Android Java Projects
This page provides an example of using Mill as a build tool for Android applications. This workflow is still pretty rough and nowhere near production ready, but can serve as a starting point for further experimentation and development.
Relevant Modules
These are the main Mill Modules that are relevant for building Android apps:
: Handles Android SDK management and tools. -
: Provides a framework for building Android applications. -
: General Java build tasks like compiling Java code and creating JAR files.
Simple Android Hello World Application
This section sets up a basic Android project using Mill.
We utilize AndroidAppModule
and AndroidSdkModule
to streamline the process of
building an Android application with minimal configuration.
By extending AndroidAppModule
, we inherit all Android-related tasks such as
resource generation, APK building, DEX conversion, and APK signing.
Additionally, AndroidSdkModule
is embedded, making SDK management seamless.
package build
import mill._, javalib._
import{AndroidAppModule, AndroidSdkModule}
Create and configure an Android SDK module to manage Android SDK paths and tools.
object androidSdkModule0 extends AndroidSdkModule {
def buildToolsVersion = "35.0.0"
Actual android application
object app extends AndroidAppModule {
def androidSdkModule = mill.define.ModuleRef(androidSdkModule0)
def androidMinSdk = 19
def androidCompileSdk = 35
// Configuration for ReleaseKey
def androidReleaseKeyName: T[Option[String]] = Task { Some("releaseKey.jks") }
def androidReleaseKeyAlias: T[Option[String]] = Task { Some("releaseKey") }
def androidReleaseKeyPass: T[Option[String]] = Task { Some("MillBuildTool") }
def androidReleaseKeyStorePass: T[Option[String]] = Task { Some("MillBuildTool") }
override def androidVirtualDeviceIdentifier: String = "java-test"
object test extends AndroidAppTests with TestModule.Junit4 {
def testFramework = "com.novocode.junit.JUnitFramework"
def ivyDeps = super.ivyDeps() ++ Seq(
object it extends AndroidAppInstrumentedTests with AndroidTestModule.AndroidJUnit {
def androidSdkModule = mill.define.ModuleRef(androidSdkModule0)
override def instrumentationPackage = ""
/* TODO currently the dependency resolution ignores the platform type and kotlinx-coroutines-core has
* conflicting classes with kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm . Remove the exclusions once the dependency
* resolution resolves conflicts between androidJvm and jvm platform types
def ivyDeps = super.ivyDeps() ++ Seq(
> ./mill show app.androidApk
This command triggers the build process, which installs the Android Setup, compiles the Java
code, generates Android resources, converts Java bytecode to DEX format, packages everything
into an APK, optimizes the APK using zipalign
, and finally signs it.
This Mill build configuration is designed to build a simple "Hello World" Android application.
By extending AndroidAppModule
, we leverage its predefined Android build tasks, ensuring that
all necessary steps (resource generation, APK creation, and signing) are executed automatically.
Project Structure:
The project follows the standard Android app layout. Below is a typical project folder structure:
. ├── app │ └── src │ ├── androidTest/java/com/helloworld/app/ │ ├── main │ │ ├── AndroidManifest.xml │ │ ├── java/com/helloworld/app/ │ │ └── res │ │ └── values │ │ ├── colors.xml │ │ └── strings.xml │ └── test/java/com/helloworld/app/ └── build.mill
> ./mill show app.test
...compiling 2 Java source...
> cat out/app/test/testForked.dest/out.json
This command runs unit tests on your local environment.
> ./mill show app.createAndroidVirtualDevice
...Name: java-test, DeviceId: medium_phone...
> ./mill show app.startAndroidEmulator
> ./mill show app.adbDevices
> ./mill show
"fullyQualifiedName": "",
"selector": "",
"duration": ...,
"status": "Success"
> cat out/app/it/testTask.dest/test-report.xml
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<testsuites tests="1" failures="0" errors="0" skipped="0" time="...">
<testsuite name="" tests="1" failures="0" errors="0" skipped="0" time="0.0" timestamp="...">
<testcase classname="" name="" time="...">
> ./mill show app.stopAndroidEmulator
> ./mill show app.deleteAndroidVirtualDevice
The android tests (existing typically in androidTest directory, aka instrumented tests) typically run on an android device. The createAndroidVirtualDevice command creates an AVD (Android Virtual Device) and the startAndroidEmulator command starts the AVD. The it task runs the android tests against the available AVD. The stopAndroidEmulator command stops the AVD and the destroyAndroidVirtualDevice command destroys the AVD. The provided commands can be used in a CI/CD pipeline assuming the right setup is in place.
This example demonstrates how to create a basic "Hello World" Android application using the Mill build tool. It outlines the minimum setup required to compile Java code, package it into an APK, and run the app on an Android device.
Understanding AndroidSdkModule
and AndroidAppModule
The two main modules you need to understand when building Android apps with Mill
are AndroidSdkModule
and AndroidAppModule
This module manages the installation and configuration of the Android SDK, which includes tools like
, andapksigner
. These tools are used for compiling, packaging, and signing Android applications.
This module provides the step-by-step workflow for building an Android app. It handles
everything from compiling the code to generating a signed APK for distribution.
Compiling Java code: The module compiles your Java code into
files, which is the first step in creating an Android app. -
Packaging into JAR: It then packages the compiled
files into a JAR file, which is necessary before converting to Android’s format. -
Converting to DEX format: The JAR file is converted into DEX format, which is the executable format for Android applications.
Creating an APK: The DEX files and Android resources (like layouts and strings) are packaged together into an APK file, which is the installable file for Android devices.
Optimizing with zipalign: The APK is optimized using
to ensure better performance on Android devices. -
Signing the APK: Finally, the APK is signed with a digital signature, allowing it to be distributed and installed on Android devices.
After creating Simple Android Application now let’s focus on how to create Android App Bundle Using Mill Build Tool
Android App Bundle
This Example provides the basic setup for building Android App Bundle using Mill Build Tool.
By extending AndroidAppBundle
, we inherit all Android Bundle tasks such as
Android Bundle zip generation, Bundle Creation and Bundle signing.
Additionally, AndroidSdkModule
is embedded, making SDK management seamless.
package build
import mill._
import{AndroidSdkModule, AndroidAppBundle}
object androidSdkModule0 extends AndroidSdkModule {
def buildToolsVersion = "35.0.0"
object bundle extends AndroidAppBundle {
def androidSdkModule = mill.define.ModuleRef(androidSdkModule0)
def androidCompileSdk = 35
def androidReleaseKeyName: T[Option[String]] = Task { Some("releaseKey.jks") }
def androidReleaseKeyAlias: T[Option[String]] = Task { Some("releaseKey") }
def androidReleaseKeyPass: T[Option[String]] = Task { Some("MillBuildTool") }
def androidReleaseKeyStorePass: T[Option[String]] = Task { Some("MillBuildTool") }
> ./mill show bundle.androidBundle
This command triggers the App Bundle Build process, which installs Bundle Tool then resource compilation, and then building Android Bundle Zip then Creation of Android App Bundle and finally signs it.
This Mill build configuration is designed to build a simple "Hello World" Android App Bundle.
By extending AndroidAppBundle
, we leverage its predefined Android App Bundle build tasks,
ensuring that all necessary steps (generation, creation, and signing) are executed automatically.
Understanding AndroidAppBundle
The AndroidAppBundle
trait is used to create and manage Android App Bundles (AAB) in Mill. It provides tasks for creating, building, and signing an AAB from Android resources and DEX files.
: Provides a framework for building Android App Bundle.
Key Functions
androidAaptOptions: Here, Overrides
to add the--proto-format
option to AAPT commands, enabling protocol buffer format for assets. -
androidBundleZip: Creates a zip archive containing:
Compiled DEX files
, andassets
, TheAndroid manifest
. This zip follows the Android App Bundle format, as outlined in the official documentation. -
androidUnsignedBundle: Uses the
to build an unsigned AAB from the bundle zip. -
androidBundle: Signs the AAB using a specified keystore with the
tool, producing a signed Android App Bundle (AAB).