JavaScript Build Examples
Example Builds for Real Projects
Mill comes bundled with example builds for real-world open-source projects, demonstrating how Mill can be used to build code outside of tiny example codebases:
library provides the easiest way to integrate
your JavaScript project with Ollama.
In this example we show how to integrate ollama-js
with mill,
showing off mill’s scalability with custom tasks and traits.
Using custom tasks we build our library and then prepare the bundled code to be used as an unmanaged dependcy (file-based package installation) for the mini example projects.
Project home:
Project Layout:
.build.mill ({mill-download-url}/[download], {mill-example-url}/example/thirdparty/ollama-js[browse])
package build
import mill., javascriptlib. import os._ import ujson._
trait OllamaModule extends TypeScriptModule { def moduleName = "ollama" def npmDeps = Seq("whatwg-fetch@3.6.20") def npmDevDeps = Seq( "@swc/core@1.10.12", "@types/whatwg-fetch@0.0.33", "unbuild@2.0.0" )
def packageJson = PackageJson( name = "ollama", version = "0.0.0", description = "Ollama Javascript library", main = "dist/index.cjs", module = "dist/index.mjs", types = "dist/index.d.ts", exports = ujson.Obj( "." -> ujson.Obj( "require" -> "./dist/index.cjs", "import" -> "./dist/index.mjs", "types" -> "./dist/index.d.ts" ), "./browser" -> ujson.Obj( "require" -> "./dist/browser.cjs", "import" -> "./dist/browser.mjs", "types" -> "./dist/browser.d.ts" ), "./*" -> "./*" ) )
def options = super.options() + ( "ts-node" -> ujson.Obj( "swc" -> ujson.True, "esm" -> ujson.True ) )
def compilerOptions = super.compilerOptions() + ( "noImplicitAny" -> ujson.True, "noImplicitThis" -> ujson.True, "strictNullChecks" -> ujson.True, "declarationMap" -> ujson.True, "skipLibCheck" -> ujson.True, "strict" -> ujson.True, "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames" -> ujson.True, "module" -> ujson.Str("ES2022"), "target" -> ujson.Str("es6"), "lib" -> ujson.Arr.from(Seq("es6", "es2018.asyncgenerator", "dom")) )
// disable declarations output in compile stage def runTypeCheck = false
// bundle ollama with `unbuild` def unbuild = Task { createNodeModulesSymlink() val out = compile().path
os.walk( out, skip = p => p.last == "node_modules" || p.last == "package-lock.json" ) .foreach(p => os.copy.over(p, T.dest / p.relativeTo(out), createFolders = true))"node_modules/.bin/unbuild", cwd = T.dest)
// prepare bundled ouptut to be used as `unmanagedDeps` in examples section. os.makeDir.all(T.dest / "ollama") os.copy(T.dest / "package.json", T.dest / "ollama" / "package.json") os.copy(T.dest / "dist", T.dest / "ollama" / "dist")
PathRef(T.dest / "ollama") } }
Here we take advantage of mill to reduce boiler plate code, providing clean, reusable traits specific to our many mini example usage projects found in `ollama-js` source. [source,scala,subs="attributes,verbatim"]
trait Examples extends TypeScriptModule { trait ExampleModule extends TypeScriptModule { def sources = Task.Sources(moduleDir) def mainFilePath = Task { compile().path / mainFileName() } def unmanagedDeps = Examples.this.unmanagedDeps() }
trait EsmModule extends ExampleModule { def enableEsm = true def runTypeCheck = false }
trait Es6Module extends ExampleModule { def compilerOptions = super.compilerOptions() + ( "module" -> ujson.Str("nodenext"), "moduleResolution" -> ujson.Str("nodenext"), "target" -> ujson.Str("es6") ) } }
object package
extends RootModule with OllamaModule with TsLintModule {
def npmLintDeps = Seq(
object test extends TypeScriptTests with TestModule.Vitest
object examples extends Examples { def unmanagedDeps = Seq(unbuild()) object abort extends ExampleModule { def mainFileName = "abort-all-requests.ts" }
object `fill-in-middle` extends EsmModule { def npmDeps = Seq("ollama@0.5.12") def mainFileName = "fill.ts" }
object multimodal extends EsmModule { def mainFileName = "multimodal.ts" }
object `pull-progress` extends EsmModule { def mainFileName = "pull.ts" }
object structured_outputs extends Es6Module { def npmDeps = Seq("zod@3.24.1", "zod-to-json-schema@3.24.1") def mainFileName = "structured-outputs.ts" }
object tools extends Es6Module { def mainFileName = "calculator.ts" } } }
// `unbuild`: The `unbuild` task defined in `OllamaModule`, uses the `unbuild` npm package to bundle the ollama-js project, it then prepares the output to be used as an unmanaged dependency `unmanagedDeps` for our example projects. See: // Example projects: All example projects featured in `examples/` do not have a `src` directory, they contain stand alone file(s) intended to be run independently with a command like `npx tsx <folder-name>/<file-name>.ts`. The `ExampleModule` trait configures the `sources` and `mainFilePath` task, accounting for the absence of `src` directory in the example projects. `EsmModule` enables esm, defining `compilerOptions` for select project with esm features, while the `Es6Module` defines compilerOptions for projects with `es6` features. Ordinarily the compile stages `mill compile` would build our `declarations` and or `dist` files (depending on configurations), but since we intend to use `unbuild` task to handle bundling we don't need this output from running the `tsc` command. We can turn of its generation by settig the task `runTypeCheck` to false. // User Defined JSON: // package.json [source,json]
{ "name": "ollama", "version": "0.0.0", "description": "Ollama Javascript library", "main": "dist/index.cjs", "module": "dist/index.mjs", "types": "dist/index.d.ts", "exports": { ".": { "require": "./dist/index.cjs", "import": "./dist/index.mjs", "types": "./dist/index.d.ts" }, "./browser": { "require": "./dist/browser.cjs", "import": "./dist/browser.mjs", "types": "./dist/browser.d.ts" }, "./": "./" }, "scripts": { "format": "prettier --write .", "test": "vitest --run", "build": "unbuild", "lint": "eslint ./src/*", "prepublishOnly": "npm run build" }, "homepage": "", "repository": { … }, "author": "Saul Boyd", "license": "MIT", "devDependencies": { … }, "dependencies": { … } }
// tsconfig.json [source,json]
{ "compilerOptions": { "noImplicitAny": false, "noImplicitThis": true, "strictNullChecks": true, "esModuleInterop": true, "declaration": true, "declarationMap": true, "skipLibCheck": true, "strict": true, "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true, "moduleResolution": "node", "module": "ES2022", "outDir": "./dist", "target": "ES6", "lib": [ "es6", "es2018.asyncgenerator", "dom" ] },
"ts-node": { "swc": true, "esm": true, },
"include": ["./src/**/*.ts"],
"exclude": ["node_modules"] }
/mill checkFormatPrettier # expected failures, equivalent of runningprettier --check .
… Checking formatting… [warn] examples/abort/abort-all-requests.ts [warn] examples/abort/abort-single-request.ts [warn] examples/structured_outputs/structured-outputs-image.ts [warn] examples/structured_outputs/structured-outputs.ts [warn] examples/tools/calculator.ts [warn] examples/tools/flight-tracker.ts [warn] src/browser.ts [warn] src/constant.ts [warn] src/index.ts [warn] src/interfaces.ts [warn] src/utils.ts [warn] test/utils.test.ts …
/mill reformatPrettier # fixes code style issues with prettier, equivalent of runningnpm run format
… examples/abort/abort-all-requests.ts… examples/abort/abort-single-request.ts… examples/fill-in-middle/fill.ts… examples/multimodal/multimodal.ts… examples/pull-progress/pull.ts… examples/structured_outputs/structured-outputs-image.ts… examples/structured_outputs/structured-outputs.ts… examples/tools/calculator.ts… examples/tools/flight-tracker.ts… src/browser.ts… src/constant.ts… src/index.ts… src/interfaces.ts… src/utils.ts… src/version.ts… test/index.test.ts… test/utils.test.ts… All matched files have been reformatted!
/mill checkFormatPrettier # no more failures after formatting, equivalent of runningprettier --check .
… Checking formatting… All matched files use Prettier code style!
/mill test # Run vitest, this would be the equivalent of thenpm run test
command… …/index.test.ts (15 tests) … …/utils.test.ts (5 tests) … … …Test Files 2 passed (2) … Tests 20 passed (20) …
/mill…Aborting all requests…
/mill…syscall: 'connect', …address: '', …port: 11434 …
/mill…syscall: 'connect', …address: '', …port: 11434 …
/mill…syscall: 'connect', …address: '', …port: 11434 …
/mill…syscall: 'connect', …address: '', …port: 11434 …
/mill…syscall: 'connect', …address: '', …port: 11434 …