The Output Directory

Mill puts all its output in the top-level out/ folder.

The out/ folder contains all the generated files & metadata for your build. It holds some files needed to manage Mill’s longer running server instances (out/mill-server/*) as well as a directory and file structure resembling the project’s module structure.

For the purposes of this page, we will be using the following minimal Mill build

build.mill (download, browse)
package build
import mill._, javalib._

object foo extends JavaModule {}
> ./mill foo.compile # compile once

> echo "" >> foo/src/foo/

> ./mill foo.compile # compile again after editing a file

> find out

Task Metadata and Cached Files

Each named task (Task or Command) that is run has a representation in the out/ directory structure. The module structure is reflected in the directories, so that each module of your project has a uniquely associated subdirectory under the out/ directory. For example, the foo.compile task we ran above places its files in the out/foo/compile.* paths:

> find out/foo/compile.* -maxdepth 0


The cache-key and JSON-serialized return-value of the foo.compile task. The return-value can also be retrieved via mill show foo.compile. Binary blobs are typically not included in foo.json, and instead stored as separate binary files in .dest/ which are then referenced by .json file via PathRef references.


A path for the Task to use either as a scratch space, or to place generated files that are returned using PathRef references. A Task should only output files within its own given foo.dest/ folder (available as Task.dest) to avoid conflicting with another Task, but can name files within foo.dest/ arbitrarily.


The stdout/stderr of the Task, if any. This is also streamed to the console during evaluation, but the terminal can get messy with many tasks running and printing logs in parallel, so if you want the logs for a single task you can find them on disk.


Holds task metadata for overridden tasks, if any. Whenever you use a in your foo task, you will find the metadata of the under this directory.

The out/ folder is intentionally kept simple and user-readable. If your build is not behaving as you would expect, feel free to poke around the various foo.dest/ folders to see what files are being created, or the foo.json files to see what is being returned by a particular task. You can also simply delete folders within out/ if you want to force portions of your project to be rebuilt, e.g. by deleting the out/main/ or out/main/compile.* folders, but we strongly encourage you to use the clean command instead.

Cleaning some task state by manually deleting files under out/ may be convenient, but you need to be careful to always delete the foo.json file whenever you delete a foo.dest/ or foo.super/. Otherwise, you risk running into hard to diagnose issues later.

Instead, you should always give the clean command a try before manually deleting some file under out/.

Other files in the out/ directory

Apart from the build task-related files in the out folder, Mill itself places a variety of files in the outfolder under the out/mill-* prefix:

> find out/mill-* -maxdepth 0

Files of note:


Logs the tasks run and time taken for the last Mill command you executed. This is very useful if Mill is being unexpectedly slow, and you want to find out exactly what tasks are being run. This is useful to quickly look up tasks that were run to see how long they took, whether they were cached, and if not whether their outputs changed as a result of them being run:

> cat out/mill-profile.json
    "label": "mill.scalalib.ZincWorkerModule.worker",
    "millis": 0,
    "cached": true,
    "valueHashChanged": false,
    "dependencies": [
    "inputsHash": ...
    "label": "foo.compile",
    "millis": ...,
    "cached": false,
    "valueHashChanged": false,
    "dependencies": [
    "inputsHash": ...,
    "previousInputsHash": ...


This file can be opened in any Google Chrome browser with the built-in chrome://tracing URL to show you runtime profile of the last Mill command, so you can see what was executed when, sequentially or in parallel, and how long it took. This is very useful for understanding the performance of large parallel Mill builds


mill-chrome-profile.json complements mill-profile.json: where mill-profile.json is most useful for point lookups of facts about the last Mill evaluation, mill-chrome-profile.json is most useful to get a high-level overview of the runtime performance characteristics of the tasks that were


A JSON file where the root keys are the tasks directly specified by the last ./mill <selector> command, and the tree structure shows the upstream tasks and how the root tasks depend on them. You can use this to see why a task specified by <selector> is causing a particular upstream task to be selected.

For example, when running foo.compile above, we get a tree structure (simplified below) that hsows how foo.compile depends on foo.allSourceFiles/foo.allSources/foo.sources (the files in the src/ folder), foo.compileClasspath/localCompileClasspath/compileResources (i.e. the files in the compile-resources/ folder:

> cat out/mill-dependency-tree.json
  "foo.compile": {
    "foo.allSourceFiles": {
      "foo.allSources": {
        "foo.sources": {},
        "foo.generatedSources": {}
    "foo.compileClasspath": {
      "foo.localCompileClasspath": {
        "foo.unmanagedClasspath": {},
        "foo.compileResources": {}

If there are multiple paths through which one task depends on another, one path is chosen arbitrarily to be shown in the spanning tree


A JSON file where the root keys are the Mill inputs that were invalidated when the last command was run, and the tree structure shows the downstream tasks that were invalidated due to those inputs changing. This is useful to see why a task that was selected was actually run rather than being cached.

For example, above we edited the foo/src/foo/ file before running foo.compile a second time, and thus this file shows how foo.sources invalidated foo.allSources, foo.allSourcesFiles, and lastly foo.compile:

> cat out/mill-invalidation-tree.json
  "foo.sources": {
    "foo.allSources": {
      "foo.allSourceFiles": {
        "foo.compile": {}

Again, if there are multiple paths through which one task was invalidated by another, one path is chosen arbitrarily to be shown in the spanning tree

codeSignatures spanningInvalidationTree

Sometimes invalidation can be caused by a code change in your build.mill/package.mill files, rather than by a change in the project’s source files or inputs. In such cases, the root tasks in mill-invalidation-tree.json may not necessarily be inputs. In such cases, you can look at out/mill-build/codeSignatures.dest/current/spanningInvalidationTree.json to see an invalidation tree for how code changes in specfic methods propagate throughout the build.mill codebase.

> sed -i.bak 's/{}/{println(123)}/g' build.mill

> ./mill foo.compile # compile after changing build.mill

> cat out/mill-build/codeSignatures.dest/current/spanningInvalidationTree.json
    "def build_.package_$foo$#<init>(build_.package_)void": {
      "call build_.package_$foo$!<init>(build_.package_)void": {
        "def build_.package_#foo$lzyINIT1()java.lang.Object": {
          "call build_.package_!foo$lzyINIT1()java.lang.Object": {
            "def build_.package_#foo()build_.package_$foo$": {}

In the spanningInvalidationTree.json above, we can see how to addition of the call to scala.Predef.println caused the <init> constructor method of to invalidation, and ends up invalidating def build_.package_#foo() which is the method representing the task that will thus need to be re-evaluated.

Mill’s code-change invalidation analysis is approximate and conservative. That means that it invalidates each task when any method it calls (transitively) is changed. This may sometimes invalidate too many tasks, but it generally does not invalidate too few tasks, except in code using Java Reflection or similar techniques which the code-change analysis does not understand.


Contains the files related ot the The Mill Meta-Build. It contains many of thd same task-related and Mill-related files as the top-level out/ folder, but related for compiling your build.mill rather than compiling your project’s source files.

mill-server/, mill-no-server/

Each Mill process needs to keep some temporary files in one of these directories. Deleting it will also terminate the associated server instance, if it is still running.

Using another location than the out/ directory

The default location for Mill’s output directory is out/ under the project workspace. If you’d rather use another location than out/, that lives in a faster or a writable filesystem for example, you can change the output directory via the MILL_OUTPUT_DIR environment variable.

build.mill (download, browse)
package build

import mill._

object foo extends Module {
  def printDest = Task {
> MILL_OUTPUT_DIR=build-stuff/working-dir ./mill foo.printDest