Bundled Libraries
Mill comes bundled with a set of external Open Source libraries and projects.
Mill uses OS-Lib for all of its file system and subprocess operations.
Sandbox Working Directories
One thing to note about Mill’s usage of OS-Lib is that Mill sets the os.pwd
and for filesystem operations and subprocesses to each task’s .dest
as part of its Mill Sandboxing efforts to prevent accidental
interference between tasks:
import mill._
def task1 = Task {
os.write(os.pwd / "file.txt", "hello")
PathRef(os.pwd / "file.txt")
def task2 = Task {
os.call(("bash", "-c", "echo 'world' >> file.txt"))
PathRef(os.pwd / "file.txt")
def command = Task {
Thus although both task1
and task2
above write to os.pwd / "file.txt"
one via os.write
and one via a Bash subprocess - each task gets its own
working directory that prevents the files from colliding on disk. Thus the final
can depend on both tasks and read each task’s file.txt
without conflict
> ./mill command # mac/linux
Mill uses uPickle to cache task output to disk as JSON, and to output JSON for third-party tools to consume. The output of every Mill task must be JSON serializable via uPickle.
The uPickle serialized return of every Mill task is used for multiple purposes:
As the format for caching things on disk
The output format for
, which can be used for manual inspection piped to external tools -
Decided whether downstream results can be read from the cache or whether they need to be recomputed
Primitives and Collections
Most Scala primitive types (String
s, Int
s, Boolean
s, etc.) and
collections types (Seq
s, List
s, Tuple
s, etc.) are serializable by default.
import mill._
def taskInt = Task { 123 }
def taskBoolean = Task { true }
def taskString = Task { "hello " + taskInt() + " world " + taskBoolean() }
> ./mill show taskInt
> ./mill show taskBoolean
> ./mill show taskString
"hello 123 world true"
> ./mill show taskTuple
"hello 123 world true"
def taskTuple = Task { (taskInt(), taskBoolean(), taskString()) }
def taskSeq = Task { Seq(taskInt(), taskInt() * 2, taskInt() * 3) }
def taskMap = Task { Map("int" -> taskInt().toString, "boolean" -> taskBoolean().toString) }
> ./mill show taskSeq
> ./mill show taskMap
"int": "123",
"boolean": "true"
Paths and PathRef
s from OS-Lib are also serializable as strings.
def taskPath = Task {
os.write(os.pwd / "file.txt", "hello")
os.pwd / "file.txt"
> ./mill show taskPath
Note that returning an os.Path
from a task will only invalidate downstream
tasks on changes to the path itself (e.g. from returning file.txt
to file2.txt
and not to changes to the contents of any file or folder at that path. If you want
to invalidate downstream tasks depending on the contents of a file or folder, you
should return a PathRef
def taskPathRef = Task {
os.write(os.pwd / "file.txt", "hello")
PathRef(os.pwd / "file.txt")
> ./mill show taskPathRef
The serialized PathRef
contains a hexadecimal hash signature of the file or
folder referenced on disk, computed from its contents.
Mill bundles Requests-Scala for you to use to make HTTP requests.
lets you integrate your build with the world beyond your local
Requests-Scala is mostly used in Mill for downloading files as part of your build. These can either be data files or executables, and in either case they are downloaded once and cached for later use.
Downloading Compilers and Source Code
In the example below, we download the Remote APIs source zip, download a Bazel Build Tool binary, and use Bazel to compile the Remote APIs source code as part of our build:
import mill._
def remoteApisZip = Task {
println("downloading bazel-remote-apis sources...")
Task.dest / "source.zip",
PathRef(Task.dest / "source.zip")
def bazel = Task {
println("downloading bazel...")
val fileName =
if (System.getProperty("os.name") == "Mac OS X") "bazel-5.4.1-darwin-arm64"
else "bazel-5.4.1-linux-x86_64"
Task.dest / "bazel",
os.perms.set(Task.dest / "bazel", "rwxrwxrwx")
PathRef(Task.dest / "bazel")
def compiledRemoteApis = Task {
val javaBuildTarget = "build/bazel/remote/execution/v2:remote_execution_java_proto"
os.call(("unzip", remoteApisZip().path, "-d", Task.dest))
os.call((bazel().path, "build", javaBuildTarget), cwd = Task.dest / "remote-apis-2.2.0")
val queried = os.call(
(bazel().path, "cquery", javaBuildTarget, "--output=files"),
cwd = Task.dest / "remote-apis-2.2.0"
.map(line => PathRef(Task.dest / "remote-apis-2.2.0" / os.SubPath(line)))
In the execution example below, we can see the first time we ask for compiledRemoteApis
Mill downloads the Bazel build tool, downloads the Remote APIs source code, and then
invokes Bazel to compile them:
> ./mill show compiledRemoteApis
downloading bazel...
downloading bazel-remote-apis sources...
Loading: ...
Analyzing: ...
INFO: Build completed successfully...
However, in subsequent evaluations of compiledRemoteApis
, the two downloads and
the Bazel invocation are skipped and the earlier output directly and immediately re-used:
> ./mill show compiledRemoteApis
The various tasks will only be re-evaluated if there are code changes in your build.mill
file that affect them.
In general, Using requests.get
to download files as part of your build is only safe
as long as the files you download are immutable. Mill cannot know whether the remote
HTTP endpoint has been changed or not. However, empirically most URLs you may want
to download files from do turn out to be immutable: from package repositories, artifact
servers, and so on. So this works out surprisingly well in practice.
Mill uses MainArgs to handle argument parsing for Task.Command
s that
are run from the command line.
import mill._
def commandSimple(str: String, i: Int, bool: Boolean = true) = Task.Command {
println(s"$str $i $bool")
Mill uses MainArgs to let you parse most common Scala primitive types as command
parameters: String`s, `Int`s, `Boolean`s, etc. Single-character parameter names
are treated as short arguments called with one dash `-
rather than two dashes --
Default values work as you would expect, and are substituted in if a value is not
given at the command line
> ./mill commandSimple --str hello -i 123
hello 123 true
In addition to the builtin set of types that MainArgs supports, Mill also
supports parsing OS-Lib os.Path
s from the command line:
def commandTakingPath(path: os.Path) = Task.Command {
> ./mill commandTakingPath --path foo/bar/baz.txt
Mill allows commands to take Task[T]
s as parameters anywhere they can
take an unboxed T
. This can be handy later on if you want to call the
command as part of another task, while passing it the value of an upstream
def commandTakingTask(str: Task[String]) = Task.Command {
val result = "arg: " + str()
> ./mill commandTakingTask --str helloworld
arg: helloworld
def upstreamTask = Task {
def taskCallingCommand = Task {
> ./mill show taskCallingCommand
"arg: HELLO"
Evaluator (experimental)
Evaluator Command are experimental and suspected to change. See issue #502 for details.
You can define a command that takes in the current Evaluator
as an argument,
which you can use to inspect the entire build, or run arbitrary tasks.
For example, here is a customPlanCommand
command which uses this
to traverse the module tree to find the tasks specified by the tasks
and plan out what would be necessary to run them
import mill.eval.Evaluator
import mill.define.SelectMode
def customPlanCommand(evaluator: Evaluator, tasks: String*) = Task.Command {
val resolved = evaluator
.resolveTasks(tasks, SelectMode.Multi)
val plan = evaluator.plan(resolved)
We can call our customPlanCommand
from the command line and pass it the
we saw earlier, and it prints out the list of tasks
it needs to run in the order necessary to reach `taskCallingCommand
> ./mill customPlanCommand taskCallingCommand