What Makes Mill Unique

Mill is a JVM build tool that targets Java/Scala/Kotlin and has potential to serve the large-monorepo codebases that Bazel currently serves. Mill has good traction among its users, benchmarks that demonstrate 2-10x faster builds than its competitors, and a unique "direct-style" design that make it easy to use and extend. This page discusses some of the most interesting design decisions in Mill, and how it sets Mill apart from other build tools on the market.

What is a Build Tool?

A build tool is a program that coordinates the various tasks necessary to compile, package, test, and run a codebase: maybe you need to run a compiler, download some dependencies, package an executable or container. While a small codebase can get by with a shell script that runs every task every time one at a time, such a naive approach gets slower and slower as a codebase grows and the build tasks necessarily get more numerous and complex.

In order to prevent development from grinding to a halt, you need to begin skipping the build tasks you do not need at any point in time, and caching and parallelizing those that you do. This often starts off as some ad-hoc if-else statements in a shell script, but manually maintaining skipping/caching/parallelization logic is tedious and error-prone. At some point it becomes worthwhile to use an purpose built tool to do it for you, and that is when you turn to build tools like Maven, Make, Mill, or Bazel. For this article, we will mostly discuss Mill.

What is Mill?

The Mill build tool was started in 2017, an exploration of the ideas I found when learning to use Google’s Bazel build tool. At a glance, Mill looks similar to other build tools you may be familiar with, with a build.mill file in the root of a project defining the dependencies and testing setup for a module:

package build
import mill._, javalib._

object foo extends JavaModule {
  def ivyDeps = Seq(

  object test extends JavaTests with TestModule.Junit4

The syntax may be a bit unfamiliar, but anyone familiar with programming can probably guess what this build means: a JavaModule with two ivy dependencies argparse4j and thymeleaf, and a test submodule supporting Junit4. This build can then be compiled, tested, run, or packaged into an assembly from the command line:

> /mill foo.compile
compiling 1 Java source...

> /mill foo.run --text hello

> ./mill foo.test
Test foo.FooTest.testEscaping finished, ...
Test foo.FooTest.testSimple finished, ...
0 failed, 0 ignored, 2 total, ...

> ./mill show foo.assembly

> ./out/foo/assembly.dest/out.jar --text hello

Mill was originally a Scala build tool competing with SBT, and by 2023 it had reached around 5-10% market share in the Scala community (Jetbrains Survey, VirtusLabs Survey). It recently grew first-class Java support, demonstrating 2-10x speedups over existing Java build tools like Maven or Gradle. Mill also has gained experimental support for Java-adjacent platforms like Kotlin and Android, and has demonstrated the ability to branch out into supporting more distant toolchains like Typescript and Python.

Mill also works well with large builds: its build logic can be split into multiple folders, is incrementally compiled, lazily initialized, and automatically cached and parallelized. That means that even large codebases can remain fast and responsive: Mill’s own build easily manages over 400 modules, and the tool can likely handle thousands of modules without issue.

The React.js of Build Tools

We’ve briefly covered what Mill is above, but one question remains: why Mill? Why not one of the other 100 build tools out there?

Mill is unique in that it shares many of its core design decisions with React.js, the popular Javascript UI framework. I was among the first external users of React when I introduced it to Dropbox in 2014, and while people gripe about it today, React was really a revolution in how Javascript UIs were implemented. UI flows that used to take weeks suddenly took days, requiring a fraction of the code and complexity that they previously took to implement

React’s two most important innovations are:

  1. Letting users write "direct style" code to define their UI - Javascript functions that directly returned the HTML structure you wanted - rather than a "code behind" approach of registering callbacks to mutate the UI in response to events

  2. Using a single "general purpose" programming language for your UI, rather than splitting your logic into multiple special-purpose domain-specific languages

While React does a huge number of clever things - virtual dom diffing, JSX, de/re-hydration, etc. - all of those are only in service of the two fundamental ideas. e.g. At Dropbox we used React for years without JSX, and many of the later frameworks inspired by React provide a similar experience but use other techniques to replace virtual dom diffing. Furthermore, React isn’t limited to the HTML UIs, with the same techniques being used to manage mobile app UIs, terminal UIs, and many other scenarios

Build tools and interactive UIs are on one hand different, but on the other hand very similar: you are trying to update a large stateful system (whether a HTML page or filesystem build artifacts) to your desired state in response to change in inputs (whether user-clicks or source-file-edits). Like with React in 2014, these two ideas are not widespread among build tools today in 2024. But many of the same downstream benefits apply, and these ideas give Mill some unique properties as a build tool.

Direct-Style Builds

One key aspect of React.js is that you wrote your code to generate your web UI "directly":

  • Before React, you would write Javascript code whose purpose was to mutate some HTML properties to set up a forest of callbacks and event handlers. These would then be executed when a user interacted with your website, causing further mutations to the HTML UI. This would often recursively trigger other callbacks with further mutations, and you as the developer would somehow need to ensure this all converges to the UI state that you desire.

  • In React, you had normal functions containing normal code that executed top-to-bottom, each returning a JSX HTML snippet - really just a Javascript object - with the top-level component eventually returning a snippet representing the entire UI. React would handle all the update logic for you in an efficient manner, incrementally caching and optimizing things automatically. The developer just naively returns the UI structure they want from their React code and React.js does all the rest

Before React you always had a tradeoff: do you re-render the whole UI every update (which is easy to implement naively, but wasteful and disruptive to users) or do you do fine-grained UI updates (which was difficult to implement, but efficient and user-friendly). React eliminated that tradeoff, letting the developer write "naive" code as if they were re-rendering the entire UI, while automatically optimizing it to be performant and provide a first-class user experience.

Mill’s approach as a build tool is similar:

  • Most existing build tools involve registering "task" callbacks to tell the build tool what to do when certain actions happen or certain files change. These callbacks mutate the filesystem in an ad-hoc manner, often recursively triggering further callbacks. It is up to the developer to make sure that these callbacks and filesystem updates end up converging such that your build outputs ends up containing the files you want.

  • With Mill, you instead write "direct-style" code: normal functions that call other functions and end up returning the final metadata or files that were generated. Mill handles the work of computing these functions efficiently: automatically caching, parallelizing, and optimizing your build. The developer writes naive code computing and returning the files they want, and Mill does all the rest to make it efficient and performant

Earlier we saw a hello-world Mill build using the built in module types like JavaModule, but if we remove these built in classes we can see how Mill works under the hood. Consider the following Mill tasks that define some source files, use the javac executable to compile them into classfiles, and then the jar executable to package them together into an assembly:

def mainClass: T[Option[String]] = Some("foo.Foo")

def sources = Task.Source("src")
def resources = Task.Source("resources")

def compile = Task {
  val allSources = os.walk(sources().path)
  os.proc("javac", allSources, "-d", Task.dest).call()

def assembly = Task {
  for(p <- Seq(compile(), resources())) os.copy(p.path, Task.dest, mergeFolders = true)

  val mainFlags = mainClass().toSeq.flatMap(Seq("-e", _))
  os.proc("jar", "-c", mainFlags, "-f", Task.dest / "assembly.jar", ".")
    .call(cwd = Task.dest)

  PathRef(Task.dest / "assembly.jar")

This code defines the following task graph, with the boxes being the tasks and the arrows representing the data-flow between them:

G sources sources compile compile sources->compile assembly assembly compile->assembly resources resources resources->assembly mainClass mainClass mainClass->assembly

This example does not use any of Mill’s builtin support for building Java or Scala projects, and instead builds a pipeline "from scratch" using Mill tasks and javac/jar subprocesses. We define Task.Source folders and plain Tasks that depend on them, implementing entirely in our own code.

Two things are worth noting about this code:

  1. It looks almost identical to the equivalent "naive" code you would write without using a build tool! If you remove the Task{…​} wrappers, you could run the code and it would behave as a naive script running top-to-bottom every time and generating your assembly.jar from scratch. But Mill allows you to take such naive code and turn it into a build pipeline with parallelism, caching, invalidation, and so on.

  2. You do not see any logic at all related to parallelism, caching, invalidation in the code at all! No mtime checks, no computing cache keys, no locks, no serializing and de-serializing of data on disk. Mill handles all this for you automatically, so you just need to write your "naive" code and Mill will provide all the "build tool stuff" for free.

This direct-style code has some surprising benefits: IDEs often not understand how registered callbacks recursively trigger one another, but they do understand function calls, and so they should be able to seamlessly navigate up and down your build graph just by following those functions. Below, we can see IntelliJ resolve compile to the exact def compile definition in build.foo, allowing us to jump to it if we want to see what it does:


In the JavaModule example earlier, IntelliJ is able to see the def ivyDeps configuration override, and find the exact override definitions in the parent class hierarchy:


This "direct style" doesn’t just make navigating your build easy for IDEs: human programmers are also used to navigating in and out of function calls, up and down class hierarchies, and so on. Thus for a developer configuring or maintaining their build system, Mill’s direct style means they easier time understanding what is going on, especially compared to the classic "callbacks forests" you may have come to expect from build tools. However, both of these benefits require that the IDE and the human understands the code in the first place, which leads to the second major design decision:

Using a Single General Purpose Language

React.js makes users use Javascript to implement their HTML UIs. While a common approach now in 2024, it is hard to overstate how controversial and unusual this design decision was at the time.

In 2014, web UIs were implemented in some HTML templating language with separate CSS source files, and "code behind" Javascript logic hooked in. This allowed separation of concerns: a graphic designer could edit the HTML and CSS without needing to know Javascript, and a programmer could edit the Javascript without needing to be an expert in HTML/CSS. And so writing frontend code in three languages in three separate files was the best practice, and so it was since the inception of the web two decades prior.

React.js flipped all that on its head: everything was Javascript! UI components were Javascript objects first, containing Javascript functions that returned HTML snippets (which were really also Javascript objects). CSS was often in-lined at the use site, perhaps with constants fetched from a CSS-in-JS library. This was a total departure from the previous two decades of web development best practices.

While controversial, this approach had two huge advantages:

  1. It broke the hard language barriers between HTML/CSS/JS, allowing more flexible ways of organizing and grouping code in order to meet the needs of the particular UI. While seemingly trivial, it makes a huge difference to have one file in one language containing everything you need to know about a UI component, rather than needing to tab between three files in three different languages.

  2. It removed the separate second-class "templating language". While the "platonic ideal" was people writing HTML/CSS/JS, the HTML often ended up being Jinja2, HAML, or Mustache templates instead, and the CSS usually ended up being replaced by SASS or LESS. While Javascript was by no means perfect, having everything in a single "real" programming language was a breath of fresh air over tabbing between three different languages each with their own half-baked version of language features like if-else, loops, functions, etc.

The story for build tools is similar: the traditional wisdom has been to implement your build logic in some limited "build language", in the past often XML (e.g. for Maven, MSBuild), nowadays often JSON/TOML/YAML (e.g. Cargo), with logic split out into separate shell scripts or plugins. While this worked, it always had issues:

  1. Like web development, build tools also had the logic split between multiple languages. Templated-Bash-in-Yaml is a common outcome, Bazel makes you write make-interpolated Bash in pseudo-Python, Maven makes you choose between XML+Java to write plugins or Bash-in-XML Ant scripts. Most build tools using "simple" config languages would inevitably find logic pushed into shell scripts within the build, or the entire build tool itself wrapped in a shell script to provide the flexibility a project needs

  2. These "simple build languages" would always start off simple, but eventually grow real programming language features: not just if-else, loops, functions, inheritance, but also package managers, package repositories, profilers, debuggers, and more. These were always ad-hoc, designed and implemented in their own weird and idiosyncratic ways, and generally inferior to the same feature or tool provided by a real programming language.

"Config metadata turns into templating language turns into general-purpose language" is a tale as old as time. Whether it’s HTML templating using Jinja2, CI configuration using Github Actions Config Expressions, or infrastructure-as-code systems like Cloudformation Functions or Helm Charts. While the allure of using a "simple" config language is strong, many systems inevitably end up growing so many programming-language features that you would have been better off using a general-purpose language to start off with.

Mill follows React.js with its "One General-Purpose Language" approach:

  1. Mill tasks are just method definitions

  2. Mill task dependencies are just method calls

  3. Mill modules are just objects

While this is not strictly true - Mill tasks and Mill modules have a small amount of extra logic necessary to handling caching parallelization and other build tool necessities - it is true enough that these details are often completely transparent to the user.

This has the same benefits that React.js had from using a general-purpose language throughout:

  1. You can directly write code to wire up and perform your build logic all in one language, without the nested Bash-nested-in-Mustache-templates-nested-in-YAML monstrosities common when insufficiently flexible config languages are chosen.

  2. You already know how programming languages works: not just conditionals loops and functions, but also classes, inheritance, overrides, typechecking, IDE navigation, package repositories and library ecosystem (in Mill’s case, you can use everything on Java’s Maven Central repository). Rather than dealing with half-baked versions of these features that specialized languages inevitable grow, Mill lets you use the real thing right off the bat.

For example, in Mill you may not be familiar with the bundled libraries and APIs, but your IDE can help you understand them:


And if you make an error, e.g. you typo-ed resources as reources, your IDE will immediately flag it for you even before you run the build:


While all IDEs have good support for understanding JSON/TOML/YAML/XML, the support for understanding a particular tool’s dialect of templated-bash-in-yaml is much more spotty. Even IntelliJ, the gold standard, usually cannot provide more than basic assistance editing templated-bash-in-yaml configs file. In contrast, IDE support for a widely-used general purpose programming language is much more solid.

As another example, if you need a production-quality templating engine to use in your build system, you have a buffet of options. The common Java Thymeleaf templating engine is available with a single import, as is the popular Scalatags templating engine. Rather than being limited to what the build tool has built-in or what third-party plugins someone on the internet has published, you have at your fingertips any library in the huge JVM ecosystem, and can use them in exactly the same way you would in any Java/Scala/Kotlin application.

What About Other Build Tools?

There are existing build tools that use some of the ideas above, but perhaps none of them have both, which is necessary to take full advantage:

  • Tools like Gradle, Rake, or Gulp may be written in a single language, but are not direct-style: they still rely on you registering a forest of callbacks performing filesystem mutations, and manually ensuring that they are wired up to converge to the state you want. This means that although that a human programmer or an IDE like IntelliJ may be able to navigate around the Groovy/Kotlin/Ruby code used to configure the build, both human and machine often have trouble tracing through the forest of mutating callbacks to figure out what is actually happening

  • Tools like Cargo, Maven, or go build are very inflexible. This leads either to embedded shell scripts (or embedded-shell-scripts-as-XML such as the Maven AntRun Plugin!), or having the build tool mvn/cargo/go being itself wrapped in shell scripts (or even another build tool like Bazel!)

Mill’s direct style code and use of a general-purpose language makes it unique among build tools, just like how React.js was unique among UI frameworks when it was first released in 2014. With these two key design features, Mill makes understanding and maintaining your build an order of magnitude easier than traditional tools, democratizing project builds so anyone can contribute without needing to be experts.

Where can Mill Go?

Above, we discussed some of the unique design decisions of Mill, and the value they provide to users. In this section we will discuss where Mill can fit into the larger build-tool ecosystem. I think Mill has legs to potentially grow 10x to 100x bigger than it is today. There are three main areas where I think Mill can grow into:

A Modern Java/JVM Build Tool

Mill is a JVM build tool, and the JVM platform hosts many rich communities and ecosystems: the Java folks, offshoots like Android, other languages like Kotlin and Scala. All these ecosystems rely on tools like Maven or Gradle to build their code, and I believe Mill can provide a better alternative. Even today, there are already many advantages of using Mill over the incumbent build tools:

  1. Mill today runs the equivalent local workflows 4-10x faster than Maven and 2-4x faster than Gradle, with automatic parallelization and caching for every part of your build

  2. Mill today provides better ease of use than Maven or Gradle, with IDE support for navigating your build graph and visualizing what your build is doing

  3. Mill today makes extending your build 10x easier than Maven or Gradle, directly using the same JVM libraries you already know without being beholden to third-party plugins

The JVM is a flexible platform, and although Java/Kotlin/Scala/Android are superficially different, underneath there is a ton of similarity. Concepts like classfiles, jars, assemblies, classpaths, dependency management and publishing artifacts, IDEs, debuggers, profilers, many third-party libraries, are all shared and identical between the various JVM languages. Mill provides a first class Java and Scala experience, with growing support for Kotlin and Android. Mill’s easy extensibility means integrating new tools into Mill takes hours rather than days or weeks.

In the last 15-20 years, we have learned a lot about build tooling, and the field has developed significantly:

But there are no build tools in the Java/JVM ecosystem that really take advantage of these newer designs and techniques: ideas like having a build graph, automatic caching, automatic parallelization, side-effect-free build tasks, and so on. While Maven (from 2004) and Gradle (2008) have been slowly trying to move in these directions, they are also constrained by their two decades of legacy that limits how fast they can evolve.

Mill could be the modern Java/JVM build tool: providing 10x speedups over Maven or Gradle, 10x better ease of use, 10x better extensibility. Today Mill already provides a compelling Java build experience. With some focused effort, I think Mill can be not just a good option, but the better option for Java projects going forward!

An Easier Monorepo Build Tool

Many companies are using Bazel today. Of the companies I interviewed from my Silicon Valley network, 25 out of 30 are using or trying to use Bazel. Bazel is an incredibly powerful tool: it provides sandboxing, parallelization, remote caching, remote execution. These are all things that are useful or even necessary as your organization and codebase grows. I even wrote about the benefits on my company blog at the time:

There is no doubt that if set up correctly, Bazel is a great experience that "just works", and with a single command you can do anything that you could want to do in a codebase.

But of those 25 companies I interviewed, basically everyone was having a hard time adopting Bazel. From my own experience, both of my prior employers (Dropbox and Databricks) both took O(1 person decade) of work to adopt Bazel. I have met multiple Silicon Valley dev-tools teams that spent months doing a Bazel proof-of-concept only to give up due to the difficulty. Bazel is a ferociously complex tool, and although some of that complexity is inherent, much of it is incidental, and some of it is to support projects at a scale beyond what most teams would encounter.

I think there is room for a lightweight monorepo build tool that provides maybe 50% of Bazel’s functionality, but at 10% the complexity:

  • Most companies are not Google, don’t operate at Google-scale, do not have Google-level problems, and may not need all the most advanced features that Bazel provides

  • Bazel itself is not getting any simpler over time - instead is getting more complex with additional features and functionality, as tends to happen to projects over time

Mill provides many of the same things Bazel does: automatic caching, parallelization, sandboxing, extensibility. Mill can already work with a wide variety of programming languages, from JVM languages like Java/Scala/Kotlin to Typescript and Python. Mill’s features are not as highly-scalable as their Bazel equivalents, but they are provided in a lighter-weight, easier-to-use fashion suitable for organizations with less than 1,000 engineers who cannot afford the O(1 person decade) it takes to adopt Bazel in their organization.

For most companies, their problems with Bazel aren’t its scalability or feature set, but its complexity. While Mill can never compete with Bazel for the largest-scale deployments by its most sophisticated users, the bulk of users operate at a somewhat smaller scale and need something easier than Bazel. Mill could be that easy monorepo build tool for them to use.

Next Steps For Mill Going Forward

10 years ago React.js democratized front-end Web UIs: what previously took intricate surgery to properly wire up event handlers and UI mutations in three separate languages became a straightforward task of naively returning the UI you want to render. Previously challenging tasks (e.g. "make a loading bar that is kept in sync with the text on screen as a file is uploaded") became trivial, and now anyone can probably fumble through a basic interactive website without getting lost in callback hell.

I think Mill has a chance to do the same thing for build systems. Like Web UIs 10 years ago, configuring and maintaining a build-system often requires juggling multiple different templating/config/scripting languages in an intricate dance of callbacks and filesystem mutations. Like React.js, Mill collapses all this complexity, letting you write naive "direct-style" code in a single language while getting all the benefits of caching and parallelism, making previously challenging build pipelines implementations trivial.

Fundamentally, there are holes in the build-tool market that are not well served: the Java folks deserve something more modern than Maven or Gradle, and the Monorepo folks need something easier to use than Bazel. I think Mill has a decent shot at occupying each of these two niches, and even if it is only able to succeed in one that would still be significant. Perhaps even significant enough to build a business around!

Going forward, I expect to pursue both paths: Mill as a better Java build tool, Mill as an easier Monorepo build tool. Much of the past quarter Q3 2024 has been spent polishing the experience of using Mill from Java, but similar efforts will need to be made on the Monorepo front. I will be working on this full time and also investing a significant amount of cash in order to support the effort. If anyone out there is interested in being paid to work on the next-generation of Java build tools or Monorepo build tools, let me know and we can try to make an arrangement!