Documentation for mill.example.javascriptlib
> mill
Line Count: 21
> mill show foo.bundle
Build succeeded!
> node out/foo/bundle.dest/bundle.js
Line Count: 21
Multi Module Project
package build
import mill._, javascriptlib._
object foo extends TypeScriptModule {
object bar extends TypeScriptModule {
def npmDeps = Seq("immutable@4.3.7")
object qux extends TypeScriptModule {
def moduleDeps = Seq(foo,
object test extends TypeScriptTests with TestModule.Jest
Documentation for mill.example.javascriptlib This example demonstrates inter-related typescript modules
> mill James Bond prof
Hello James Bond Professor
> mill show qux.bundle
Build succeeded!
> node out/qux/bundle.dest/bundle.js James Bond prof
Hello James Bond Professor
> mill qux.test
PASS .../qux.test.ts
Simple Client-Server
package build
import mill._, javascriptlib._
object client extends ReactScriptsModule
object server extends TypeScriptModule {
/** Bundle client as resource */
def resources = Task {
os.copy(client.bundle().path, Task.dest / "build")
super.resources() ++ Seq(PathRef(Task.dest))
override def forkEnv = super.forkEnv() + ("PORT" -> "3000")
object test extends TypeScriptTests with TestModule.Jest
Documentation for mill.example.javascriptlib
This example demonstrated a js client module and js server module,
wired up and interacting
Runninng mill
serves bundled static HTML files through the server.
> mill client.test
PASS .../App.test.tsx
> mill client.bundle # bundle the react app;
> mill show server.bundle # bundle the node server
Build succeeded!
Realistic Client-Server Example Project
package build
import mill._, javascriptlib._
object client extends ReactScriptsModule
object server extends TypeScriptModule {
def npmDeps =
Seq("@types/cors@^2.8.17", "@types/express@^5.0.0", "cors@^2.8.5", "express@^4.21.1")
def npmDevDeps =
super.npmDevDeps() ++ Seq("@types/supertest@^6.0.2", "supertest@^7.0.0")
def bundleExternal = super.bundleExternal() ++ Seq(ujson.Str("express"), ujson.Str("cors"))
def forkEnv = super.forkEnv() + ("PORT" -> "3001")
/** Bundle client as resource */
def resources = Task {
os.copy(client.bundle().path, Task.dest / "build")
super.resources() ++ Seq(PathRef(Task.dest))
object test extends TypeScriptTests with TestModule.Jest
Documentation for mill.example.javascriptlib
This example demonstrates how to set up a simple React web app running on an Express JS server
implementing the popular Todo-MVC demo application. It includes a test suite
for both client and server modules.
Runninng mill
serves bundled static HTML files through the server.
> mill client.test
PASS src/test/App.test.tsx
> mill client.bundle # bundle the react app;
> mill server.test
PASS .../server.test.ts
Test Suites:...1 passed, 1 total...
Tests:...3 passed, 3 total...
> mill show server.bundle # bundle the express server
Build succeeded!