
Generate source code from your buildfile. This plugin generates a single object containing information from your build. It supports Java, Scala and Kotlin as a target language.

To declare a module that uses BuildInfo you must extend the mill.contrib.buildinfo.BuildInfo trait when defining your module.


Example build.mill defining a Scala module with BuildInfo
package build
import $ivy.`com.lihaoyi::mill-contrib-buildinfo:`
import mill.contrib.buildinfo.BuildInfo

object project extends ScalaModule with BuildInfo {
  val name = "project-name"
  val buildInfoPackageName = "com.organization"
  def buildInfoMembers = Seq(
    BuildInfo.Value("name", name),
    BuildInfo.Value("scalaVersion", scalaVersion()),
import com.organization.BuildInfo

def main = {

The above example uses ScalaModule but BuildInfo can also be used with JavaModules or KotlinModules.

Configuration options

def buildInfoMembers: T[Seq[BuildInfo.Value]]

The map containing all member names and values for the generated info object.

def buildInfoObjectName: String = "BuildInfo

The name of the BuildInfo data object which contains all the members from buildInfoMembers. Defaults to "BuildInfo".

def buildInfoPackageName: String

The package name under which the BuildInfo data object will be stored.

def buildInfoStaticCompiled

Enable to compile the BuildInfo values directly into the classfiles, rather than the default behavior of storing them as a JVM resource. Needed to use BuildInfo on Scala.js and Scala Native which does not support JVM resources. But can also be enabled on all platforms if wanted.

def buildInfoLanguage: BuildInfoLanguage

The source language to use for the generated source file(s). One of Java, Scala or Kotlin. The default is derived from the used module.