This plugin provides publishing and dependencies to Gitlab package registries.
Gitlab does not support http basic auth so using PublishModule, artifactory- or bintray-plugin does not work. This plugin tries to provide as automatic as possible support for gitlab package registries and automatic detection of gitlab CI/CD pipeline.
Most trivial publish config is:
package build
import mill._, scalalib._, mill.scalalib.publish._
import $ivy.`com.lihaoyi::mill-contrib-gitlab:`
import mill.contrib.gitlab._
object lib extends ScalaModule with GitlabPublishModule {
// PublishModule requirements:
override def publishVersion = "0.0.1"
override def pomSettings = ??? // PomSettings(...)
// GitlabPublishModule requirements
// 42 is the project id in your gitlab
override def publishRepository = ProjectRepository("https://gitlab.local", 42)
and pomSettings
come from PublishModule
. GitlabPublishModule
requires you to
set publishRepository
for task of artifact publishing. Note that this must be a
project repository defined by project id (publishing to other type of repositories is not
You can also override def gitlabTokenLookup: GitlabTokenLookup
if default token lookup
does suit your needs. Configuring lookup is documented below.
Default token lookup
By default, plugin first tries to look for personal access token, then deploy token and lastly ci job token. Default search order is
Environment variable
System property
Workspace file
Environment variable
System property
Workspace file
Environment variable
Items 1-4 are personal access tokens, 5-8 deploy tokens and 9 is job token. Workspace in items 4 and 8 refers to directory where build.mill
is (Task.workspace
in mill terms).
Because contents of $CI_JOB_TOKEN
is checked publishing should just work when run in Gitlab CI/CD pipeline. If you want something else than default lookup configuration can be overridden. There are different ways of configuring token resolving.
Configuring token lookup
Override search places
If you want to change environment variable names, property names of paths where plugin looks for token. It can be done by overriding their respective values in GitlabTokenLookup
. For example:
override def tokenLookup: GitlabTokenLookup = new GitlabTokenLookup {
override def personalTokenEnv = "MY_TOKEN"
override def deployTokenFile: os.Path = os.root/"etc"/"tokens"/"gitlab-deploy-token"
override def personalTokenFileWD = os.RelPath(".mill/gitlab/token.file")
This still keeps the default search order, but allows changes to places where to look from.
Add or change tokenSearchOrder
If the original search order is too wide, or you would like to add places to look, you can override the tokenSearchOrder
. Example below ignores default search order and adds five places to search from.
package build
// Personal, Env, Deploy etc types
import mill.contrib.gitlab.GitlabTokenLookup._
override def tokenLookup: GitlabTokenLookup = new GitlabTokenLookup {
// Just to add to default sequence set: super.tokenSearchOrder ++ Seq(...
override def tokenSearchOrder: Seq[GitlabToken] = Seq(
CustomHeader("my-header", Custom(myCustomTokenSource))
def myCustomTokenSource(): Result[String] = Right("foo")
There are two things happening here. First Gitlab needs right kind of token for right header.Personal
creates "Private-Token" header, Deploy
produces "Deploy-Token" and CIJob
creates "Job-Token". Finally, any custom header can be set with CustomHeader
Secondly, after token type plugin needs information where to load token from. There are five possibilities
: From environment variable -
: From system property -
: From file -
: File relative to workspace root. -
: Any() ⇒ Result[String]
Content of File
and WorkspaceFile
is trimmed, (usually at least \n at the end is present).
Override search logic completely
Modifying the lookup order with Custom
should be powerful enough but if really necessary one can also override GitlabPublishModules gitlabHeaders
. If for some reason you need to set multiple headers, this is currently the only way.
import mill.define.Task
import mill.api.Result.Success
// object foo ... with GitlabPublishModule {
override def gitlabHeaders(
props: Map[String, String] // System properties
): Task[GitlabAuthHeaders] = Task.Anon {
// This uses default lookup and ads custom headers
val access = tokenLookup.resolveGitlabToken(Task.env, props, Task.workspace)
val accessHeader = access.fold(_ => Seq.empty[(String, String)], _.headers)
accessHeader ++ Seq(
// Inject completely custom http headers
"header1" -> "value1",
"header2" -> "value2"
This example uses default token resolving logic and injects 2 custom headers ("header1" and "header2") to http requests to gitlab. Note that in this particular example, if token lookup fails, it is silently ignored (access.fold..)
Gitlab package registry dependency
Making mill to fetch package from gitlab package repository is simple:
import mill._, scalalib._, mill.scalalib.publish._
import coursier.MavenRepository
import coursier.core.Authentication
import $ivy.`com.lihaoyi::mill-contrib-gitlab:`
import mill.contrib.gitlab._
def repositoriesTask = Task.Anon {
super.repositoriesTask() ++ Seq(
Some(Authentication(Seq(("Private-Token", "<<private-token>>"))))))
However, we do not want to expose secrets in our build configuration.
We would like to use the same authentication mechanisms when publishing. This extension
provides trait GitlabMavenRepository
to ease that.
object myPackageRepository extends GitlabMavenRepository {
// Customize if needed, omit if unnecessary
// override def tokenLookup: GitlabTokenLookup = new GitlabTokenLookup {}
// Needed. Can also be ProjectRepository or InstanceRepository, depending on your gitlab instance
def gitlabRepository = GroupRepository("https://gitlab.local", "MY_GITLAB_GROUP")
object myModule extends ScalaModule {
def repositoriesTask = Task.Anon {
super.repositoriesTask() ++
has overridable def tokenLookup: GitlabTokenLookup
and you can use the same configuration mechanisms as described above.
Why the intermediate packageRepository
Nothing actually prevents you from implementing GitlabMavenRepository
trait with your module. Having a separate object makes configuration more sharable when you have multiple registries. So it is actually matter of taste.
About gitlab package registries
Gitlab supports instance, group and project registries (Gitlab documentation). When depending on multiple private packages is more convenient to depend on instance or group level registry. However, publishing is only possible to project registry and that is why GitlabPublishModule
requires a GitlabProjectRepository
Future development / caveats
Some maven / gitlab feature I’m missing?
More configuration, timeouts etc
Some other common token source / type I’ve overlooked
Container registry support with docker module
Other Gitlab auth methods? (deploy keys?, …)
Tested with Gitlab 15.2.2. Older versions might not work
Mill contrib artifactory and bintray modules source code
Gitlab documentation