Caching in Mill

Mill has a multi-layered approach to caching: every step in the Mill Evaluation Model is cached if possible, re-using prior results rather than computing them from scratch. This helps ensure the overall workflow remains fast even for large projects.

Caching Per Phase

This section will discuss the caching that Mill performs in each phase of Mill’s Evaluation Model:


  • If there were changes in build.mill or package.mill files, compilation is done incrementally using the Scala incremental compiler Zinc. Typically, this limits compilation to the .mill files you changed, though the exact about of caching and reuse that occurs may vary depending on the nature of the code change.

  • If no .mill files were changed, this phase is skipped entirely.


  • In the common case where the build.mill and package.mill files were not changed - and re-compilation of th .mill files did not occur - any Module objects instantiated during previous resolutions are kept around and re-used.

  • If re-compilation of .mill files did occur due to a code change, then all Module objects are discarded along with their enclosing classloader, and re-instantiated using the latest code


  • Planning is relatively quick most of the time, and is not currently cached.


  • Mill Tasks are evaluated in dependency order

  • Default cached Tasks only re-evaluate if their input Tasks have their value change.

  • Persistent Taskss preserve the Task.dest folder on disk between runs, allowing for finer-grained caching than Mill’s default task-by-task caching and invalidation

  • Workers are kept in-memory between runs where possible, and only invalidated if their input Tasks change as well.

  • Tasks in general are invalidated if the code they depend on changes, at a method-level granularity via callgraph reachability analysis. See #2417 for more details


  • Mill’s bootstrapping process essentially involves running the four phases above, but for the meta-build rather than the primary build. All the caching techniques described above apply the same for Mill’s bootstrap builds as they do for the primary build.

Debugging Mill Caching Issues

To dig into how Mill’s execution caching, you can look at the following files:

  • mill-profile.json: this file is generated during every Mill evaluation, and contains a "cached": boolean flag for each task indicating whether or not that task was cached.

  • mill-invalidation-tree.json: this file groups together the un-cached files in a tree structure according to their task dependencies. It is useful to find the "root" uncached tasks, which are the cause of downstream tasks having their caches invalidated.

  • codeSignatures spanningInvalidationTree: this file contains information about tasks whose caches were invalidated due to code changes in the build.mill or package.mill files, and again shows a tree of invalidated method signatures organized into a tree using their call graph dependenceis. This is most useful to figure out why a code change in your .mill files ended up changing some task’s code signature, causing it to miss the cache and be re-computed

Consequences of Caching in Mill

This approach to caching does assume a certain programming style inside your Mill build:

  • Mill may-or-may-not instantiate the modules in your build.mill the first time you run something (due to laziness)

  • Mill may-or-may-not re-instantiate the modules in your build.mill in subsequent runs (due to caching)

  • Mill may-or-may-not re-execute any particular task depending on caching, but your code needs to work either way.

  • Execution of any task may-or-may-not happen in parallel with other unrelated tasks, and may happen in arbitrary order

Your build code code needs to work regardless of which order they are executed in. However, for code written in a typical Scala style (which tends to avoid side effects), and limits filesystem operations to the Task.dest folder, this is not a problem at all.

One thing to note is for code that runs during Resolution: any reading of external mutable state needs to be wrapped in an interp.watchValue{…​} wrapper. This ensures that Mill knows where these external reads are, so that it can check if their value changed and if so re-instantiate RootModule with the new value.