Linting Java Projects

This page will discuss common topics around enforcing the code quality of Java codebases using the Mill build tool

Linting with ErrorProne

Error Prone augments the Java compiler’s type checker and detect common mistakes at compile time. Mill supports ErrorProne via ErrorProneModule: mix ErrorProneModule into your JavaModule and it will automatically run with every compilation.

build.mill (download, browse)
package build
import mill._, javalib._, errorprone._

object `package` extends RootModule with JavaModule with ErrorProneModule {
  def errorProneOptions = Seq("-XepAllErrorsAsWarnings")
src/example/ (browse)
package example;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

public class ShortSet {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Set<Short> s = new HashSet<>();
    for (short i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
      s.remove(i - 1);

When adding the ErrorProneModule to your JavaModule, the error-prone compiler plugin automatically detects various kind of programming errors.

> ./mill show errorProneOptions

> ./mill compile
[warn] .../src/example/  [CollectionIncompatibleType] Argument 'i - 1' should not be passed to this method; its type int is not compatible with its collection's type argument Short
[warn]       s.remove(i - 1);
[warn]               ^    (see
[warn] 1 warning
[warn]               ^
build.mill.scala: Enable ErrorProne in a module
package build
import mill._, scalalib._

import $ivy.`com.lihaoyi::mill-contrib-errorprone:`
import mill.contrib.errorprone.ErrorProneModule

object foo extends JavaModule with ErrorProneModule {


The following configuration options exist:

def errorProneVersion: T[String]

The error-prone version to use. Find the list of versions and changlog at

def errorProneOptions: T[Seq[String]]

Options directly given to the error-prone processor. Those are documented as "flags" at

Linting with Checkstyle

CheckstyleModule Performs quality checks on Java source files using Checkstyle and generates reports from these checks.

build.mill (download, browse)
package build
import mill._, javalib._, checkstyle._

object `package` extends RootModule with CheckstyleModule {
  def checkstyleVersion = "9.3"

To use this plugin in a Java/Scala module,

  1. Extend mill.contrib.checkstyle.CheckstyleModule.

  2. Define a configuration file checkstyle-config.xml.

  3. Run the checkstyle command.

> ./mill checkstyle # run checkstyle to produce a report, defaults to warning without error
...src/ Line contains a tab character...
...src/ Line contains a tab character...
...src/ Top-level class MyAnnotation1 has to reside in its own source file...
...src/ Top-level class Enum1 has to reside in its own source file...
...src/ Top-level class TestRequireThisEnum has to reside in its own source file...
Audit done.

> sed -i.bak 's/warning/error/g' checkstyle-config.xml # make checkstyle error on violations

> ./mill checkstyle
error: ...src/ Line contains a tab character...
...src/ Line contains a tab character...
...src/ Top-level class MyAnnotation1 has to reside in its own source file...
...src/ Top-level class Enum1 has to reside in its own source file...
...src/ Top-level class TestRequireThisEnum has to reside in its own source file...
Audit done.

> sed -i.bak 's/\t/    /g' src/

> rm src/

> ./mill checkstyle # after fixing the violations, checkstyle no longer errors
Audit done.

Checkstyle Flags

// if an exception should be raised when violations are found
./mill checkstyle --check

// if Checkstyle output report should be written to System.out
./mill checkstyle --stdout

Checkstyle Sources (optional)

// incorrect paths will cause a command failure
./mill checkstyle a/b

// you can specify paths relative to moduleDir
./mill checkstyle src/a/b

// process a single file
./mill checkstyle src/a/

// process multiple sources
./mill checkstyle src/a/b src/c/d src/e/

// process with flags
./mill checkstyle --check --stdout src/a/b src/c/d

// process all module sources
./mill checkstyle

Shared Checkstyle Configuration

To share checkstyle-config.xml across modules, adapt the following example.

import mill._
import mill.contrib.checkstyle.CheckstyleModule
import mill.scalalib._

object foo extends Module {

  object bar extends MyModule
  object baz extends Module {
    object fizz extends MyModule
    object buzz extends MyModule

  trait MyModule extends JavaModule with CheckstyleModule {

    override def checkstyleConfig = Task {
      api.PathRef(Task.workspace / "checkstyle-config.xml")


  • Version 6.3 or above is required for plain and xml formats.

  • Setting checkstyleOptions might cause failures with legacy versions.


This plugin extends the mill.contrib.checkstyle.CheckstyleModule with the ability to generate reports by applying XSL Transformations on a Checkstyle output report.

Auto detect XSL Transformations

XSLT files are detected automatically provided a prescribed directory structure is followed.

 * checkstyle-xslt
 *  ├─ html
 *  │   ├─ xslt0.xml
 *  │   └─ xslt1.xml
 *  └─ pdf
 *      ├─ xslt1.xml
 *      └─ xslt2.xml
 * html/xslt0.xml -> xslt0.html
 * html/xslt1.xml -> xslt1.html
 * pdf/xslt1.xml  -> xslt1.pdf
 * pdf/xslt2.xml  -> xslt2.pdf

Specify XSL Transformations manually

For a custom setup, adapt the following example.

import mill._
import mill.api.PathRef
import mill.contrib.checkstyle.CheckstyleXsltModule
import mill.contrib.checkstyle.CheckstyleXsltReport
import mill.scalalib._

object foo extends JavaModule with CheckstyleXsltModule {

    override def checkstyleXsltReports = Task {
          PathRef(moduleDir / "checkstyle-no-frames.xml"),
          PathRef(Task.dest / "checkstyle-no-frames.html"),

AutoFormatting with Palantir Java Format

Mill supports auto-formatting Java code via the Palantir Java Format project.

build.mill (download, browse)
package build

import mill._
import mill.javalib.palantirformat._

object `package` extends RootModule with PalantirFormatModule
src/ (browse)
public class A {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println("hello"); // indentation should be fixed

Palantir Java Format can be used on a per-module basis by inheriting from PalantirFormatModule and running the palanatirformat command on that module You can also use --check if you wish to error if the code is not formatted, which is useful in CI validation jobs to ensure code is formatted before merging.

> ./mill palantirformat --check    # check should fail initially
...checking format in 1 java sources ...
error: ...palantirformat aborted due to format error(s) (or invalid plugin settings/palantirformat options)

> ./mill palantirformat    # format all Java source files
...formatting 1 java sources ...

> ./mill palantirformat --check    # check should succeed now
...checking format in 1 java sources ...

You can also use Palantir Java Format globally on all JavaModules in your build by running mill.javalib.palantirformat.PalantirFormatModule/.

> ./mill mill.javalib.palantirformat.PalantirFormatModule/ # alternatively, use external module to check/format
...formatting 1 java sources ...

If entering the long fully-qualified module name mill.javalib.palantirformat.PalantirFormatModule/ is tedious, you can add an External Module Alias to give it a shorter name that’s easier to type

Code Coverage with Jacoco

Mill supports Java code coverage analysis via the mill-jacoco plugin. See the plugin repository documentation for more details:

Binary Compatibility Enforcement

If you want to lint against binary compatibility breakages, e.g. when developing an upstream library that downstream libraries may compile against, you can use the Lightbend Migration Manager (MiMa) tool via the mill-mima plugin. See the mill-mima documentation for more details: