serves two main purposes:
s, they serve as namespaces that let you group relatedTask
s together to keep things neat and organized. -
s, they are re-usable templates that let you replicate groups of relatedTask
s and sub-Module
s while allowing customizations
Mill’s comes with built-in modules such as mill.scalalib.ScalaModule
, but you can also define your own modules to do
things that are not built-in to Mill.
Simple Modules
The path to a Mill module from the root of your build file corresponds to the
path you would use to run tasks within that module from the command line. e.g.
for the following build.mill
package build
import mill._
object foo extends Module {
def bar = Task { "hello" }
object qux extends Module {
def baz = Task { "world" }
You can run the two tasks via
ormill foo.qux.baz
. -
You can use
mill show
ormill show foo.baz.qux
to make Mill echo out the string value being returned by each Task. -
The two tasks will store their output metadata and files at
> ./mill
> ./mill foo.qux.baz
> ./mill show
> ./mill show foo.qux.baz
> cat ./out/foo/bar.json # task output path follows module hierarchy
..."value": "hello"...
> cat ./out/foo/qux/baz.json
..."value": "world"...
Module Traits
Modules also provide a way to define and re-use common collections of tasks,
via trait
s. trait
s are basically Java or Python class
es with some additional
flexibility, and Module trait
s support everything normal
es do: inheritence via extends
, abstract def
s, override
s, super
adding additional def
s, etc.
trait FooModule extends Module {
def bar: T[String] // required override
def qux = Task { bar() + " world" }
object foo1 extends FooModule {
def bar = "hello"
def qux = super.qux().toUpperCase // refer to overridden value via super
object foo2 extends FooModule {
def bar = "hi"
def baz = Task { qux() + " I am Cow" } // add a new `def`
This generates the following module tree and task graph, with the dotted boxes and arrows representing the module tree, and the solid boxes and arrows representing the task graph
Note that the override
keyword is optional in mill, as is T{…}
> ./mill show
> ./mill show foo1.qux
> ./mill show
> ./mill show foo2.qux
"hi world"
> ./mill show foo2.baz
"hi world I am Cow"
The built-in mill.scalalib
package uses this to define ScalaModule
and TestScalaModule
, etc. which contain a set of "standard"
operations such as compile
, jar
or assembly
that you may expect from a
typical Scala module.
When defining your own module abstractions, you should be using trait
and not class
es due to implementation limitations
Each Module has a moduleDir
field that corresponds to the path that
module expects its input files to be on disk.
trait MyModule extends Module {
def sources = Task.Source("sources")
def task = Task { "hello " + os.list(sources().path).map(" ") }
object outer extends MyModule {
object inner extends MyModule
module has amoduleDir
, and thus aouter.sources
module has amoduleDir
, and thus aouter.inner.sources
> ./mill show outer.task
"hello contents of file inside outer/sources/"
> ./mill show outer.inner.task
"hello contents of file inside outer/inner/sources/"
You should use moduleDir
to set the source folders of your
modules to match the build structure. In almost every case, a module’s source files
live at some relative path within the module’s folder, and using moduleDir
ensures that the relative path to the module’s source files remains the same
regardless of where your module lives in the build hierarchy.
E.g. for mill.scalalib.ScalaModule
, the Scala source code is assumed by
default to be in moduleDir / "src"
while resources are automatically
assumed to be in moduleDir / "resources"
You can also override moduleDir
object outer2 extends MyModule {
def moduleDir = super.moduleDir / "nested"
object inner extends MyModule
> ./mill show outer2.task
"hello contents of file inside outer2/nested/sources/"
> ./mill show outer2.inner.task
"hello contents of file inside outer2/nested/inner/sources/"
Any overrides propagate down to the module’s children: in the above example,
would have its moduleDir
be outer2/nested/
would have its moduleDir
be outer2/nested/inner/
Note that moduleDir
is meant to be used for a module’s input source
files: source code, config files, library binaries, etc. Output is always in
the out/
folder and cannot be changed, e.g. even with the overridden
the output paths are still the default ./out/outer2
> cat ./out/outer2/task.json
..."value": "hello contents of file inside outer2/nested/sources/"...
> cat ./out/outer2/inner/task.json
..."value": "hello contents of file inside outer2/nested/inner/sources/"...
os.pwd of the Mill process is set to an empty sandbox/ folder by default.
When defining a module’s source files, you should always use moduleDir to ensure the
paths defined are relative to the module’s root folder, so the module logic can continue
to work even if moved into a different subfolder. In the rare case where you need the
Mill project root path, and you truly know what you are doing, you can call
Module Overrides
Tasks within Module Traits can be overridden via the override
with the overridden task callable via super
You can also override a task with a different type of task, e.g. below
we override sourceRoots
which is a Task.Sources
with a cached Task{}
that depends on the original via super
trait Foo extends Module {
def sourceRoots = Task.Sources("src")
def sourceContents = Task {
.flatMap(pref => os.walk(pref.path))
.filter(_.ext == "txt")
trait Bar extends Foo {
def additionalSources = Task.Sources("src2")
def sourceRoots = Task { super.sourceRoots() ++ additionalSources() }
object bar extends Bar
> ./mill show bar.sourceContents # includes both source folders
"File Data From src/",
"File Data From src2/"
You can use object
to use a package
extends RootModuleModule
as the root module of the file:
package build
import mill._, javalib._
object `package` extends RootModule with JavaModule {
def ivyDeps = Seq(
object test extends JavaTests with TestModule.Junit4 {
def ivyDeps = super.ivyDeps() ++ Seq(
Since our object
, its files live in a
top-level package
extends RootModulesrc/
folder, and you can call its tasks via un-prefixed bar
build.mill src/ foo/ resources/ ... test/ src/ foo/ out/ compile.json compile.dest/ ... test/ compile.json compile.dest/ ...
> ./mill compile # compile sources into classfiles
compiling 1 Java source to...
> ./mill run # run the main method, if any
error: argument -t/--text is required
> ./mill run --text hello
> ./mill test
Test foo.FooTest.testEscaping finished, ...
Test foo.FooTest.testSimple finished, ...
Test run foo.FooTest finished: 0 failed, 0 ignored, 2 total, ...
is useful when you want not only to define top-level tasks yourself,
but to have the top-level tasks inherited from some pre-defined trait
(in this
case JavaModule
s can only have the name package
and be defined at the top-level of
a build.mill
or package.mill
file. If a RootModule
is defined, all other
tasks or modules in that file must be defined within it, as it is the root of the
module hierarchy.
Use Case: DIY Java Modules
This section puts together what we’ve learned about Task
s and Module
so far into a worked example: implementing our own minimal version of
from first principles.
package build
import mill._
trait DiyJavaModule extends Module {
def moduleDeps: Seq[DiyJavaModule] = Nil
def mainClass: T[Option[String]] = None
def upstream: T[Seq[PathRef]] = Task { Task.traverse(moduleDeps)(_.classPath)().flatten }
def sources = Task.Source("src")
def compile = Task {
val allSources = os.walk(sources().path)
val cpFlag = Seq("-cp", upstream().map(_.path).mkString(":"))
os.proc("javac", cpFlag, allSources, "-d", Task.dest).call()
def classPath = Task { Seq(compile()) ++ upstream() }
def assembly = Task {
for (cp <- classPath()) os.copy(cp.path, Task.dest, mergeFolders = true)
val mainFlags = mainClass().toSeq.flatMap(Seq("-e", _))
os.proc("jar", "-c", mainFlags, "-f", Task.dest / "assembly.jar", ".")
.call(cwd = Task.dest)
PathRef(Task.dest / "assembly.jar")
This defines the following build graph for DiyJavaModule
. Note that some of the
edges (dashed) are not connected; that is because DiyJavaModule
is abstract, and
needs to be inherited by a concrete object
before it can be used.
Some notable things to call out:
def moduleDeps
is not a Task. This is necessary because tasks cannot change the shape of the task graph during evaluation, whereasmoduleDeps
defines module dependencies that determine the shape of the graph. -
to recursively gather the upstream classpath. This is necessary to convert theSeq[T[V]]
into aT[Seq[V]]
that we can work with inside our tasks -
We use the
together withTask.workspace
to infer a default name for the jar of each module. Users can override it if they want, but having a default is very convenient -
def cpFlag
is not a task or task, it’s just a normal helper method.
Below, the inherit DiyJavaModule
in three object
s: foo
, bar
, and qux
object foo extends DiyJavaModule {
def moduleDeps = Seq(bar)
def mainClass = Some("foo.Foo")
object bar extends DiyJavaModule
object qux extends DiyJavaModule {
def moduleDeps = Seq(foo)
def mainClass = Some("qux.Qux")
This results in the following build graph, with the build graph for DiyJavaModule
duplicated three times - once per module - with the tasks wired up between the modules
according to our overrides for moduleDeps
This simple set of DiyJavaModule
can be used as follows:
> ./mill showNamed __.sources
"foo.sources": ".../foo/src",
"": ".../foo/bar/src",
"qux.sources": ".../qux/src"
> ./mill show qux.assembly
> java -jar out/qux/assembly.dest/assembly.jar
Foo.value: 31337
Bar.value: 271828
Qux.value: 9000
> ./mill show foo.assembly
> java -jar out/foo/assembly.dest/assembly.jar
Foo.value: 31337
Bar.value: 271828
Like any other Task
s, the compilation and packaging of the Java code
is incremental: if you change a file in foo/src/
and run qux.assembly
and qux.compile
will be re-computed, but bar.compile
not as it does not transitively depend on foo.sources
. We did not need to
build support for this caching and invalidation ourselves, as it is
automatically done by Mill based on the structure of the build graph.
Note that this is a minimal example is meant for educational purposes: the
and ScalaModule
that Mill provides is more
complicated to provide additional flexibility and performance. Nevertheless,
this example should give you a good idea of how Mill module
s can be
developed, so you can define your own custom modules when the need arises.
Default Tasks
Mill modules can extend TaskModule
and specify a defaultCommandName
, which
allows them to be run directly without needing the task name provided explicitly:
package build
import mill._, javalib._
import mill.define.TaskModule
object foo extends TaskModule {
override def defaultCommandName() = "bar"
def bar() = Task.Command { println("Hello Bar") }
def qux() = Task.Command { println("Hello Qux") }
In this example, the foo
module has a defaultCommandName
of bar
That means that we can run foo
and it will run
explicitly is still allowed, as is running other tasks
e.g. foo.qux
> mill foo # same as running
Hello Bar
> mill
Hello Bar
> mill foo.qux
Hello Qux
Default tasks are a convenience that is often used when a module has one "obvious"
task to run, e.g. Mill TestModule`s have `test
as the default command name.
Backticked Names
package build
import mill._
import mill.scalalib._
object `hyphenated-module` extends Module {
def `hyphenated-task` = Task {
println("hyphenated task in a hyphenated module.")
object unhyphenatedModule extends Module {
def unhyphenated_task = Task {
println("unhyphenated task in an unhyphenated module.")
Mill modules and tasks may be composed of the following character types:
Alphanumeric (A-Z, a-z, and 0-9)
Underscore (
) -
Hyphen (
Due to Scala naming restrictions, module and task names with hyphens must be
surrounded by back-ticks (`
Using hyphenated names at the command line is unaffected by these restrictions.
> ./mill hyphenated-module.hyphenated-task
hyphenated task in a hyphenated module.
> ./mill unhyphenatedModule.unhyphenated_task
unhyphenated task in an unhyphenated module.
External Modules
Libraries for use in Mill can define ExternalModule
s: Module
s which are
shared between all builds which use that library:
package foo
import mill._
object Bar extends mill.define.ExternalModule {
def baz = Task { 1 }
def qux() = Task.Command { println(baz() + 1) }
lazy val millDiscover = Discover[this.type]
In the above example, Bar
is an ExternalModule
living within the foo
Java package, containing the baz
task and qux
command. Those can be run
from the command line via:
mill foo.Bar/baz
mill foo.Bar/qux
s are useful for someone providing a library for use with Mill
that is shared by the entire build: for example,
provides a shared Scala compilation
service & cache that is shared between all ScalaModule
s, and
lets you generate IntelliJ projects without
needing to define your own Task.Command
in your build.mill
Aliasing External Modules
Mill allows you to alias external modules via def
. You can use this to add
shorthand aliases for external modules that have long names, such as
package build
import mill._, javalib._
object foo extends JavaModule
def myAutoformat = mill.javalib.palantirformat.PalantirFormatModule
> cat foo/src/foo/ # starts off unformatted
package foo;public class Foo{ public static void main(String[] args) {System.out.println("Hello World!");}}
> mill myAutoformat # easier to type than `./mill mill.javalib.palantirformat.PalantirFormatModule/`
> cat foo/src/foo/ # code is now formatted
package foo;
public class Foo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello World!");
Abstract Modules References
When you define an abstract module, often you are referencing an existing module
somewhere in your build. A naive def upstreamModule: FooModule
would create a module alias, which is often not what you want since the referenced
module already has a place in your build hierarchy. In such scenarios, you can use
a ModuleRef(…)
to wrap the abstract module, such that the abstract def
not participate in task query resolution:
package build
import mill._, javalib._
import mill.define.ModuleRef
object foo extends JavaModule
object bar extends JavaModule
trait MyTestModule extends JavaModule with TestModule.Junit4 {
def upstreamModule: ModuleRef[JavaModule]
def moduleDeps = Seq(upstreamModule())
object footest extends MyTestModule {
def upstreamModule = ModuleRef(foo)
object bartest extends MyTestModule {
def upstreamModule = ModuleRef(bar)
> mill __.testForked
Test foo.FooTests.simple finished, ...
Test bar.BarTests.simple finished, ...
> mill resolve foo.upstreamModule._ # This fails since it's a `ModuleRef`, not just a `Module`
error: resolve Cannot resolve foo.upstreamModule...