Mill Command-Line Flags

When running Mill, keep in mind there are often four things that can take command-line flags or options:

  1. The task you are running, e.g. --text hello. These are passed directly from the command line

  2. The JVM running the task e.g., which may take flags e.g. java -Xss10m -Xmx10G. These are configured using Compilation and Execution Flags

  3. The Mill build tool process, e.g. ./mill --jobs 10. These can be passed directly after the ./mill executable name, or set in a .mill-opts file as shown below in Repo-Level Mill Options

  4. The JVM running the Mill build tool process, which may take flags. e.g. java -Xss10m -Xmx10G. These are passed via JAVA_OPTs or via a .mill-jvm-opts flag as shown below in Mill with custom JVM options

This can get confusing, so when you want to pass some flags to a Mill task, to Mill, or to the JVM (which one?) be clear who you want to pass the flags to so you can ensure they go to the right place.

Mill Flags Listing

To see a cheat sheet of all the command line flags that Mill supports, you can use ./mill --help:

$ ./mill --help
Mill Build Tool, version 0.12.5-13-0e02e6
Usage: mill [options] task [task-options] [+ task ...]

task cheat sheet:
  mill resolve _                 # see all top-level tasks and modules
  mill resolve __.compile        # see all `compile` tasks in any module (recursively)

  mill           # compile the module ``

  mill --arg 1           # run the main method of the module `foo` and pass in `--arg 1`
  mill -i foo.console            # run the Scala console for the module `foo` (if it is a ScalaModule)

  mill foo.__.test               # run tests in modules nested within `foo` (recursively)
  mill foo.test arg1 arg2        # run tests in the `foo` module passing in test arguments `arg1 arg2`
  mill foo.test + bar.test       # run tests in the `foo` module and `bar` module
  mill '{foo,bar,qux}.test'      # run tests in the `foo` module, `bar` module, and `qux` module

  mill foo.assembly              # generate an executable assembly of the module `foo`
  mill show foo.assembly         # print the output path of the assembly of module `foo`
  mill inspect foo.assembly      # show docs and metadata for the `assembly` task on module `foo`

  mill clean foo.assembly        # delete the output of `foo.assembly` to force re-evaluation
  mill clean                     # delete the output of the entire build to force re-evaluation

  mill path foo.sources  # print the task chain showing how `` depends on `foo.sources`
  mill visualize __.compile      # show how the `compile` tasks in each module depend on one another

  -D --define <k=v>    Define (or overwrite) a system property.
  --allow-positional   Allows command args to be passed positionally without `--arg` by default
  -b --bell            Ring the bell once if the run completes successfully, twice if it fails.
  --bsp                Enable BSP server mode.
  --color <bool>       Toggle colored output; by default enabled only if the console is interactive
                       and NO_COLOR environment variable is not set
  -d --debug           Show debug output on STDOUT
  --disable-callgraph  Disables fine-grained invalidation of tasks based on analyzing code changes.
                       If passed, you need to manually run `clean` yourself after build changes.
  --disable-prompt     Disables the new multi-line status prompt used for showing thread status at
                       the command line and falls back to the legacy ticker
  --help               Print this help message and exit.
  -i --interactive     Run Mill in interactive mode, suitable for opening REPLs and taking user
                       input. This implies --no-server. Must be the first argument.
  --import <str>       Additional ivy dependencies to load into mill, e.g. plugins.
  -j --jobs <str>      The number of parallel threads. It can be an integer e.g. `5` meaning 5
                       threads, an expression e.g. `0.5C` meaning half as many threads as available
                       cores, or `C-2` meaning 2 threads less than the number of cores. `1` disables
                       parallelism and `0` (the default) uses 1 thread per core.
  -k --keep-going      Continue build, even after build failures.
  --meta-level <int>   Select a meta-level to run the given tasks. Level 0 is the main project in
                       `build.mill`, level 1 the first meta-build in `mill-build/build.mill`, etc.
  --no-server          Run without a background server. Must be the first argument.
  -s --silent          Make ivy logs during script import resolution go silent instead of printing
  --ticker <bool>      Enable ticker log (e.g. short-lived prints of stages and progress bars).
  -v --version         Show mill version information and exit.
  -w --watch           Watch and re-run the given tasks when when their inputs change.
  task <str>...        The name or a pattern of the tasks(s) you want to build.

Please see the documentation at for more details

Notable Flags

This section covers some of the flags that are worth discussing in more detail


This flag is necessary to run any interactive terminal programs using Mill: things like ScalaModule#console, ScalaModule#repl, and so on.

By default, Mill runs tasks in a long-lived background server. While this is good for performance (as it avoids paying the server startup time each command), it is incompatible with tasks like .repl which require a direct stdin/stdout forwarding connection to the user’s terminal. --interactive/-i instead runs tasks in a short-lived background server with proper port pipe forwarding configured, which enables tasks like .repl to run while paying what higher startup overhead.


You can use the --watch flag to make Mill watch a task’s inputs, re-evaluating the task as necessary when the inputs change:

> mill --watch foo.compile
> mill --watch
> mill -w foo.compile
> mill -w

Mill’s --watch flag watches both the files you are building using Mill, as well as Mill’s own build.mill file and anything it imports, so any changes to your build.mill will automatically get picked up.

For long-running processes like web servers, you can use runBackground to make sure they recompile and restart when code changes, forcefully terminating the previous process even though it may be still alive:

> mill -w foo.runBackground


Configures how much Parallelism Mill should run with. Defaults to the number of cores available on your system.

Example: Use up to 4 parallel threads to compile all modules:

mill -j4 __.compile

You can also set Mill’s parallelism to some multiple of the number of cores, e.g. -j0.5C to use half as many threads as cores, or -j2C to use twice as many threads as cores. These can be useful as Repo-Level Mill Options to configure an appropriate level of parallelism that scales based on the number of cores available (which might differ between e.g. developer laptops and CI machines)

Repo-Level Mill Options

Mill supports the .mill-opts file for passing a default set of command line options to Mill itself.For example, if your project’s tasks are CPU heavy, you may want everyone using your project to run only 0.5 concurrent tasks per CPU.This can be done by setting .mill-opts to:



The file name .mill-opts can be overridden via the MILL_OPTS_PATH environment variable. You can also pass in flags like --jobs=10 explicitly to override the value passed in .mill-opts.

.mill-jvm-opts is for passing JVM options to the JVM running Mill, and .mill-opts is for passing options to Mill itself.If you want to pass JVM options to the project that Mill is building and running, see the section on Compilation and Execution Flags.

Running Mill with custom JVM options

It’s possible to pass JVM options to the Mill launcher.To do this you can either set the JAVA_OPTS environment variable, or create a .mill-jvm-opts file in your project’s root that contains JVM options one per line.

For example, if your build requires a lot of memory and bigger stack size, you could run

> JAVA_OPTS='-Xss10m -Xmx10G' ./mill __.compile

Or you could create a .mill-jvm-opts:



Note that .mill-jvm-opts requires each CLI token to be on a separate line, so -Xss10m -Xmx10G on a single line is not allowed (as it would pass "-Xss10m -Xmx10G" as a single token and fail argument parsing)

.mill-jvm-opts also supports environment variable interpolation, e.g.


# PWD on mac/linux${PWD}

Missing environment variables are converted to the empty string.

The file name .mill-jvm-opts can be overridden via the MILL_JVM_OPTS_PATH environment variable.